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I haven't been writing about my sessions lately because, well basically, they have been all over the place. My T was wonderful and supportive while I was away on vacation. We exchanged about 4 email those 3 weeks and had a ten minute conversation a few days before I left for home. When I got home (finally) I was SO happy to see him again. So absolutely joyous to be in his office with him and we had a few very good sessions until the "picture" session. I had a bad reaction to him seeing my vacation pictures... which I wrote about on here.

We explored what happened and he was really good about it. It took a few sessions for me to bring the pictures back but I did and it was okay. I explained that I was fearful that he would "see" something in those pictures of me that would change his opinion of me , or destroy our relationship. I could not control what he saw there and what he thought and I would not know what he was thinking unless he told me. He was also seeing me in other circumsances, outside of the office.

That day I left his office so upset over the pictures I wrote how I ran into a woman coming in who I thought (again) was his wife. If you have read my old posts you know how skittish I am about running into her (okay skittish is putting it mildly. I'm terrified). It's kind of hard to write about this on OF but when I questioned him the next week he said it was a client not his wife. I tried to accept it but I swore I saw her get out of a car which I later found out belonged to his wife and so I was afraid that I caught him lying to me. So last Thursday I asked him again and he said I could not have seen her get out of the car and he described her ... even to the point of telling what she was wearing. So then I began to wonder how he knew with such certainty what she was wearing a week later and did he remember what all his clients wore? That made me vaguely uncomfortable for some reason.

I think I then began to really dissociate. It was hard to hear anything else but I saw him move in closer and he looked so kind so concerned. He told me that he would not lie to me because once, a long time ago when he began his career he told someone something that was not entirely true and he hurt them and he swore he would never do it again.

I was also a mess because my sister had ripped into me just minutes earlier about how bad a mother I am and that there is a field of anxiety around me that causes my son to be anxious as well. And then she told me I should look at myself to see if I'm narcissistic I was so hurt by this unprovoked and surprising attack. T reassured me but it was just a terrible session. I ended up calling him that night to ask him if I ruined our relationship because of my lack of trust in him and he said no and we were fine and that I was doing what I'm supposed to do. He told me it's my inner child that is sabotoging me and us. He told me to talk to her and when I sobbed that I didn't know what to say he told me some things to try and it really helped me get through that day and the next. Then I lost the connection again.

Today we spend the session working on re-establishing the trust. This is probably being complicated by the upcoming anniversaries of being abandoned by my oldT and my surgery and the complications and having to deal with all of this alone because I suddenly had no T. My T feels that I am unconsciously expecting him to do the same things to me, even though I tell him I know he is not oldT. He said that me, the adult, knows this but the child does not and she was the one most hurt by the abandonment of oldT.

The hardest part of all of this is that I truly do care for my T. And I know he cares for me. The legacy of what happened with oldT is coming between us and our relationship. Part of me believes that because I worked hard to make oldT care for me and when he did he abandoned me out of fear of his feelings for me... that the same thing will happen with my T now. If he cares for me then it's like a death sentence. He will leave me too.

This is so messy and I can't go on with doing therapy if I can't get to some level of trust. As for his wife sharing the office suite, that has been an unsettled issue that comes and goes in my head but it feels like instead of truly putting it to rest, I'm making believe that she does not exist and is not there.

I know T and I have been through a lot. He reminds me how traumatized I was when he first began to see him. He KNOWS the damage oldT did because he went through part of it with me. I have moments of real connection and trust with him but it does not last. I swing from missing him terribly to feeling numb and disconnected from him. He tells me that it's my fear of being abandoned that is disrupting our attachment and when I shove him away then it is "I" who is abandoning him and our relationship. He said he is not afraid of the attachment and it is the attachment that will help to heal me. I know he is right.

I know this is a bit rambly but I felt that I had to get this out there because it is churning around inside of me and I'm hoping others can relate in some way that will make me feel less alone.

Right now... right now I'm really missing him.

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True North,
I undertand what you mean when you say about the connection. Very rarely do I feel connected with therapist. However, when I do, I then distance myself from him.

It's safer that way for me.

I am glad you were able to find a new T that helped you transition or is helping you transition out of your experience with your old T.

I hope things continue to get better for you, as I am sure you will because the T. you are working with now seems truly genuine and caring.

Smiler T.

You are sounding like how you were a few months ago with the furniture and office change. I think the vacation, the photos, the anniversary and the possible sighting - and then the trust, lying, abandonment issues etc are all being activated.

