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I am sorry that I don't know you well, so I hope that you do not mind me responding. Thank you for sharing and posting this. It does indeed give me hope as I am still struggling with separations from T (although working on it). I am kind of attached to my T (again a work in progress, we have DID, so some parts are attached whilst others don't want or deny the attachment to T) so it provides hope and inspiration to read this that someday I will be there (all of me/us) and able to write something equally inspiring and hopeful.
Thank you again for such a wonderful post
(((Monte))) So happy to hear that you have found you're way to that secure place, heaven knows, you have invested sweat, blood and tears to get there. I am so glad that you were courageous enough and your T was steady enough for you to reach the further shore. I know it doesn't eliminate all of the pain and struggle but that place of security gives you a place to rest while you continue on your healing journey. It helps so much. Thank you for sharing this, it very much lifted my heart.

Hi Monte,

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and uplifting experience. It gives me hope that my relationship with my P is headed in the right direction.

As the attachment becomes secure, maybe we learn to accept and adjust to their boundaries, because of all they are offering us within the relationship. My P allows contact between sessions, but there's no touch at all, not even a handshake. It's not something I really dwell on unless we have a conflict, and then I imagine a hug will resolve everything, but realistically I know it's not true.

I agree with AG, your post uplifted my heart Smiler
Monte. Wow. It's an amazing journey, isn't it? I think for those of us with attachment injuries, the inner child work is crucial. It's the way we really heal ourselves. It's hard to let go of wanting T to rescue our little one. She yearns for it so. But T can be only a guide, an imperfect one at that, and the hard work is ours to learn self-nurturing, self-soothing, self-regulating - accomplishments, all. I am grateful you shared this.

Hi Monte Hi

I'm sorry I'm late to this thread. I think it's awesome that you are feeling the security of the attachment. You have always inspired me and I'm thrilled that all your hard work is paying off for you. That fact that you have battled through so much pain to find deep peace gives hope to me. How brilliant to leave your childhood toy in T's office. That is so perfect. I would say that your inner child is in a very safe place and that is part of the comfort and connection and warmth you are enjoying now.

You have always been generous in sharing your insight and therapy experiences with me and they have always helped me. I thank you for sharing this beautiful example of what happens in therapy when you approach it with courage and determination and have a T who really gets it. It shows us what is truly possible.


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