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1.what was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult?
2.what chore do you hate doing the most?
3.what sound do you love?
The sound of the sea
4.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Hand gliding
5.what would you like to change about yourself this year?
Ermmm I'm not sure
6.If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
A plane ticket to Australia
7.If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?
No idea
8.when you have free time, what do you do the most?
Sleep lol
9. what's the hardest thing you have ever done?
Therapy you have any family traditions?
Wearing PJ's all day on Christmas
11. when you travel away from home and then return.what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door?
How much mess my boys have made lol
12.If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?
Not sure
13.your favourite flower is?
14. can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special.
A flute from my son coz I always wanted one as a child
15.Toffee popcorn or salted?
Has to be toffee
16.If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?
Have to thing about this one
17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?
No nothing
18.lie in bed or get up?
Get up
19.what was the first thing you bought with your own money?
20.As a bit of a laugh,if you could pick your family,who would you pick?
Will have to think about this one too lol


"If you will only love me in my dreams, then please let me sleep forever."
Draggers, cool list of questions and I loved reading your and Luci's answers. Looking forward to reading more answers from other people. Smiler

1.what was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult?
Child - chocolate pudding with graham cracker crust, neighbor behind us made it
Teenager- Nothing stands out
Adult - thai food, can't get enough peanuts or coconut flavoring Smiler

2.what chore do you hate doing the most?
Mowing the lawn

3.what sound do you love?
Waves on the beach, sound of my Ts voice

4.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
To write really superb fiction.

5.what would you like to change about yourself this year?
my understanding of why I eat the way I do

6.If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
Lawn care

7.If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?
Lizzie in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

8.when you have free time, what do you do the most?

9. what's the hardest thing you have ever done?
Faced the griefs of my childhood you have any family traditions?
lots and lots mainly centered around Christmas and Vacation
We always watch the Disney Christmas parade on Christmas Day (combines the two Smiler)

11. when you travel away from home and then return.what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door?
How good the water tastes. Smiler

12.If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?
Yellowstone National Park - incredibly beautiful unspoiled wilderness with amazing animals, not to mention hotsprings, and waterfalls. The national park hotels are pretty awesome also (Close second, New York City, because it's such a vibrant place with incredible cultural opportunities).

13.your favourite flower is?
Purple iris

14. can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special.
My 40th birthday present from my husband. He threw a surprise party (which included a memorial service for my youth, with a tombstone, full sized coffin and appearance by Death) and had rented one of those giant inflatable boxing rings with the giant gloves to keep all the children amused. At one point in the party, they called me to a ring and a good friend got in the ring with me dressed in a mask and clothing of a particularly disliked political figure whom I got to "beat up" as my birthday present. The funniest present I've ever gotten.

15.Toffee popcorn or salted?
Toffee popcorn (I think we'd call it caramel corn, but what do we know we're Americans? Big Grin)

16.If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?
It is better to place a millstone about your neck and throw yourself into the ocean, than to hurt a child.

17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?
Not that I remember

18.lie in bed or get up?
lie in bed every day and twice on Sundays Big Grin Favorite part of a relaxing vacation is turning over as many times as I wish before I get up.

19.what was the first thing you bought with your own money?
Wow, no clue, but knowing me it was a book

20.As a bit of a laugh,if you could pick your family,who would you pick?
My T's family.
1.what was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult?
crab legs, shrimp, probably impossible to decide now
2.what chore do you hate doing the most?
anything to do with scheduling
3.what sound do you love?
acoustic guitar music, rain, wind chimes
4.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Play classical guitar or maybe violin
5.what would you like to change about yourself this year?
Not really myself, but I want to make more friends here
6.If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
Celebratory dinner for everyone I know
7.If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?
Gandalf from LOTR
8.when you have free time, what do you do the most?
Read this forum, apparently
9. what's the hardest thing you have ever done?
Probably therapy... you have any family traditions?
Not since I got married and moved away
11. when you travel away from home and then return.what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door?
It smells like hay because of the rabbit.
12.If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?
It depends on the person, but either New York or one of the national parks.
13.your favourite flower is?
Can't pick a favorite but honeysuckle is my favorite smelling one.
14. can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special.
Scrabble set my best friend made me by hand.
15.Toffee popcorn or salted?
16.If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?
Treat other how you want to be treated.
17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?
I had a favorite teddy bear, but my mom has it now.
18.lie in bed or get up?
19.what was the first thing you bought with your own money?
Probably candy.
20.As a bit of a laugh,if you could pick your family,who would you pick?
I dunno if I can fire my current family, but I would adopt my best friend as my sister and my T could be my aunt if she wanted.
1.what was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult?
child- it's hard to pick out one thing that stands out, but I know I loved pb&j
teenager- toast with peanut butter (I sense a theme...)
adult- chocolate? ha. Except sometimes I'm not in the mood for something sweet. I don't think I really have one favorite thing.

