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the other day, as we were walking back from the library, we came upon a man lying on the grass outside our townhouse, there were two people watching over him who just pulled up in their car. apparently, this man was doing power washing on our roof, on the skylight windows, and fell! he somehow made it from the ladder to the grassy area. the people watching over him were his inlaws. he had his cell phone with him and phoned them and his wife, who was on her way. when his wife and wife's sister arrived, they phoned 911(he didn't want us to so we didn't). then a fire truck and ambulance came. he was put on a stretcher and sent off to hospital, and another worker came to remove the ladder and hoses and drove that truck away.

those are the fact of the incident.

the man was very battered up... bleeding from his face. his knee, and looked like he had broken his arm, and perhaps his leg as he couldn't move it much, the peremedics wondered if he had broken his spine but didn't know for certain...

it was very upsetting for all of us!

for me (scott) as i felt so helpless... there was nothing i could do to help! i got him towels to put under his head... but nothing i could do... so helpless...

samy thinks it's somehow her fault... that she didn't put the dishes away in order, which cursed the house, and made him fall...

robin is mostly upset by the sight of all the blood....

it all feels very traumatic for us... the sounds of sirens (which pulled up right infront of our place) ... sirens upset us, especially the kids inside... the noise, even if we hear it while in T, is enough to stop us all in our tracks... blood traumatizes us... makes some of us want to s/i... helpless feelings... feelings of selfishness... this man was injured greatly so why forucs on our feelings about it??

please pray for this fellow's recovery... and for us..

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That sounds like a horrible experience and one that would be difficult for anyone. Having issues that get triggered by the events makes what is already a difficult situation hellish. The fact that you were able to be there enough to put towels under his head is amazing. I understand how helpless you felt. My mother-in-law, whom I was very close to, she lived with us, died in January and we were on a death watch for around 48 hours. The worse part afterwards was dealing with the incredible helplessness. Part of you keeps insisting that there must be something you can do. But in reality there isn't. For people with trauma being in a helpless situation reverberates and resonates in ways most people can't understand. And its a really not good place to be. I'm so sorry you all had to deal with this. Samy, it was wasn't your fault, it was just an accident. They happen despite what we do or don't do. And you're not being selfish. Your first concern was to get him help and even now you're asking for prayer. But its also true that there were a lot of triggers and you're in pain. You also deserve care for that. Please be as gentle with yourselves as you can manage. I'll be praying for his recovery and for all of you. Please let us know how you're doing and if you get any news of how the man who fell is recovering. I wish there was more I could do for you.

Thanks, we had T tonight... she tried to convince me I did all i could do, and that 'helplessness' is a natural reaction. She think we handled it all super.

We're 'working' on Samy tor ealize that she isn't cursed, and isn't to blame for accidents.

We actually saw the man tonight! We had just gotten home and he was outside with his wife and his co-worker discussing when to do the windows on our townhouse. he said he has a fractured wrist and elbow, but no broken leg (though it was all bandaged up and he had a cane) Amazing! He was very lucky...

Sorry I didn't see this sooner! I don't really believe in curses except ones cast by people who have firmly aligned themselves with evil. And I believe they are powerless before God. I certainly don't believe that we can accidentally cause a curse without intending to. Some things just happen or happen for a purpose we're not capable of seeing. Maybe he fell off the roof because if he had left he would have died in a car accident on the way home so the fall saved his life. Not being God, we cannot see all the consequences. But its one of the most difficult parts of being human to recognize our helplessness and lack of control in so many situations. If you were abused as a child like I was, powerlessness can be really frightening. If we believe we cast a curse, that means that if we can only figure out how we did it, we can change the outcome next time so I think you feeling like you caused this or it was your fault is your way of trying to get some control over the situation. But I hate to see you feeling guilty when you did nothing wrong. I hope this makes sense and I should add this is all my opinion and therefore prone to some error. Smiler


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