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Hello Psychcafe Forum Members... I have not been around for a dog's age, and I feel badly that I have absolutely no idea what has been going on with all of you, and no time to do reading here anymore. Frowner I've got the feelings something is up, but I don't know what. However I just thought I'd drop in and say hi, to all you lovely ladies, and any or all gents who might be around- and might remember me.

I wanted to just go ahead and post an open letter to my counselor, to let you all know how it's going in my life, and hopefully you will all feel you can use this thread to post "letters" to your T's and we can read them all and share, if you want to. Here's mine:

Dear Cowboy T,

I want to thank you for helping me have a safe place to explore my problems and my life. I want to thank you for having such clear, though unspoken, boundaries- from day one, that have never changed or shifted- that I know exactly where I stand with you all the time. You are my counselor, and have never offered to be more. Thank you for being friendly, affectionate, interested, and for having no personal feelings/opinions or reactions to my stuff at all, beyond what is reasonable in the context of our relationship. Thanks for not taking the bait that I often realize, too late, that I offer, but matter-of-factly turning the conversation back all the time, to what my issues are. Thanks for challenging me, listening carefully, remembering our conversations, and showing real concern. Thanks for liking me. Thanks for saying things that encourage me to open up, like- "I'll look forward to our next session" and "this has been a very stimulating conversation" without it mattering overly much to you- you are strong enough that you neither need me, or dislike me. Thanks for not needing to be complimented. You are simply there. It's only recently that I have realized that you are very wise- and quite trustworthy in the way you try to get me to see things, even though you come across as kinda goofy, instead of some kind of sage.

Thanks for being both an awesome friend- and yet a total stranger. Thanks for keeping it real. Thanks for addressing stuff! Your ability to challenge and confront issues (like explaining why you said hello to my H and I when we ran into you at the park, instead of riding by like you normally would) really keeps me grounded in what our relationship is, and what it isn't. And then softening the pain of realizing that you normally wouldn't have said hi to me, with a comment about how cute my little girl is- that really helps, stuff like that! Thanks for never pulling me in, or pushing me away, but just being present. Thanks for being a sounding board, but never encouraging dependency- and being clear that you do not approve of fostering dependency. That was tough to swallow at first, but now I realize how much I need to learn that lesson, painful though it is, and continues to be.

In short- you never try to be anything for me that you cannot be. You never offer me anything that will leave me longing for more than you can consistently give me. I can count on you to be what you are- my counselor- not my dad, husband, lover, brother, coffee buddy, or anything else I may wish for in my life. I've made huge progress over the past year and a half.

Thanks for being humble enough to endure the pain of recognizing what your own limits are, Cowboy. Thanks for not trying to be god. You rock.


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Yeah, hi there Beebs, good to hear from you, and from the sounds of your letter, I get the impression things are going REALLY well with Cowboy. Great news!

Sorry I can't really write a letter, not yet, I've only seen my new P four times and it's a bit soon to be thinking along these lines. But maybe further down the track.

Hey Beebs I know you're pretty busy but maybe you'll drop a post or two since you're around? Glad to hear things are going well for you Hug two


p.s. when I wrote 'yeah' I meant, as in agreeing with what Luci said
Beeeeeebs! How great to hear from you again. That was a lovley letter to your T! - and a thread after my heart.
Your dear cowboy T sure sounds good to you!
Hope to hear more about how things are going with you. I just returned to forum myself after a loooooong period without writing nor reading here. Not sure how long i'll manage to stick around but for now it is helpful and really nice to meet with old and new members here.
Thanks for sharing your letter, beebs!
Dear Bebe -

It's so wonderful to read this, and to know that you are safe and in such good hands. Actually I love the flip side of what I read in this letter. That you are exploring autonomy, finding ways to face and be with your pain, embracing and respecting boundaries, orienting yourself in your own life, standing tall. I love it, love it, love it.

I'm sending you a great, great big hug.


So wonderful to see you here again

What a truly wonderful letter you wrote to Cowboy and I'm so glad things are going so well between you. This letter also shows how much you have grown and how much you have learned in working with a T not only with good boundaries, but with one who understands you, respects you and keeps you safe.

