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There is a cat that's been hanging around lots. I think she figures she lives at my house. Her fur is liked ripped at the front, not bleeding, but like ripped down to the skin. It hangs down in front of her. She is a long haired calico (I think a girl). We don't know if she has an owner, she has no collar. Right now, her is lying on the sofa here! She also ate some of the kids cereal they left out. How do you figure if she has an owner? Should we take her to the vet somehow to see about the dangling fur? We trying to figure what to do!
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wonder if she got into a cat fight and thats how her fur got ripped....

Since it's not bleeding thats good. Does she look like she has been owned?

It's always good to take them to the vet in case like to make sure her health is okay but sounds like she loves you all.

I always say cats often choose their owners and they know who will love them. Smiler

I hope no one tried to hurt her and thats how her fur ended up like that... Frowner whatever the case, seems like she's friendly and wants to live with you all Smiler Smiler

I Loveee kitties. Calioco's are ussually nice tempered cats. Smiler MEwwww.... I want a kitty!!
Big Grin caaaaaat Big Grin I also love cats

I think you should take it to the vet just in case... this way you can find out more about the cat. You might also find if she has a owner or not... If she has no owner (which seems to be the case, because cats are pretty loial) is the more reason to take her to the vet to see if it is healthy
last night, the husband and I were searching for her to take her outside for the night. We found her in the open storage closet waaaaay in the back (where we couldn't reach her) all curled up! We left her there for the night... I sent her outside this morning incase she had to pee LOL Also last night, she started to eat an abandoned bowl of cereal! (one of the girls left it on the table)... I noticed this morning, the husband gaver her more LOL I'm thinking of taking her to the vet today... I don't exactly know how to transport her except to dump her in the backseat of the van! I've never had a cat before... I think it would be a great healing thing to keep her actually. Samy keeps calling her 'pretty girl' as a name... husband just says 'cat' in a goofy way. Maybe I'll ask around the neighbours if they own her and put up some signs (though I'm secretly hoping she has no owner!) The other night, samy was making some scrapbook pages on cats. She collected pics. from friends and some poems. We had pics. of this cat and she put 'my cat' as a title on the page. Anyhow, I'm hoping it'll all work out. Even if she does have an owner... we are enjoying her.

Hi there.. I have two cats of my own and love them to bits - they are my fuzzy babies. I would love to have a place in the country where I could have even more, with dogs as well! Please, please take the cat to a vet.. she (I think I read somewhere that it is very rare for a calico to be male)needs to be checked out.. eventhough the hanging fur may look okay, if she steps on it or catches it on something, well... plus, her health should be checked out. If you haven't already tried transporting her, find a cardboard box to secure her in - a cat lose in the car may end up extremely frightened when you start driving and she could go crazy on you and cause an accident. Good luck - and let us know how it goes!
Good point about the dangling fur... I got her 'real' cat food today, and a litter box, a brush, and shampoo... all according to what the vet said. She did NOT like the bath at all! In fact, at first chance she ran outside for a few hours (I wouldn't let her out immediately as I was afraid she'd catch a chill!) However, she came back tonight. Tomorrow we have a vet apointment, I think I might let the vet deal with the fur as i don't want to upset her any morre than I already have.... I'll keep you posted.

yeh.. most cats arent fans of baths.... lol...

my mom used tgo wash ours and she would whine.. siamese whine.. ugh.....

we put our cat in a pillow case when we didnt have a carrier but i was able to hold her so her head was out but her nails couldnt get me. She wasnt a scratcher but she HATED the car and would practically give herself a panic attack ... tounge hanging out of her mouth.. breathing and all!!

Sounds like Samy has adopted the cat already! HEHE. You know... good peopl elove cats.. haha.. thats what I say.... I loveee them too and wish I could have on enow but we can't afford the pet deposit our apartment asks for...

hope the vet goes well.. glad cat food was gotten.... LOL... versus cereal... haha.....

This is Samy again. The abuser people would make me hurt cats sometimes. I had to. But really I love cats and always wanted one! I would pray and say sorry to the cat before hurting it. I never would hurt a cat. I always did want one. The first cat I really loved were my friends cat named Caili. This cat has the same type colours as that one. I really think God sent her to us to help us heal. So I decided to call her Angel because maybe she is really an angel sent by God! That's what I think. Please don't be mad at me for hurting cats long ago. you can send me private email or message about it if you want. i don't want things going goofy again here with people all upset!
Hey Samy sweet one...

You know what? I think you're cat is very special. Cat's are wonderful loving creatures and they can sense a good home.

I also know that the abusers that made you hurt animals/cats are terrible, sick, and hurtful people. It doesn't sound like you wanted to hurt the cats and that you had a choice. I know as someone who has been abused, that it's so hard to not feel guilty for the things we feel we did or think we could have stopped.

I rememeber once, My therapist last year said to me that when I was with my dad, I was only a child. I could not know how to handle the things happening to me. It was hard for me to understand this because when I think of myself at the age of 12, I felt very responsible and mature and old enough to have been able to get help or resist or do something. One day, I saw a picture of myself at the age of 12 and I was so shocked at how little and vulnerable I looked. I thought of what Holly said to me and looking at the picture of myself sorta helped me feel less guilty for what I didn't do.

I think this maybe is something you can relate to???

I know it must be hard thinking... wow.. why did I do that? Im so bad but you aren't.... the people that did these things to you all are the ones with the problem.

I'm so happy that this cat has come into your life and I can tell you are so happy to have her.


Hi Samy,
I sometimes hate to post after Butterfly Warrior, she says what I want to say, but so much better than I can say it! Smiler

You really arent' responsible for hurting those cats, you were forced into it. Thanks for telling us about it, that must have been scary to do. Please know that's not who you are, a person who would hurt cats. I think Angel came to you for healing and a home. And the amazing thing about love is, is that its does the giver as much good as the one being loved. Now, you can be who you choose to be and who you really are with Angel. I hope you enjoy each other. Cats are really awesome animals!



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