2.what chore do you hate doing the most?
washing floors

3.what sound do you love?
heavy rainfall with some light rumbling thunder

4.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
write fiction well enough to live on it

5.what would you like to change about yourself this year?
I would really like to find a job that I feel okay and productive in. But most of I'll I'd like to learn how to let go of as much fear as possible.

6.If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
A vacation to Banff. I've always wanted to go.

7.If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?
Hmm...that's tough. I'd have to really think about that one, but Christine from Phantom of the Opera would be pretty cool!

8.when you have free time, what do you do the most?
Read and go on the computer

9. what's the hardest thing you have ever done?
Probably move away from home for university when I was 17 to a city where I knew basically no one. And then persevere and finish the degree. you have any family traditions?
One that comes to mind is going to my grandmother's house for Christmas dinner. It's a really nice small gathering.

11. when you travel away from home and then return.what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door?
That distinctive smell that each home seems to have.

12.If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?
Banff because I really want to go too Wink! It's beautiful.

13.your favourite flower is?

14. can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special.
The one that comes to mind is the first gift I received from a really important attachment figure in my life when I was finishing high school. It was a bottle of perfume. It meant a lot to me because of who gave it to me of course, and also that she knew me well enough to pick something I'd like. I still have it.

15.Toffee popcorn or salted?
I like both and it depends on what I'm craving. But I'd go with toffee.

16.If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?
Respect the environment.

17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?
I had many stuffed animals, but there is one I loved the most and it is the one I still have. It was a bear given to me by my dad when I was one. I carried it everywhere for years.

18.lie in bed or get up?
get up

19.what was the first thing you bought with your own money?
I have no idea!

20.As a bit of a laugh,if you could pick your family,who would you pick?
I'm going to have to say my T's family as well even though that's kind of risky seeing I don't know them! But if it means I'd get to see my T all the time well then... Big Grin
1.what was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult?
As a child I loved colcannon - a mashed potato and onion ring containing a milky, buttery puddle...but can't seem to get the right potatoes over here (Irish potatoes are best...). Don't remember liking anything particularly as a teenager and now - I love most food (but potatoes in all forms feature highly)
2.what chore do you hate doing the most?
Washing up
3.what sound do you love?
Waves crashing onto a pebbly beach
4.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Sail or play the piano with 2 hands!
5.what would you like to change about yourself this year?
My eating habits
6.If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
A modest cottage in a small seaside village
7.If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?
Will have to think about this one...

8.when you have free time, what do you do the most?
Walk - or watch ER!
9. what's the hardest thing you have ever done?
Therapy...cos it's made me realise how hard some things in the past really were! you have any family traditions?
11. when you travel away from home and then return.what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door?
The cat desperate for some juicy chunks (don't worry - he isn't left to starve but whenever I return, he thinks it's dinner time)
12.If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?
The north yorkshire coast - a delightful balance of unspoilt wilderness and quaint english seasideyness
13.your favourite flower is?
iris (surprisingly...)
14. can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special.
My grandfather gave me a tin whistle - he spent hours teaching me to play jigs and reels by ear with patience and perseverance

15.Toffee popcorn or salted?
16.If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?
Remember that there is usually a vulnerable person hiding in everyone.