I know how hard it is to start over with a new T and how long it takes to build that trust. It says a lot about both of you that you are working towards this so well.

I hope to see you aroud more and hear more about how your sessions are going. I know Cowboy is going to be so thrilled to get this letter. I know he will treasure it and knowing how much he has helped you. You are one strong cookie to do this again and so well!

Many hugs
aw- guys, it's so very nice to reconnect with you all. There are so many wonderful new faces to meet too, I see! gosh. All of you. There aren't too many people in this world who aren't afraid of having real conversation about deep stuff- you have always been the folks I turned to when the small talk starts to wear me out and I need some people with depth- folks who "get it" on some kind of deep level- and are consequently, very fun to have small talk with, too!

Lucina, lovely to see you, thanks for being the first to respond. big xxx right back at you, Luci! Thanks for your congrats.

LL, my old friend- it's so good to see you still here! Thanks for being happy for me I've found a trustworthy and *gasp* LOCAL T! Wink no more internet therapy for this chick. I still miss him awfully though. yarg. Thanks for being so welcoming- I will certainly try to come around when I can! It's been hell trying to pick up my life after so many years of major depression ruling it, but now that I'm slightly more on track, I might have a bit more time of an evening!

Froggy! Would love to hear how things are going with you, too- nice to see your froggy face!!

Starfish- so nice to see you my five-legged friend! I cannot tell a lie, however. Sigh. I wouldn't dare to send or give a letter like that to the Cowboy. To scared he would start needing me to flatter him in order to be able to help me. The day I give him a letter like that will be the day I'm truly over "Guru T."


hopeful, it is so nice to see you- I want to catch up[ with where everyone is at, one of these days- I things are going well with you!

I have to finish posting in a bit- I'll be back!
Jones, lovely to see you! Great big hugs back to you ,my's good to be in a place where I can see a bit clearer. there is so much I want to do. I have a ways to go, but I'm looking forward to the journey, and hoping for the best to happen, instead of expecting the worst. It's a better place to be. Not perfect by any means, but better. gosh I'd love to catch up with you-

TN- I just have to hug you. So nice to see you! I hope so much to read on here and find out how all are doing! Thanks for your encouragement and congratulations! I hope you and your T are doing well, too. It's hard to come back after painful termination, no matter what, isn't it. I hope you are grwoing in the trust with your therapy.

Morgs- how are you doing? Big Grin so good to see you- thanks for your congratulations and your obvious joy in others successes- you are awesome.

Oh draggers, I am so glad that you are dragonfly again! deeply, deeply happy! now I can call you draggles, draggers, flagondry or any of the other silly names old Jones used to come up with for you! big hug.

somedays- lovely to see you again! yuip those T's like a kind word now and again, I suppose. It's so much more fun to give them hell, though, ain't it? Big Grin hug, you!

Sorry to all of you who don't know me! I don't mean to pop in and be all annoyingly re-aquainty and obnoxious and stuff- I hope that of an evening I may get to know all the new ones here, and be a part of things if I'm able, as I'm able-

feeling so much affection for all of you old and new friends!
Thanks dragonfly- it's nice to know. I feel welcomed. It's been very tough to post, very tough, but I'll give it a go, as long as my excessive post-aholicism doesn't start to occur again. Than I may have to go cold turkey again... for now I feel that I have more than I can handle with trying to figure out who is still here, who is who, who isn't who, and, and...who is new or..y'know. Reading

LOL Beebs, you crack me up sometimes. Well I think I get what you mean with it being ok that YOU know this about how you feel, but it's not for his ears. I could be taking you too seriously here, but I immediately thought of this situation where you tell someone how positive they make you feel and how grateful you are to them for all sorts of things and then whammo suddenly they pull the rug - murphy's law type of scenario - the moment you let them know you appreciate them is the moment they abandon you.

If you're thinking anything like that, understandable, but of course this is a T we're talking about here so what is the chorus you can hear in the background here? Ok forum, altogether now - TELL him how you feel. LOL!!!!!

Good to see you around Beebs, hope you stick around a bit more or at least pop in more frequently from time to time. (((((( Beebs )))))


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