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Yes SOT would be Sea of Tears - we all use abbreviations... I am Somedays or SD.

((hugs)) or (SOT) is the same as hugs.

T = therapist or therapy - depending on the context.

P = psychiatrist P or PDOC.

DH = Dear Husband

IDK - I don't know

WTH - What the hell?

FWIW - For what its worth

FOO - Family of Origin

DD - Dear daughter

SI = Self Injury or SH = Self Harm

ED - Eating Disorder

I might have some of these wrong, if so - someone will correct it.

yes the brackets are a cyber hug
T is therapist, P is pyschologist or psychiatrist, DH is dear husband IDK is i don't know FWIW for what it's worth WTH what the hell FOO family of origin DD can be dear daughter or dissociative disorder ED is eating disorder SI is self injury
HOpe this helps you orient your way around a bit Smiler

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