When i was reading your post it reminded me of someone shaking a very dusty old floor rug and all the dust is belted out of it and is floating in the air and it takes a long time to settle before you know what stuff was in it, so you can then clean it up.

I think everything has been given a shake at the moment and things haven't bedded down yet.

My anniversary is also coming up - I have no conscious thoughts of anything happening in my head - but I am sure they are there.

You had been coping so well with the wife being there, so well with T and the abandonment issues, so well with everything. It is still there. You know that. Have you and T started on any big issues at the moment - or are you both in transition and re-establishing your relationship from your break? If you guys are still in limbo - then that can make things worse - you know? You haven't got anything big to focus on.

I really get your issues with the photos. You explained it well. I am not sharing photos with my t's for the same reason. I might email one or two that are relevant to something we have spoken about - ie my T loves the beach and sunset so I sent her a couple of a pristine beach when I was away.

My T said to me that she expects our first couple of sessions back "will be a bit tricky". I think that is what you are experiencing too. Except I cancelled my session last week because I didn't want to see my T. go figure....

I have missed your posts TN - missed them and you so much. Thanks for being there.
TAS... thanks for the encouragement. He is very caring although I struggle to take that in and am always suspicious about why he would care.

Hi SD... you are correct in comparing this to shaking at the rugs and waiting for the dust to settle. It feels like that now because there are so many things in the air. There is SO much going on in my life and with therapy that I get overwhelmed at times and maybe I just freeze up and then look for reasons why things are not working.

I do feel stuck now. No we are not working on anything big... aside from continuing to process what happened with oldT and these anniversary dates coming up. (I'm sorry you also have one coming around). It does not help that each morning I drive my son to a place that is brimming with good and bad memories of my days with oldT. Some were very good memories and some relate back to the days when I was in full-blown trauma over his abandonment of me. It is just really triggering at times.

You know... I walk into therapy happy to see my T most times anyway. I walk in optimistic that we can do some good work and then I see his wife's car or I'm scared of bumping into her or something he said the week before is undermining my trust and then the whole session goes down the tubes. I look at him and I KNOW I have one of the absolute BEST T's out there. I know I have no cause to feel he lied to me or will lie to me or will want to hurt or abandon me. He once told me he would have to be a psychopath to hurt me the way oldT hurt me because he knows how damaging it was. Yet... all this horrible transference gets dumped onto him and after that happens it makes me feel very sad that I am hurting him. He tells me not to worry about that, he is fine and he understands why I'm doing this. He also tells me he can see that it pains me when I'm struggling with the distrust and the transference.

Because of oldT's wife interferring in my therapy and in the confidentiality of our relationship I was extra cautious to look for a T that had NO family in the office. I felt good knowing that my T had no wife or family in his practice and that his wife was not even a T at all. And then, I feel that "I" got blindsided when I walk in one day and his wife's nameplate is on the office door next to his! Add to that she just got her MS in another field and that he is able to funnel her business and that I am unable to get my MS due to financial and logistical reasons. She is also younger than I am, wealthier, and she has total access to HIM. It's a lot to accept and I'm doing a freaking lousy job at it. I just cannot get past the absolute terror of knowing she is around. And it's also frustrating me that, while my T has tried to be understanding, I'm not really sure he is getting it as to why I HATE the fact that she is there. He says dumb things to me like..."but you KNEW I was married". Well, it has nothing to do with that. I didn't care that he was married if I didn't have to have his wife's presence so close to me in his office. That changes things. I guess I'm still angry with him over this and it's spilling into other areas.

And yes, I know, I have nothing to say about her being there and it won't change and I just have to deal with it. But it has not been easy for me.

I guess it's been frustrating to me to be in this limbo. I know T will say we are working on trust and he understands that it takes time but for me it's just hard and painful.

I'm sorry SD that you ended up cancelling your T appointment after not seeing her for awhile. Don't be nervous. Just go in and enjoy being with her again. You may surprise yourself. Allow yourself to feel the joy and it's okay to do so. It's okay to say you missed her. I know it's hard for you to even think that you missed her because you were so busy pushing her out of your life while you were gone. A coping mechanism that gets in the way of developing a secure attachment. But at least your T acknowledges that the first sessions could be tricky. It helps when they get this kind of stuff.

Anyway thanks for writing. It was good to hear from you too. It seems like there are not many posts anymore about people's experiences in working through issues in therapy or how their own therapy is going. I find those posts so helpful as I hope mine are to others.