17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?
It's a lamb and yes, still have him
18.lie in bed or get up?
Get up
19.what was the first thing you bought with your own money?
A book - Enid Blyton's faraway tree stories, I think
20.As a bit of a laugh,if you could pick your family,who would you pick?
Mmmm... I don't know - will come back to this one too!
Here's my answers:
1. Marmite (still is) Big Grin
2. Ironing - we have a PhD in avoiding that one !
3. Geese honking as they fly overhead
4. Play the clarinet or learn to sing
5. Have better eating habits
6. A home of my own that I don't have to rent
7. Mouse in The Gruffalo Embarrassed
8. Watch old movies on DVD
9. Contact T via text (to shy to speak) and ask if she would see me
10. Yes, we never have turkey at Christmas (don't ask !)
11. Used to be my late cat Frowner now its more than sense of phew to be back home
12. The Ards Pennisula in Northern Ireland...sea, sand, rocks, mountains, farmland all with a short car ride of each other
13. Sunflowers
14. No
15. Toffee every time
16. Talk to the older person who starts chatting to you on the bus...because you may just be the only person they talk to all day
17. No....but we have made up with it with 3 teddy bears Big Grin
18. Get up
19. A book but I can't remember what one
20. If I could swap what we have then, it would have to be T as a sister, maybe she could teach me to look that co-ordinated fashion wise , she never looks scruffy unlike us
I love these kinds of posts, thanks draggers.

1.what was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult?
Child: Candy
Teenager: Pizza
Adult: I'll try almost anything I really like soups

2.what chore do you hate doing the most?
Washing dishes - it dries my hands I hate it.

3.what sound do you love?
Cat purr

4.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

5.what would you like to change about yourself this year?
My incessant self-hatred

6.If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
Jars of Golden brand acrylics (real paint, instead of the stuff I use now)

7.If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?
Katniss from Hunger Games only.. never having to be in Hunger Games

8.when you have free time, what do you do the most?
Paint, sleep and walk.

9. what's the hardest thing you have ever done?
Leave my country you have any family traditions?
Not really, I'm sort of "family-less" at the moment but I'm setting up my own stuff

11. when you travel away from home and then return.what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door?

12.If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?
San Francisco - When I lived there for a very very short time and visited I was captivated/excited

13.your favourite flower is?

14. can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special.
A handmade card from an ex it was special because he made it and it folded out and was super long and had/said all my favorite things.

15.Toffee popcorn or salted?
Halfway - Kettle corn.

16.If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?
Honesty - even if it really sucks to do.

17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?
Gunther the gorilla and yes.

18.lie in bed or get up?
In bed all day if I could even remotely tolerate eating in bed.

19.what was the first thing you bought with your own money?

20.As a bit of a laugh,if you could pick your family,who would you pick?
My most recent ex's family (the whole lot of them)
1.What was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult?
As a kid I loved cereal, as a teen I loved pizza, as an adult... I love cereal!

2.What chore do you hate doing the most?
Um, all of them? Especially cleaning the bathroom.

3.What sound do you love?
Children's laughter, my Ts voice.

4.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Photographer, Film Director

5.What would you like to change about yourself this year?
Same as Cat - I would like to stop hating myself. First step, I guess, would be to start taking care of myself.

6.If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
I'd pay off my parents mortgage so they wouldn't have to worry about losing their house anymore. Then I'd buy a good camera Smiler

7.If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?
Anne Shirley or Pollyanna, or maybe Alice Cullen

8.When you have free time, what do you do the most?
Waste time online or sleep. Both sound good right now!

9. What's the hardest thing you have ever done?
Hmmm.... saying goodbye to my horse was excruciating. Sever ties with my family for 9 months was hard, too.

10.Do you have any family traditions?
I wish...

11. When you travel away from home and then return.what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door?
Same as Cat - the smell - smells stale or something!

12.If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?
Either Santa Monica cause I love it there, or the Berkshires in Mass, cause it is so peaceful and calm there.

13.Your favourite flower is?
Sunflowers or Hydrangea

14. Can you remember a favourite present, if you can, what was it and what made it special.
I really can't remember any special present... Nothing stands out as extra special. In fact, no present stands out at all.

15.Toffee popcorn or salted?
Ditto what Cat said! Halfway - Kettle corn.

16.If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?
Integrity, even if I'm flying solo.

17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?
Froggy, and I wish I still had him... my mom threw him out when we moved when I was ten Frowner

18.Lie in bed or get up?
I can, and have, laid in bed all day. I even have my iphone/ipad charger within reach so I can be online and/or listen to music if I'm so inclined.

