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(((cat))) i did that moreso as a kid. i think i'd paing my room every other year and move things around as i could. i had a lot of fun doing it and i suppose it gave me a feeling of uniqueness. in retrospect, i needed that.

i do less of that now, but i still do love to paint when the bug bites. there's not much i can do as far as rearranging furniture given the layout of the place, but i do enjoy embelishing to make the place mine. and it does change, ever so slightly over time.

do i feel comfortable surrounded by the things i put around me? quite honestly it depends on the day. it really just depends on my mood.some days it feels so empty and other days i couldn't imagine being anywhere else so comfortable.
Before I had my own house, I used to rearrange my bedroom pretty frequently - like, 4-6 times a year (which was no easy feat with the monster of a captain's bed I had!) I'd tire of the layout, or I'd feel the need for something drastic to change, and this was all I could do. Now that I've got my own place, I rarely rearrange. Instead, when I get the urge for that big change, I throw things away/donate. I like the space as empty as possible, or so it seems! Smiler
Anyone feel comfortable in the things they put around them? Or change it as you change or to promote change?

Oh yes, I find a ton of meaning and significance in my relationship with my home surroundings. I love decorating, painting, adding and subtracting things. The changes often mirror something in my internal world or express a value, so my home feels very much like an extension of me. It's my favorite place to be.

I think my most recent change. . . I felt that the front of the house had too many right angles and looked too severe. Once something like that occurs to me it drives me crazy until I figure out a way to "fix" it. I finally bought six huge, drooping, potted ferns to hang across the front porch to add some poetry and softness. I love driving up to the place now. Whenever I come home from errands or whatever I'll sit a moment or two in the driveway to admire the new effect. Smiler

I'm also a quilter and right now I'm working on a wall hanging for the living room that will incorporate some religious symbolism that is significant to me, plus a ton of appliqued flowers, leaves, and vines. I have in mind replacing the clock with it. Not sure where the clock will go, though. . . perhaps I'll banish it. Analyze that, lol.

Fun to read about how people interact with their spaces. One quote that stuck out to me from a decorating book I read years ago was "We recreate past place experiences we treasure in our own homes." I like that sense of continuity and externalizing inward treasures.

I didn't do as much with my room growing up as a kid, but I did have a dollhouse that I loved to make furniture for and change up frequently. I think every kid should have one.

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