Hmmm. I totally get your feelings about the wife. Totally get it. And i also totally agree that T probably doesn't get it! Hate to say it, but I think that is prob more because he is a man.

You are right in that you can't do anything about it - I really get too that you took precautions so that history wouldn't repeat. But it did. Instead of combatting it - take it as a learning opportunity that the universe has given you. THis issue is obviously very troubling to you and I think talking it through ad nauseum will bring a lot of learning and growth. It really sounds like a bum deal. You did research so this wouldn't happen and it DID. I thought you were at a good level of peace with it, but here it is again rearing its head - it is still a big issue and lots of talking needs to be done. I am angry at him too because he is showing a really high level of naivety over this - it isn't about him being married as you said! Doh... I think the day you really get thru to him and he understands it from your position - I think that will be a healing day - because I think until that point, his inability to really understand you is a thorn in your side and a trigger for you not being understood. Mixed up in that is trust and rejection issues.

My T is wonderful. She has done some amazing things for me that I can't even write about because everyone would hate me! I would never be able to complain about her again. She is just amazing. She has kept in contact with me all while I was away - email, skype and when I got home text and email. She does leave it to me to contact her - and I always err on under-doing it. Ie i am triggered and after I am too distressed I think of contacting her. She wants me to contact her quicker. I want her to contact me quicker! We are still doing a dance.

I do tell her when I miss her - but unfortunately when I don't see her - I can completely block her out. I shut her out and I am ok with that. So i went 3 weeks without seeing her and another week didn't bother me at all. That harsh cut-throat ability of mine to cut people out of my life - disturbs even me. I told my T that if she is the closest person to me in my life and I can just cut her out without emotion - I am a scary person. I really forced myself to think of her and to force memories of her, our relationship and our sessions to bring her back into my reality. I told her why I cancelled - partly I was unwell, mostly I didn't want to see her. I was terrified that she had changed, she had forgotten about me, she had replaced me, she was sick of me, our relationship would be different etc etc. I was prepared to cut her out instead of taking a risk. My T reassured me so I will see in about 10 hours time.

I think I love my T - I actually don't know what love feels like - I haven't felt it for decades, but I think if I loved anyone - it would be her. One of my goals in therapy is to feel love again. I have told her this. I miss her at times and I get intense attachment pain (how do you describe that....) to her - so I am very connected - I think I feel my strongest positive emotions to her.

I will see tomorrow... Going there with an open mind.

I just finished writing something "positive" about my therapy in the transference thread and then I read how I've felt and still kind of feel the same as you with the " I tried to accept it but I swore I saw her get out of a car which I later found out belonged to his wife and so I was afraid that I caught him lying to me." My feelings about things have been the same although different circumstances, and "I saw him/her move in closer and he looked so concerned." Same type of thing happened...T moved in closer and said she did not say what I thought she had said. I just said I believed her because I know for me personally I don't always get things right...not saying you don't but I don't. I just wanted to let you know I could relate in some way and how therapy can be so difficult...but of course I know you know that. I just hope it gets back to the "good place" like right "NOW" for you.

Hug two

OH and btw...I'm sure you are a fabulous mother.
Thanks for your response SD. I am going to try once again to talk to my T about how I'm feeling. I am struggling to find a way to relax when I enter his office. The moment I used to enter oldT's office building I would immediately feel good and safe. Guess that was not so accurate in the end...yet I miss that feeling of being "home" when I went there. I would sit a few minutes in reception to read and/or gather my thoughts. Tdog would come out to visit with me. It was nice. With this T, in the beginning I was fairly relaxed (pre-wife) and would read People and/or my emails and be happy I would see him in a few minutes. That feeling is now gone and I go in purposely late so I can just run directly into his office and I'm shaking with anxiety. Not a good way to start my sessions.

Hi hopeful....if we cannot accept things we still need to talk about them and process them in therapy. I hope you find your peace. And thanks for saying I'm a fabulous mom. It's been difficult lately.

Ang... nice to meet you....I don't know your story with your oldT. Do you feel comfortable about filling me in a little on your history? Abandonment issues are so hard to settle. Thanks for posting.

Ang... take your time and post when you can. I certainly understand.

Well today was a truly difficult session. I have so much going on in my life that I am feeling crushed by it all and I don't have time enough with T to process it all. I walk around looking so normal and I smile at all the right times and I'm freaking terrified and want to just disappear. I don't know what happened but everything with my T seems to be getting worse and not better.