19.What was the first thing you bought with your own money?
I'm sure it was something for my horse!

20.As a bit of a laugh, if you could pick your family, who would you pick?
This is tough - there are two families I absolutely adore, both are families of former students, and I still keep in regular contact with them.

This was kinda fun! Thanks for posting it!
Fun thread- I love reading everyone's replies.

1. What was your favourite food when you were a child? Teenager? Adult?

Child: Cheese fondue
Teenager: Pomelo
Adult: Braised short ribs

2. What chore do you hate doing the most?
Mowing the lawn for sure, which is why the grass in my back yard is about 2 feet tall right now.

3. What sound do you love?
The sounds of a really heavy thunderstorm.

4. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Auto repair.

5. What would you like to change about yourself this year?
I’d like to try dating, scary as it is to me.

6. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
My childhood home.

7. If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?
Veronica Mars.

8. When you have free time, what do you do the most?
It used to be World of Warcraft, but I have finally kicked that addiction, so now I’d have to say sleep.

9. What's the hardest thing you have ever done?
Talking to my mother about my childhood. It was horrible to see her realize that I had been hurt and she hadn’t protected me.

10. Do you have any family traditions?
Childhood- My family is Jewish, and we would spend each Christmas skiing in Vermont. The slopes would get crowded after Christmas, but on Christmas day, they were gloriously empty.

Adult- My friends are my adult family. We created a new holiday called Friendsgiving, which is just like Thanksgiving, except it happens in the beginning of November and you don’t have to deal with your family and there is no stress.

11. When you travel away from home and then return, what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door?
Usually that the cats are pointedly ignoring me as payback for me leaving them alone.

12. If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?
Either Yellowstone, where the landscape is just so alien and animals are really cool, or the Assateague Island, because I love the beach and there are wild ponies there.

13. Your favourite flower is?

14. Can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special.
Before she died, my grandmother gave me her most treasured possession- the medal that her mother had earned at the Tsarina’s school in Kiev in the late 1800s for being the best student in her school.

15. Toffee popcorn or salted?
Really, it’s white cheddar popcorn for me. But I’d go with salted over toffee.

16. If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?
I don’t know if I’d call it a moral, but I try really hard to see the common humanity in everyone, and to not demonize others who have different viewpoint than I do.

17. If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?
I had a stuffed lamb called Lambie who I adored. When I was about 5 years old, I was asleep in the back seat of the car, and my little brother was holding her, and somehow she flew out the window. He was too scared to say anything, so by the time I woke up and realized she was missing, it was too late to try to find her. I knew it was a mistake, but it was really hard to forgive him.

18. Lie in bed or get up?
I love to sleep, but once I wake up for good, I’m out of the bed.

19. What was the first thing you bought with your own money?
The first big thing I remember was a trip to England with my high school drama club. I’ve always been a saver, so making the choice to spend the money was a big deal, but the trip ended up being amazing.

20. As a bit of a laugh, if you could pick your family, who would you pick?
My best friend’s family, no doubt about it. They already call me their daughter, and think of me as part of their family.
Posted 23 June 2012 04:40 AM
1.what was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult?
Child-spaghetti and meatballs teenager-pizza adult-potatoes in any form

2.what chore do you hate doing the most?
taking out the garbage

3.what sound do you love?

4.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
play a musical instrument

5.what would you like to change about yourself this year?
must be a running theme....hate myself less

6.If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
luxury box at Lambeau Field Greebay WI

7.If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?
Bewitched. She could anywhere fast with the wiggle of the nose. so cool!

8.when you have free time, what do you do the most?
Lovely sweet nothing.

9. what's the hardest thing you have ever done?
It's right now. Doing my life different when I don't want to, right now. you have any family traditions?
Christmas Eve all day eatfest of appetizers and snacks with my family.

11. when you travel away from home and then return.what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door?
I notice it is absolutely the only place I can be myself.

12.If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?
I would take them to the Dane County Farmers Market in Madison WI on a beautiful Saturday morning. It is simply incredible.

13.your favourite flower is?

14. can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special.
My first bike. My dad bought it for me. He told me if I made him mad enough, he would buy me a bike.

