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***triggers for alcohol addicted**

Ok- baaaad friend J*** brought over a bottle of scotch, to share when he drops by to visit, or for dinner. We are supposed to be saving the rest of it for over the course of like- a year- hello! But alcohol- in the house- and me, do not get along. So far I have replaced it I think, twice. Don't get me wrong- I am not a falling down drunk- (though I'd like to be Roll Eyes ) In fact, I'm one of those strange breeds of people that alcohol has very little effect on- I've been told this by incredulous friends who can watch me swill large amounts of the stuff without it having much effect except for the inevitable and welcome relaxation of dialog. I'm what is known as a "fun drunk" I suppose. I undergo a complete personality change. Like right now. I have a session in half an hour. I swear to you, I have never done this before. But there the scotch was sitting- calling to me. Things are not easy in therapy, especially in terms of letting myself be seen. I just had the session from hell with spiritual director last night, who after a most despairing session, bought me balaclava and made me eat it in front of him as a "penance." Well, I'm making it sound bad, it was actually, in the context of what I'm going throuhg there- really, really nice. Just hard to accept, very.

So I'm er...sipping a little scotch. I just have to ask- is that SO wrong? I feel like a bad girl. Really bad for a chnage, and it's a *good* feeling.
Roll Eyes Eeker Mad Red Face Confused
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I love you. Very much. I think you are an incredible loving, compassionate, tender and insightful woman whom I am proud to count as my friend. I am also very scared and concerned for you right now.

I think you are in a tremendous amount of pain that your T is failing to hear so you are escalating your behavior in the hope that if you turn up the volume high enough, he'll finally hear. What scares is, what if he doesn't? How far will you have to go?

Beebs, take this for what its worth, my opinion, and not nearly as good as your own feelings about the situation, but I am concerned that as deeply as you care for your T and as attached as you are to him, that it's not working. He's not getting it either because he's not understanding the nature of attachment problems OR he's in another country and there are limitations to what can be conveyed over Skype. The level of pain you need to be in to decide to attend a therapy session drunk seems to me to be pretty high (I totally understand what you did mind you, was very tempted at times myself. I remember once telling my first T that I was really happy I no longer knew where to find any pot because otherwise I would be spending a lot of timed stoned.).

I want you to be heard Beebs, I want you to get the help and care that you deserve. I worry if you are not heard, where will you go next to try and shout louder? I really think it would be good to look for a therapist nearby, at least until you can achieve some stability.

Please hear me that this isn't about my thinking that there is something wrong with you, nor am I in any way disgusted or put off by what you did. I'm just trying to hear what you were trying to say.

We're here for you.


Beebs so sorry to hear of your struggle in so many areas. From what I understand, alcohol is a depressant and so feeling down and sad is probably to be expected. And probably not a good thing to do before therapy which can be stressful and depressing on it's own at times.

Please know that you have good friends here who care about you and will not judge you for anything that you do. We are here to listen so I hope you will find the strength to come back and share your burdens with us.

Many hugs
I love you. Very much. I think you are an incredible loving, compassionate, tender and insightful woman whom I am proud to count as my friend. I am also very scared and concerned for you right now.

I think you are in a tremendous amount of pain that your T is failing to hear so you are escalating your behavior in the hope that if you turn up the volume high enough, he'll finally hear. What scares is, what if he doesn't? How far will you have to go?

Beebs, I cross-posted with wise AG and I want to say that I agree a thousand percent with what she wrote.



To go from a bad experience with your SD and then to this bad experience with your T… I’m so sorry.

One of the few times I have had enough to drink that I could say I was buzzed or drunk was before going to a therapy session with my old T. Our relationship wasn’t going well at the time and I thought the only way I could get through it was with the alcohol to take the edge off. When I showed up for the therapy session, I cried and my T could smell the alcohol and walked me back home. It was very kind of her to do that (and helpful that I only lived a few blocks away from her office). She knew that really she couldn't help me when I was like that. Once I was more ok, I realized she couldn't help me in the way I needed in general.

The fact that you are so anxious about this relationship with your T that you are resorting to drinking to try and get through it - I think that is a big sign things are not ok in the relationship. It sounds like you are really hurting and desperate for anything to help?

When you are ready I hope you post more about what happened (if that is helpful for you) and how you are doing.

Take care of you sweetie.

Lots of hugs,

Can I just say, what everyone else said. AG said it especially eloquently. Big Grin We love you and are here for you. Hate SO MUCH to see you in this much pain, feathery pal. Your song deserves to be heard.