I told him I had a lot to talk about today but he chose to talk about my fear of his office and how walking through his reception room is like walking through a field of burning coals. How I miss sitting in oldT's reception room because it felt like home. Like a refuge. And I tried really hard to transfer that feeling to my T's office in the very beginning... before his wife invaded my space. That is what it feels like. Like she is invading my privacy and my space there where I can feel at home and comfortable. And now that is totally impossible. I have to purposely go there late so his door is open and I can run through the waiting room... first peeking in to make sure she is not here in reception... and then running into his office and shutting the door until he shows up. He talks a walk between clients to clear his head. Well... what if he is still in session with someone? Then I am stuck... do I run out into the hallway again or down the stairs or to the ladies room? All of this provokes intense anxiety and by the time he comes in I'm in a highly anxious state and I'm angry with him and I want to throw things at him.

He told me today that he is there to protect me and does not want to see me hurt. He said he makes sure that his door is open when I get there...and I said well what if you don't do that? He asked me what his record was so far... 100%? Okay well maybe 99.9% He keeps asking me what I think will happen if I cross paths with her. I'm not sure but it feels like it will annihilate me. I don't want her to know who I am or to see me because that invades my privacy. I don't care so much about other clients, although I don't like seeing them either. My T said he thinks that I'm afraid if she sees me that will somehow impact negatively on my relationship with him. That it will somehow change his feelings about me.

Well, duh, yeah she is his wife and she certainly has influence over him and I'm sure she is curious about his patients. And double duh... I had a really bad experience with oldT and his wife who violated my privacy by her having access to my files and filling out my treatment plans instead of my oldT. I cannot even bear to think about it ... I found all of this out AFTER he abandoned me. When I got my records HER handwriting was all over them. She was another T NOT his admin assistant or clerk and I did not give permission for her to see my file.

My T keeps telling me that he is not weak like oldT and his wife would never have access to his files and he is strong enough not to allow anyone to tell him how to run his practice nor would he ever discuss a patient with her. to me is sounds like LALALALALALALALA because I cannot HEAR him. I can't trust anyone. Why should I? I was betrayed by so many attachment figures.

He also tells me that he would not want to hurt me in that way because he is attached to me. I told him I cannot accept that he has any attachment to me.... I'm not his kid. He says you are my patient and that is something I don't take lightly. He says I'm the one abandoning the attachment because I keep pushing him away and refusing to allow that connection... to believe the connection and the attachment. So I yelled at him.... I know intellectually what you are saying and doing... but I cannot FEEL it... .there is something blocking everything and he laughed and said... yeah... fear.

And so we go around in circles and all the other stuff I need to get help with just sits there on the back burner until it finally will explode and then I'm in a deeper mess. We go around in circles with trust, attachment, fear, anxiety and trust and safety and trust again. I can't get past the fear to trust him enough to calm my anxiety enough to be able to see clearly enough to trust him and when I think about trying the fear gets so intense that everything gets blocked and then I get angry with him because I cannot feel anything except fear. This is an endless mess.

He looked frustrated and mad at me today although he told me he was not mad. I told him he looks like he's having major counter-transference in the negative way! He laughed at that.

So I left him feeling much worse and like now I can't even call him because he mentioned how he takes my calls and he may be at home with is wife and do I ever think of that? He was trying to show me that nothing changes when he's in the vicinity of his wife and he is the same towards me. Well... that only makes me freak out more because now I'm worried that she can overhear him talking to me.

Geesh.... how do I get to Monday? I'm still shaking from today.


I'm sorry that today's session hasn't helped and left you even more afraid to contact him to try and calm down. I was hoping when I saw you had updated that you would have had a healing session.

I understand completely about feeling stuck in a cycle of trust, attachment, fear, anxiety, safety and trust again. I also can relate to feeling that you can't get past the fear to allow enough trust to feel more safe. You know from the years we have posted here that I struggle with the same things. I'm glad your T told you he wasn't mad at you. I don't know if it will help you make it through to monday but it is more than I am feeling from my T right now (but that is for my post)

Hug two
Oh bother and poop Tn!!!

What a yuck session. You and I tread similar paths and I really get what is going on in your sessions - I am doing the same thing at the moment.

We know that people like us go in circles like this from time to time - BUT WHAT has triggered this recent cycle?? There is an underlying 'something' going on that is causing this. Was it the photos, seeing that woman get out of the car, your hypervigilance of T - what is your inner voice actually telling you about this. Why are you going back to the cycle???

