I am supposed to be honest with my team - my T and my dietitian - about how I'm doing. Honesty is the only way to make progress, right? I am supposed to be following a specific meal plan so that my daily average intake is a certain amount. That's supposed to help me recover from this ED, right? This week, though, I am well under that total amount. And there is no way that I'll get anywhere near that amount by Tuesday. Which means that while I'm "supposed" to be working on this eating piece and increasing, my totals have actually decreased over the last 3 weeks, and this time, it was a very significant decrease. Which will be evident when I hand my dietitian my log on Tuesday.
On top of that, I glossed over everything with my therapist and dietitian last week. Made everything sound and seem totally fine, instead choosing to focus on the issue with my friend (which is still unresolved, though I am glad I talked to T about it.)
And now, for the first time since I started working with my T, I don't want to go tomorrow. I am afraid that I've pushed it too far and she will really be disappointed. And I can't handle that right now.
Yes, I am going to go anyway. I may end up sitting there in silence the whole hour, but I will go. And more likely, I will end up dissolving into a puddle of tears as I try to explain what is going on in my head...
I had a melt-down yesterday, and wrote a really unpleasant letter to my team. I don't want to share it. I didn't plan on sharing it. It was just a vent. But once I read what I wrote? I was kinda surprised and almost worried about what came out when I stopped filtering. Where did all that come from? Why now? Things have been working so well with me being willing to talk and to share and to be honest. But now? Why is it that when things seem to finally be smoothing out, a big wrench gets thrown in and messes things up again?