15.Toffee popcorn or salted?
Definitely salted. Love the salt.

16.If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?

17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?
Stuffed weiner dog I received the day I was born. Still have it.

18.lie in bed or get up?
No contest, lie in bed.

19.what was the first thing you bought with your own money?
Most likely candy as a kid. I still love candy.

20.As a bit of a laugh,if you could pick your family,who would you pick?
Even though I don't think my mom ever got me, she has been gone 15 years now and I miss her everday and I would really like a do over and get it right this time.
1.what was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult?
child: peanut butter and honey sandwich
teenager: pizza
adult: Chinese

2.what chore do you hate doing the most?
emptying the dishwasher

3.what sound do you love?
the wind, especially before a storm

4.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

5.what would you like to change about yourself this year?
my confidence

6.If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
a cabin in the Rocky Mountains

7.If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?

Dori from Nemo...sometimes forgetting might be a blessing Smiler

8.when you have free time, what do you do the most?
play the piano, read, write

9. what's the hardest thing you have ever done?
Reporting my father which led him to committ suicide. you have any family traditions?
Only my immediate family together on Christmas Eve. And we say a prayer before every meal Smiler

11. when you travel away from home and then return.what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door?
It's so clean and bigger than I remember, even though it's a small home
12.If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?
Any National Park in Utah - they're all awe inspiring...
13.your favourite flower is?
14. can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special.
Yes, but it's too triggering to talk about
15.Toffee popcorn or salted?
16.If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?
treat others the way you would want to be treated
17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?l
I had a blankie, and I still have it...well, what's left of it!
18.lie in bed or get up?
Lie in bed as long as possible
19.what was the first thing you bought with your own money?
hmmm...probably a book
20.As a bit of a laugh,if you could pick your family,who would you pick?
that's a tough one...hmmmm...
1.what was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult?
Child - no idea; teenager - chocolate; adult - sushi.

2.what chore do you hate doing the most?
Dusting. I'm an asthmatic so if I don't dust often I get wheezy, but dusting itself makes me wheeze so I hate doing it.

3.what sound do you love?
My son's laugh when something has really cracked him up.

4.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Teach. Volunteering at my son's school over the past five years has made me realise I could have been a pretty awesome primary school teacher. Due to a variety of factors, it's not going to happen now.

5.what would you like to change about yourself this year?
I'd like to listen to my mind a little less and my body a little more. Okay, a lot more. It's trying to tell me stuff, but I'm afraid to hear it and so I still dissociate too fast, too often.

6.If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
A plane ticket to Melbourne, where I'd buy a house and then rent it out until my son leaves home and I can move over there for good.

7.If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?
Donna Noble (Doctor Who. But I'd rewrite her ending.)

8.when you have free time, what do you do the most?
Listen to music. Worry.

9. what's the hardest thing you have ever done?
Therapy with my current T (because I seem to have decided he's the one person I'm going to tell everything to - even the stuff I don't yet know myself). you have any family traditions?
Not really.

11. when you travel away from home and then return.what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door?
How it feels safer than anywhere else.

12.If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?
Around the coastline near my home because it's scenic and wild and I would feel comfortable there.

13.your favourite flower is?
Red tulips and yellow roses.

14. can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special.
The cards my son makes for me are always favourites.

15.Toffee popcorn or salted?

16.If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?
Live with integrity.

17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?
No idea about when I was a child, but when I was a teen a boyfriend gave me a little stuffed rabbit which I still have.

18.lie in bed or get up?
Get up on weekdays, lie in bed with my son and listen to Storytime on the radio on Saturdays, lie in bed reading for at least an hour on rainy Sundays.

19.what was the first thing you bought with your own money?
No idea, but I do remember buying my first record when I was a teen.

20.As a bit of a laugh,if you could pick your family,who would you pick?
Fiction: The Tenth Doctor, Donna Noble & Captain Jack Harkness. Although I think I'd prefer it if Captain Jack was my boyfriend. Wink
For reals: My friends (as long as we don't have to live under the same roof) and my T (I think he'd make a cool brother).
1.what was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult?
Child--ice cream sandwiched between chocolate chip cookies Smiler
Teenage-- Taco Bell, I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit!
Adult-- lentil soup

2.what chore do you hate doing the most?
grocery shopping. Such a pain. I hate the fluorescent lights and the crowds.

