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Hi everyone, Im new here and have a question.
Im a 47 year old male. My girlfriend(the mom)is 50 and her daughter is 27. The daughter lives with mom and I do not. The mom and her family were abandoned when young. The mom had the daughter with the same abusive type man as her father and he also abandoned them. The daughter has a dead end low paying job.The mom does the daughters laundry,shopping,cooking,dirty
dishes ect.The daughter does not have a car,never has, and has to drive the moms car 6 days a week. I came in(a good guy that treats them both great)wanting the mom to push the daughter towards personal independence.I just found that after over 3 years with the mom that nothing has or was done by the mom towards that end.I didn't think it was my job so hinted only. I wish to live with the mom,not the daughter shes old enough and capable enough to be on her own.I believe that their staying together feeds the bad memories to each other keeping the pain fresh so to speak.They wont let me in completely.Am I right and am I wasting my time? thanks for any advice.
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Hi Timbo,
Welcome to the forum!

They wont let me in completely. Am I right and am I wasting my time?

Sounds like you are in a bit of a pickle there. I'll answer your last question first ~ Are you wasting your time? If you love someone you are never wasting your time! If you don't love this woman, maybe it's in your best interest to consider moving on. I'll assume that you love her because you have stuck it out this long.
I agree that your partners daughter should be out of the house by 27 (does mom cook with cheese?? hahaha sorry, I couldn't resist!), you say she has a job but is it enough to sustain herself in todays economy? Does she pay rent to her mother? If not, maybe you could suggest that she take some responsibility in that aspect. Also, hinting sometimes just doesn't cut it. I'm speculating here ... You might need to be a little more direct with your partner and explain to her that you'd like her to move in with you (where there possibly isn't room for her kid) at some point. Don't hint - TALK ABOUT IT! You need to find out if she is even interested in having her daughter move on. If she wants her kid to do this in her own time it may take a LONG time and you need to know this (it's your right to know this) so that you can either be prepared to wait for the long haul, or move on to a woman that is able to give you what you need in a relationship.

Good luck!

Hi Timbo,
Welcome to the forum, I'm glad you felt comfortable to ask your question. I think you're in the middle of a very complicated situation. It sounds like your girlfriend and her daughter are very emeshed and neither of them is in any rush to end that.

When someone grows up in an abusive, dysfunctional family they are often driven (very unconsciously) to repeat the trauma. As horrible as the abuse is, it's still at least familiar. Your girlfriend marrying someone like her abusive dad is a good example of this. Someone doing this kind of repitition of abuse has a lot of healing to do and a lot to deal with (I know whereof I speak because my dad was an alcoholic and physically and sexually abusive). Because of that she may be gaining some things from keeping her daughter so close that are not readily apparent. She has kept her daughter close to meet some emotional needs of her own at the expense of teaching her daughter to be able to stand on her own.

The other factor may be that she's feels guilty for placing her daughter in the same abusive environment as that in which she grew up. (My very WORST nightmare would have been for either of my daughters to be abused), which may have led her to feel like she has to "make it up" to her, so she is taking care of all her needs way past the time she should be.

I agree with Holz, (Hi Holly, good to "see" you!!) hinting isn't going to work. If this relationship is really important to you, you will need to speak openly to your girlfriend about your concerns. I will say that I doubt you are imagining being shut out. Their emeshment would make it difficult for them to get close to other people because they are so dependent on each other. but this isn't going to get better on its own. My guess is that either or both of them could use some therapy to work through their pasts. I think you need to make a decision about what you can live with because even if the situation changes it will probably be a long haul.

Please take all of this with a grain of salt, I'm shooting from the hip with very little info. Would you consider couples' counseling with your girlfriend? It might help to be able to talk with someone else there.


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