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My therapist has just returned from his vacation. It had been two weeks. He called me when he was away as we had planned but unfortunately I missed his calls.

It was soooo good to see him. I felt so lost and lonely while he was gone. This is not the first vacation...he takes frequent ones, one was for 5 weeks. But I really missed him this time. He brought back a couple cases of wine his mother made and asked me if I wanted a bottle. I said sure. Its a little confusing as he is always cautioning me on how much I drink because I'm on meds. Then he said, you dont drink every day right? Like he was assuring himself giving me the wine wouldn't be irresponsible. Well I walked out the door and he didn't think to give it to me. Shortly after on my way home, he called me to say I forgot it. He joked that it doesn't have a label but I'd have to trust him. I said I trusted him to not poison me. Something my husband said to me one time. I said I'd see him next week. I was so tempted to give him a hug which has only happened once. Is this gift of wine his way of saying he missed me too?
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