3.what sound do you love?
Baby cooing. Smiler

4.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
I'd like to learn a few more languages. Would also love to be able to write amazing as opposed to mediocre poetry.

5.what would you like to change about yourself this year?
Well, I would love to lose all the baby weight and return to my pre pregnancy size!

6.If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
My house. It would feel cool not to have a mortgage.

7.If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?
Jane Eyre, of course!

8.when you have free time, what do you do the most?

9. what's the hardest thing you have ever done?
quit the church my father leads you have any family traditions?
Nothing special comes to mind.

11. when you travel away from home and then return.what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door?
Unfortunately, mostly these days I just notice how messy it is and kick myself for not being more organized.

12.If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?
New Orleans. I grew up near there and like it.

13.your favourite flower is?
probably azaleas. They remind me of home.

14. can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special.
I have this little rag doll that an online friend gave me. It just exudes the most wonderful personality-- quirky, individual, upbeat, happy. Makes me smile.

15.Toffee popcorn or salted?

16.If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?
Don't write in library books. :P

17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?
I had a toucan. Big Grin Alas, he is no more.

18.lie in bed or get up?

19.what was the first thing you bought with your own money?
ice cream

20.As a bit of a laugh,if you could pick your family,who would you pick?
I'd keep my siblings. Maybe adopt T as mom and as dad. . . I don't really know. Perhaps C.S. Lewis.
1.what was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult?
Gummy bears/lasagne/lasagne

2.what chore do you hate doing the most?
Window wiping

3.what sound do you love?
The sound of ice cubes inside of a glass

4.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Iceskating (it's just so pretty!)

5.what would you like to change about yourself this year?
Improve my self confidence

6.If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
A house at the beach

7.If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?
Kim Possible :P

8.when you have free time, what do you do the most?

9. what's the hardest thing you have ever done? Starting life in a different country on my own you have any family traditions?
My mum's egg pudding, that she cooks whenever it's a special occasion

11. when you travel away from home and then return.what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door? The smell

12.If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?
To the beach, because it's the place I love the most

13.your favourite flower is?
Wisteria flower

14. can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special.
The sony walkman my dad gave me on my 12th birthday, it was exactly what I wanted and I couldn't believe my dad actually took the time to pick it for me.

15.Toffee popcorn or salted?

16.If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?
No hurting people

17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?
I did, it was a small bright orange monkey. It's probably in my parents attic now but I slept with it for many years :P

18.lie in bed or get up? Lie in Big Grin

19.what was the first thing you bought with your own money? Books probably. I was (and still am) crazy about reading everything I could put my hands on.

20.As a bit of a laugh,if you could pick your family,who would you pick? My T and Jeremy Irons (he has a good voice)
Hi, cool questions!

Been away from the forum for a while, but I'm back now...

1.what was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult?
spagetti and anything red??? and roasts; pasta and roasts

2.what chore do you hate doing the most?

3.what sound do you love?
the sea and crashing waves

4.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
learn to fly

5.what would you like to change about yourself this year?
just get back to a manageable place

6.If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
I'd pay for my old T to hold me (ridiculous hey!) then I'd fly back home and pay for a super special holiday with my family and friends.

7.If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?
don't really do fiction characters....I like those penguins on Madagascar, but I wouldn't like to be them all day

8.when you have free time, what do you do the most?
go to the beach, photography, reading, writing

9. what's the hardest thing you have ever done?
therapy without a question and especially dealing with my old T terminating my therapy. especially that! you have any family traditions?
family Christmas'

11. when you travel away from home and then return.what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door?
the smell most probably

12.If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?
I'd love to say but that would reveal where I stay - not ready for that yet

13.your favourite flower is?
that plant called the "Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow. I think its also called Kiss me quick

14. can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special.
a microlight flight.....whooohooooo \0/ - love flying!

15.Toffee popcorn or salted?

16.If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?
Stand up for what you believe in

17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?