I think your story illustrates something for me. We can be deeply bothered by something - say T's wife's presence. We can hear what T tells us, get an intellectual understanding of it, come to a peace about it, smooth over teh cracks a bit, move on and live with it, function with our Ts and put the issue in a box for later. We manage it. Then something comes along and the box is opened and all the raw, horrible wounds are out on display again and we are yet again reliving all the attachment, rejection, abandonment stuff from before. This gives us a chance to bring it out into the open again to talk, scream, cry, argue, be angry, be sad, tantrum - anything - we do stuff to process a little bit more of it and then we can tuck it away again. Each time - we can process a little bit more and come to a new level of peace - but never completely getting over it.

I am giving my T a similar hard time at the moment. They must get exasperated with us. Truly they must. They must think OH, we have dealt with this before, here it is again, I must be consistent, consistent, consistent and ride it out. And for them watching us go through so much pain when they care for us - that must be a difficult thing too.

I am with you TN. Just keep talking it out - you know the drill!!!
hi incognito... I know you know how this all goes. I'm sorry you had a bad session. Thank you for commenting despite your own pain.

Somedays... yeah we seem to be cycling through this again. I'm not sure why this is going on now. One thing could be running into that woman who I swore was T's wife the day I left him SO dissociated from the pictures. This sort of woke up those feelings that I thought I resolved but I guess I did not. I was afraid T lied to be about who she was. I was upset that he remembered what she was wearing so clearly (tight white tank and very short black "skort"... his words not mine) and then thinking of his wife plays into my own feelings of self-hatred and low self esteem. And the anger because she has her grad degree, works with her husband and he sends her business etc. while I had to give up that dream because I can't figure out how to get my own degree because of money and time constraints.

I also have a lot of really bad stuff going on at my job. This involves me going backwards at work. A lot of who I thought I was and how I felt about myself was tied into my job and now I am not only losing that positive image but there are some things being forced on me that are triggering feelings of shame and humiliation. I am really angry at myself because I have not done better with my life and this ties into failing at my prior therapy... being totally banished by oldT ... and wasting 3 years in therapy with him. Lastly, that person I was becoming is dead now. I lost her and I had to dissociate myself from any aspects of who I was becoming 2 years ago with oldT. And in doing that, I have NO idea who I am but whoever it is I hate that person and actually there is no person there... just a huge emptiness. I am this empty body sitting in session and throwing all kinds of accusations at my T.

So that is some of where I am. And right now... I don't see any way forward.

Thanks for asking and for listening. It's so quiet on this board lately.

Oh TN, i haven't heard you be so hard on yourself in a very long time. I can hear your pain and I wish I could say something to make it go away for you.

You said a few things that I am going to challenge - because I just have to.

Sounds like a few things are slipping in your life and you might feel like they are controlling you and you not controlling them. Can you pick out what things you can do something about so you get back a sense of control over at least a part of it.

Wasting 3 years of therapy with oldT. You know this isn't true. You still learnt a lot and your attachment with him gave you a good knowledge and feeling of what attachment is. You still made progress in that time and huge self development - despite the crap ending with him.

Why do you have it in your mind that the person you were becoming with him is dead now? Aren't you creating a new person and have been doing so with T since you met him? Does it have to be so black and white? I understand you completely - but i compare it to myself and I don't think I have that sense of finality - I am just intrigued by it. It is like you have made the ending with oldT such a final thing - a checkpoint in your life where part of you died and you have to start again. Can you soften that a bit and rewire your thinking to grab all those positive things that remained after the term with oldT and then add everything you have learnt since then?

To me and everyone here TN - you are one of the most incredible, knowledgable, supportive, caring, insightful and amazing people. When I read that you feel such emptiness and you can't see a way forward - that is at such odds to the amount you give here and to the real person inside you.

I know the situation with T's wife is crappy and I still think he continues to be naive about it and the impact is has on you - BUT - it is the situation. What else can you do to make the situation more tolerable for you? Is there a day when she doesn't work, a timeslot when she isn't there - and you see him then. Is that doable at all? Would meeting her help or worsen your feelings?

And just remind yourself TN - we are incredibly hypervigilant - we will be looking for distrust, lies, rejection in our T's and we will convince ourselves that it is there when it isn't. His comment about what his wife was wearing - yep - I understand that completely, it made me feel self conscious and less worthy - and I am not even there. I totally get that.

I think your foundations are a bit shaky right now, but you are going to get through it. You are incredibly strong and you have got through way worse!!!

