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My mother is dying. Her heart is failing. Hospice was called in yesterday.
I want sooo badly to have an attachment to her- but still, when I hug her, I dont feel anything. I feel sadness that she is so weak. I feel sad that she is dying too young. I just read that there is a link between PTSD and heart ailments- well that holds true in my family. My father died of Aortic Valve Stenosis, and my mom has the same thing. My sister and I have mitral valve insuffiency, so there you have it.
I am mostly angry at my father for screwing up our home with alcohol. I am comforted by the fact that at least he did not try to pretend to love me. He pretty much disliked me from the get-go. My mother ignored me and sided with him when I was sick and couldnt walk and was in pain as a child, and now I am angry that she wants to be buried with him and she forgot what a mean bastard he was to her, and to us.
Now- all i feel is sorrow for her because she is so so frail. I want to feel more, I pretend to feel more and always tell her how much I love her. Why can't I feel it? THIS make me angry.
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I'm so sorry hon. Losing a parent is difficult no matter how we feel about them and becomes incredibly complicated to deal with when you are dealing with what you are. I went through this when my father died. You are not mourning what you are losing, you are mourning that which you did not have and with your mother's death, the hope of the relationship you've always wanted dies with it. It's ok to feel however you feel.


My thoughts are being sent your way. I, too, and dealing with a parent who is terminally ill, and I understand the dichotomy that exists in the feelings of being angry over the past and what's happening in the present. My thoughts are with you love. Remember, what AG said--it's okay to feel however you feel right now.

HUGS.. Broken
Thank you Permafrost, AG, and Broken- for your wonderful support. I called T, even though I have not been in to see him in almost 4 months- (he allows me to txt) he may not be able to see me this week because he too is dealing with his moms medical issues. I know she had a pace maker put in last week, but there must be more. He is willing, but...
I don't want my Mom stuff to trigger his Mom stuff, so i suggested seeing someone else for this. Last week he said- "I'd choose me." (meaning him) Now he says- lets see how it goes. It sounds to me as if he is struggling too.

I wonder- is it too late to feel her love for me? ... to feel something??
I am sorry for your mom's suffering, Mayo, and also for the confusing position this puts you in. Frowner Frowner Frowner I don't have any easy answers for you, but I have found myself asking a lot of the same questions you are when my mom's been sick/near death (not so long ago she was in ICU for quite a while on a ventilator with pneumonia). It sounds like you are comparing how you think you should be feeling, with how you are (or aren't) feeling. Like AG and Broken said, try to just be okay with however you are (or aren't) feeling, do what you can for your mom, and by all means, make sure to take good care of yourself. I hope you're able to see your T and that he's able to give you some comfort.

(((Mayo))) I'm sorry. I think all that AG said was very wise. I wonder if this is how things will be with my own mother down the road, or even my father. I can't imagine mourning anything beyond the idea of being parented and maybe empthy for those family members who are more personally affected. I know it feels awful, but I also think it makes a lot of sense, though I know it's hard for what is intellectually comprehensible to feel OK inside. Frowner Really sorry about your mom.
I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this Mayo. I hope you will be able to get the appointment that you need, and that your T will be able to help you process some of the painful stuff you are dealing with, losing your Mom- again. It is so hard. I hope that you will be able to find some moment of connection with her before she goes. Something to sustain you. It is very sad to read of your painful childhood. It is so heartbreaking, in so many ways. ((((((Mayo)))))) Wishing you healing and peace,

(((Mayo))) I’m so sorry for what you are going through right now. I wish there was something I could say to make it easier for you. I don’t know if this makes sense, but for me, being in that situation and not feeling the connection to my mother would feel like admitting to myself in my deepest core that I was already motherless. And that is a horrible feeling. I am sad (and angry) that you weren’t protected and loved the way you should have been when you were a child.

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