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Hi!!! Big Grin

Hrm, I hate exercise of the type you're describing, but I can also get addicted to it if I force myself through it regularly enough.

However, I LOVE playing sports. I think I need something with a more immediate goal (i.e. the game or trying to hone a particular skill that day) than only a long-term goal. I guess I don't do well with delayed gratification? No patience. So, I do best if I do exercises that have both very short-term/immediate and long-term goals involved.

I don't know if that relates at all to your question though.
I wouldnt step foot in an aerobics hall, my boobs do all sorts of weird stuff if i have to start jumping around and short of duck tape nothing keeps them proper

Oh my goodness, this just cracked me up! (i can sooo relate!!)
~That's for those of us upper-balance challenged! Wink

Ok, on a more serious note, I realllly do not like exercising. Bless my T's heart, he is a fitness buff and is totally (and patiently!) helping exercise to become "egosyntonic" versus "dystonic" to me. (i had to wikipedia those, even after he explained them - twice!)

So he's helped me develop and implement a fitness routine, and because of HIM, I stick with it. I'm not at that "egosyntonic" point yet, where it feels comfortable to me, but I'm doing things I never thought I'd be doing, like riding a spinbike for an hour, 4-5x a week, and working out on a homegym a few times a week also. That is SO not me (obviously still egodystonic, huh?) Wink

I do feel like with patience, persistence, and a great T, there is hope, but boy do I understand NOT liking this exercise stuff! (btw, I'm adopted, and my entire adoptive family is fitness-minded. I was the artistic one, hehe!)

Hi pf... I HATE to exercise. I have tried so many things and I still hate it. My dh is a total nut about running. He is always running races and trains religiously. I look at him like he's an alien LOL.

I think I hate exercise because I always try not to acknowledge or feel my body in any way. When I exercise my body starts to feel different and that freaks me out and then I get a lot of anxiety about what this and that pain is and if my heart is racing too fast, etc.

Right now I started a walking program which I can do indoors until the weather gets nicer but it's a half hour of agony for me and I try to dissociate during that time.

Hahahahahaha Lillie's about the boobs thing. I have to wear 2 sports bras to keep the girls in check and even the it's like they just do whatever they please. It's so annoying!

As for my answer, I like to take walks slash jogs around the campus and when I'm home i like to walk around the park and jog around the neighborhood. It kicks my butt every time since its very hilly. I prefer to do yoga though. It's much more calming and relaxing and it helps me to keep my flexibility since my ankle injury 4 years ago prevents me from being able to do ballet or a lot of other dance anymore.
It is something I wish I liked doing but it bores me to absolute death. I get instant ADHD when I start to exercise. I do occasionally play a team sport and I like the interaction with the other ladies. At the end of the game when you are stuffed and sweating - that feels good, but it is short lived. I might be doing more walking next year when we move house. That will be better for me I think.
Hey ((((pf)))) what a cack thread!!! love it!! Me - in the past taught many sports and gymnastics and played many sports myself - team and individual stuff, but now, walking the dog - lots - does it for me (does housework qualify as exercise??) - still manage to clock up to 10,000 steps many days!!! sheesh, no wonder I'm tired eh pf??? xxx

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