Here is a link to a different rendition of this song...I like the artwork that goes along with it...and this song always makes me think of you...because it is beautiful and gentle...just like you Smiler

Blackbird song

Much love,
Thanks you guys. Thanks SG for the lovely song and blackbird picture. It made me cry. So did Ag's post.

I'm sorry I can't respond to all of you individually my head is to mushy. I just wanted to wrap my head around some of this. I don't know why I did what I did. I guess I was thinking if I could relax enough I might be able to open up and show my T the real things that are bothering me about him, which is just incredibly scary to do. My T was not understanding. It was a big mistake. He said a lot of things that really bothered me, and I let him see how angry it made me- which he did not appreciate. Mind you- I know he is right, or at least I know he says he is right and I am wrong- but I am just not able to be all professional about the relationship, a great deal of the time, I just do not *understand* the relationship- that is my problem, and it doesn't seem like he is able to deal with that or accept it, or explain it, or accept *me* in all my needy clingyness without getting disgusted and shoving me away. But I'm very confused. I know you are all saying for gosh sakes, get a new therapist already- but I just can't. I really really can't, because I don't know what the truth here is. Is it me, or is it him. I simply can't figure out if I am projecting, or if I'm taking things out of context.
(((((((((((BB))))))))))) Have been out all day. I'm sorry today is such a struggle and that things with both SD and T are tough right now. I don't have much to offer beyond what everyone else has said. You are a lovely, caring person and it is a blessing to know you. Thinking of and praying for you!!! Wish I could be with you in person right now, but I am there in spirit!
Hi gentle Beebers,

I realize it is too soon for anything remotely resembling advice...but something occurred to me as I was reading what you said here, and I just wanted to put it out there while I am thinking of it:
Originally posted by Beebs:
I know you are all saying for gosh sakes, get a new therapist already- but I just can't. I really really can't, because I don't know what the truth here is. Is it me, or is it him. I simply can't figure out if I am projecting, or if I'm taking things out of context.

To be honest, I wasn't thinking "get a new T" just yet. However...when you said you just can't, because you don't know what the truth it you or him...are you projecting or taking things out of context...that made me realize something.

I know there are a whole lot of differences in our therapy experiences...but the one similarity I can see is that feeling of being stuck...I have been there with T's, twice. So painful and frustrating, and that overwhelming and crushing feeling that I just KNOW it's my fault. Like in my bones. Feeling like such a failure.

And I just wanted to say, the clarity came (eventually) after trying other therapists, never before. All I knew at the time is that we were stuck...I wasn't sure at all if I should you know, the first one I was eventually terminated, but I still considered leaving many times before that...and the second one I made the decision to leave. But not even remotely sure, both times. Just knew we were stuck, so eventually I had to decide to keep suffering the pain of being stuck, or...try moving in a different unnatural and as unsure...and as profoundly it felt at the time.

That's all I wanted to say...if and when you are ready to consider trying another T...and I'm not trying to rush you in that direction at all...I just wanted to say, in my experience, it was the being stuck that drove me to try another T...and then, comparing the similarities and differences in both situations, is what brought some clarity. And even some healing. Smiler

Love you Beebers Big Grin


I'm sorry that I'm just now seeing this. I understand the place you were in when you chose to drink. I get it. I'm sorry the session didn't go well and you are left with so much questioning. I totally agree with what AG, TN, JD and others have said here. I hope that you can find some clarity and some rest and some peace about this situation soon.

Thinking of you and sending many warm and gentle hugs your way.
I'm so sorry if I worried anyone. I have not been able to post at all until last night, but I will try today if I am able. I'm ok, feeling better, but scared of reactions I will get from posting what I've been through, as my confusion runs very deep, and the slightest suggestion one way or the other will spin me out right now. So, that is hard, because this is a forum for support where people care. And also I'm scared because I can't post on other threads and now I looked at some titles and it looks like much is happening and many people are having a hard time no doubt, and I have nothing at all to offer- ans so that feels bad. and I've been just staying away from the forum altogether to avoid complete overload. I'm so sorry to worry anyone, I often don't realize things like that until it is too late.


((((BB)))) I'm sorry you are feeling so scared and uneasy and going trhough a lot too. we know you care and I go through tough times where there just isn't anything left to give to others and times where it is too hard to come to the forum at all. just do what helps you. no pressure to post or anything. take all the space you need and know we are here too. hugs, jane
Please be gentle with deserve kindness. I know it is understood here that people offer what they can when they can. I also understand the guilt that comes up when we feel depleted and unable to support others. But have offered so much to this forum and to me individually and I know everyone here only wants to lessen your pain. There are reasons that everyone loves you here. It is your turn.
Thinking of you....please post if and when you can...

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