Thinking of you

I'm sorry you are feeling awful and things are so stressful right now Hug two

You will find that person again. I think you are really triggered right now - probably the incident with just even worrying about Ts wife is what is kicking up all this hate for yourself again. When you're not trusting T - at least from what I see here on the board - you don't really like yourself so much either Frowner Sort of like the two come as a package - related to OldT I think. I would really hope your T didn't lie... and... I'm not really sure what his wife does for a living but unless she's a tennis instructor that outfit sounds a little much for the office!

Please keep your head up - you've accomplished a lot (you, too, recently graduated!! that's huge! You got around the time/money constraints and you can continue to - it takes time... I know from being in school so long too and knowing the road is still forever long and expensively ahead). Thinking of you.
Lastly, that person I was becoming is dead now. I lost her and I had to dissociate myself from any aspects of who I was becoming 2 years ago with oldT. And in doing that, I have NO idea who I am but whoever it is I hate that person and actually there is no person there... just a huge emptiness.

I was just thinking before I read this part TN that it sounds like parts of you are still being held hostage after your abandonment by oldT. Even though there is nothing wrong with those parts, they got blamed for the abandonment, or else they are holding too much pain from that experience, and so now they are guarded lock and key. In time, you can go back and rescue those parts of yourself. They didn't do anything wrong.

they got blamed for the abandonment, or else they are holding too much pain from that experience, and so now they are guarded lock and key.

Hi BLT... yeah most of this is true. I had to separate what was left of me from what happened with old T because the pain was unbearable. I had to split that part off in order to survive what happened. I was seriously tramatized. It may be a long time before I ever allow myself to acknowledge those parts of me again.

SD thank you for your kind words and for being such a great supporter. I am not sure we are working on a new me. The old me that remains is still hostile at times and very suspicious. And I'm not sure if that WAS his wife I saw. He said it was a client. And he seemed to remember very well what that client was wearing. Wonder if he would remember what I was wearing? I have to admit when I encountered her I was really dissociating and maybe she really did n't get out of that car and it was another car in the lot. It's a busy parking lot. I would hope he would never lie to me. And yes, we are very vigilent. I'm waiting to catch him doing something wrong so I have a good reason to run from him. I think he knows this and is really trying to be consistent.

Hey Cat... hope you are okay. Whenever T's wife is around or in the mix the self-hatred really gets triggered. I know I also just graduated and you would think that could make me happy. But it seems that no matter what I do it never feels like it's enough... aside from the fact that you cannot do much of anything with an undergrad degree in psychology.

I've been thinking about what is going on with us. I spend part of my time denying that I even have a T, never mind a relationship w/ him and the other half of my time is spent missing him. Talk about disorganized.

I also figured out why we have been so disconnected and what he is trying to do with me is not working at all. It seems that we are just digging ourselves in deeper and I am just feeling more alienated from him. I think it's because he is trying to make his case by using logic and rationalizing. I don't respond to that. I respond to him best on an emotional level. I need more empathy, nurturing and reassurance. He remarked on time after I told him that what he did really helped me... that I seem to respond only to the "grand gestures" from him. I think that is because it's the only thing that can get through the fear and mistrust. But mostly the fear.

I am planning to go in on Monday and sit on the floor. Maybe we can connect better there. At least he won't be able to move around so much. Sometimes watching him wheel his desk chair around so much... closer to me and then further away... can be very distracting and off putting. When he moves in close it feels good but he does not stay there, he moves away again and then it feels scary and lonely.

Maybe I need to tell him some of this. I just wish I could hold his hand sometimes. But that is another conversation that we never finished....

Thanks all

I can relate to the conversations that don't get finished sometimes it feels like there are so many of those so piled up that we will never get through them. I guess that is why it is important to slow down and try to deal with the simplest first. Sitting on the ground for example or have you ever told him it is distracting and off putting when he moves around so much to see if he can change a little.

Good luck on monday
Sorting out the trust with your T. is the work right now.

It sounds like he's being incredibly patient and loving through all of your emotions...I hope things get to an easier place soon.

Hi BG ... not late at all. Thanks for your comments. You are right... sorting out the trust thing is really important or I cannot accomplish anything else. Today I told T ... I have so much to talk to you about and I'm not doing that. He said how can you talk to me about anything when you don't trust me? He's right.

I'm glad you see him as being patient and loving. It's hard for me to see because my fear, anger and anxiety are blocking anything positive these days. thank you for mentioning that.


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