18.lie in bed or get up?
get up

19.what was the first thing you bought with your own money?
carpeted a room in my mothers house

20.As a bit of a laugh,if you could pick your family,who would you pick?
I'd choose my family for sure - no matter what and even though it wasn't always perfect I'd still choose them.
Hi Draggers, been away but enjoyed reading these..ok here's my contribution:

1.what was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult?
Sweets; pasta; fish and seafood.
2.what chore do you hate doing the most?
Changing the beds
3.what sound do you love?
Babies laughing
4.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Speak more languages
5.what would you like to change about yourself this year?
My time management Wink
6.If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
A treat for DH and my children ...and pay the mortgage off Smiler
7.If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?
Love Winnie The Pooh Draggers, so maybe I'll be Piglet
8.when you have free time, what do you do the most?
9. what's the hardest thing you have ever done?
Start therapy....continue with therapy you have any family traditions?
Stockings for everybody at Christmas, even the adults!
11. when you travel away from home and then return.what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door?
The sun's probably not shining Big Grin
12.If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?
The Tower of London - I love it Smiler
13.your favourite flower is?
14. can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special.
A bicycle that wasn't a hand-me-down from my brother
15.Toffee popcorn or salted?
Salted every time
16.If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?
17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?
A teddy - yes I do
18.lie in bed or get up?
Get up
19.what was the first thing you bought with your own money?
Gosh, can't remember
20.As a bit of a laugh,if you could pick your family,who would you pick?
My DH and my children for sure ....have to think about the others though Wink

Thanks Draggers, good fun x
Here are my answers so Starfish isn't the late one!

1.what was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult?
child - ham
teenager - pizza
adult - steak
2.what chore do you hate doing the most?
sweeping/vacuuming because of my back
3.what sound do you love?
birds singing and Rupert Everett talking
4.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
speak Spanish fluently
5.what would you like to change about yourself this year?
exercise more (working on)
6.If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
a cruise to Hawaii
7.If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?
Annie Proffitt from the movie "Overboard"
8.when you have free time, what do you do the most?
Hate to admit it, but I play Sims 2
9. what's the hardest thing you have ever done?
coerced into having an abortion you have any family traditions?
every year we drive around looking at light displays on Christmas Eve, and also the birthday person gets to choose where to eat
11. when you travel away from home and then return.what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door?
My dogs missed me as much as I missed them
12.If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?
Disney World in Florida, because there is so much to do/see/hear/taste there.
13.your favourite flower is?
spider mums
14. can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special.
For my 40th birthday my husband took me to NYC to see a Broadway show - what made it special was I had been depressed and he had been trying everything to cheer me up, and he planned the trip even though he hates traveling.
15.Toffee popcorn or salted?
I like both but they're hard on my stomach
16.If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?
I'm dependable and loyal (not sure if this is what you're asking)
17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?
My grandmother would buy me one every time I had to have surgery when I was a kid, so I had at least two dozen and I named them all too! I don't have them anymore. My favorite was a monkey named Mickey that I got when I was 6.
18.lie in bed or get up? Get up! I can't stand my H lounging in bed hitting the snooze alarm!
19.what was the first thing you bought with your own money?
I remember this, actually! My first paycheck from my first summer job I bought a denim jacket
20.As a bit of a laugh,if you could pick your family,who would you pick?
My youth group leaders that I knew in high school
1.what was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult?
Child: Ham and creamed peas. Adult: Hot wings.
2.what chore do you hate doing the most?
filing/keeping up with paper clutter
3.what sound do you love?
my girls laughing
4.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
play piano
5.what would you like to change about yourself this year?
To stop being sad about things I can't change Frowner
6.If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
my own cafe/bakery/coffee shop/flower shop Smiler
7.If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?
Ayla from Clan of the Cave Bear
8.when you have free time, what do you do the most?
too many video games Roll Eyes
9. what's the hardest thing you have ever done?
keep going you have any family traditions?
my MIL has us open crackers at Christmas dinner - you pull them open and they pop - the kind with paper crowns that we have to wear, jokes we read to each other, and little prizes inside them Smiler
11. when you travel away from home and then return.what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door?
nothing especially I'm just always really glad to be back
12.If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?
the donut shop across from my house because they are famous and fabulous and I don't want to travel much anymore Razzer
13.your favourite flower is?
oh, almost all of them - I love flowers Big Grin easier to say the ones I don't care peonies (too sweet...they attract ants), anything ball-shaped (too "Dr. Suess"), etc.
14. can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special.
when my DH was stationed in Iraq he sent me a figurine for Valentine's Day of a man and woman looked just like his hugs feel and made me cry felt like he was right there
15.Toffee popcorn or salted?
Salted buttered popcorn is the food of the GODS Smiler
16.If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?
17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?
I didn't
18.lie in bed or get up?
Get up
19.what was the first thing you bought with your own money?
Don't remember
20.As a bit of a laugh,if you could pick your family,who would you pick?
The parents in the new version of Parent Trap (the mom really got to me)
How fun, Dragsy! Some of these were HARD though!! Smiler

