Anyway, she has been in therapy for a year now and she just told me that she has recently been having severe anxiety/panic attacks, so severe she has not been able to work for the past two months. We had a nice long conversation about this and other things morning.
I have been longing for a family connection somewhere and have not been sure where to find it. Oddly enough I reached out to this sister to find her in the place that she is in right now. She is definitely in overload (having never given voice to her inner-chhild), but it sounds that she has a good working relationship w/ her T and I hope that she is on her way to great healing.
She was not able to meet with me today as I spontaneously suggested. Not that she wouldn’t like to but she said it would be too emotional for her to see me right now and that she gets lost even driving around where she lives lately and will go into panic mode and just go home, so she is afraid to stretch her boundaries with that today. It is just too much for her right now. I told her that I understand and that it is ok. She said we can try to meet up this coming week and will call me tomorrow to set up a day and time. I think I will offer to drive to her house, which is an hour drive for me one way, but considering her circumstances I think I should.
I have wondered about this pull I’ve been having lately for my family. But I am cautious too because so many times someone ends up hurt. And too often it has been me. In my healing I am learning to understand each of them and to forgive them where I can. All of us have developed unique perspectives and coping mechanisms to survive all that we did. So I want to be compassionate, yet I still feel a need to be on guard.
I'm not sure what I am looking for in this post, but I am sure someone will find something to relate to.
There is an old song I remember hearing several yrs ago that depicts my feelings for both my sisters at different times in our adult lives. It's entitled, "Ah, My Sister" I was going to include the lyrics w/ my post, but it suddenly ocurred to me that, that may be against the rules due to copyright infringement.