1.what was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult? Child- candy; Teenager- pastries; Adult- crab legs with melted butter, shrimp scampi, and chocolate covered strawberries! Smiler

2.what chore do you hate doing the most? Cleaning the bathtub

3. What sound do you love? my children laughing and playing together. Ocean waves and rainfall would be next.

4. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Sing better... And communicate overall better

5. What would you like to change about yourself this year? my self-destructive nature, manifest in everything from my SI/ED behaviors to my expressiveness

6. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy? Baby grand pianos for myself and my pianist children; a trip to see several countries.

7. If you could be a fictional character who would you choose? Hm. Jane Eyre comes to mind, but I'm not sure I'd WANT to be her, I just associate with her.
Not sure who I'd choose!

8. When you have free time, what do you do the most? Read, listen to music and sing, visit the forum, lunch with friends

9. What's the hardest thing you have ever done? being forced to tell my mother I'd been raped.

10. Do you have any family traditions? Lots! Mostly Christmas, Easter, and birthday-related.

11. when you travel away from home and then return, what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door? Feeling of safety and peace

12. If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why? Ah, hard to answer with such diversity available! The Grand Canyon and Arches National Park?? The lush green and blue Smokey Mountains of Eastern Tennessee? My favorite city of San Diego? Hehe, can't pick just one place - they would need a few weeks here! Wink

13. Your favourite flower is? Light blue hydrangeas

14. can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special. Tiny pearl ring that was given to my grandmother when she 13 was passed on to me when I turned 13.

15.Toffee popcorn or salted? Popcorn is awesome, period! But if I had to chose: Toffee!! (Moose Munch, anyone?)

16. If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be? hm. Honesty - I've worked hard to achieve it; now I strive to live it.

17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it? Kitty!! A stuffed white kitty that I've had since I was a toddler. I took her everywhere with me - camp as a child, Spain as a high-schooler, and then college. I slept with her for so many years, she became quite flattened! Only stopped sleeping with her when I got married, hehe. Yes, still have her.

18. Lie in bed or get up? Bed! (til the slacker vibes kick in!)

19. What was the first thing you bought with your own money? Besides candy? Wink A gold rose necklace charm symbolizing my freedom from a controlling ex- boyfriend. The money had been saved up to buy something for him, ironically....

20. As a bit of a laugh,if you could pick your family,who would you pick? I'd still pick mine. Since I wasn't born to them, I feel so grateful to have been "given" to them, and they really are good people, dysfunction and all! Smiler
[quote]1.what was your favourite food when you were a child? teenager? adult?
Child - HOT DOGS; teenager - HOT DOGS; adult - STEAK (AND HOT DOGS!).

2.what chore do you hate doing the most?

3.what sound do you love?

4.If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

5.what would you like to change about yourself this year?

6.If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?

7.If you could be a fictional character who would you choose?

8.when you have free time, what do you do the most?

9. what's the hardest thing you have ever done?
PUT MY DOG AND CAT TO SLEEP you have any family traditions?
Not really.

11. when you travel away from home and then return.what is the one thing that you notice about your home when you walk back through the door?

12.If you had to pick one place in your country to take a tourist where would you take them and why?

13.your favourite flower is?

14. can you remember a favourite present, if you can ,what was it and what made it special.

15.Toffee popcorn or salted?

16.If you are a person who sticks to there morals, what would one of them be?

17.If you had a stuffed animal when you were a child what was it and do you still have it?
No idea

18.lie in bed or get up?

19.what was the first thing you bought with your own money?

20.As a bit of a laugh,if you could pick your family,who would you pick?

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