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Talk, talk talk you have someone to talk to?

I had so much buried anger, mostly about my son's cancer, but about other things through my life, too, and until I went into therapy and talked about it all, it was just building inside and I felt like I needed to rage. It only took a few months of really talking about it all for it to start lessening and within half a year I was so much calmer. Try to be honest and true about the anger. Denying it or lying about it doesn't help.

I find between weekly therapy sessions, writing in my journal (or typing in my private blog) helps a ton.

My T says doing things with your fingers helps, too. Yard work, cleaning, making bread, knitting....

Exercising might help, too.
Talk, talk and more talk if you have someone to hear your anger or help you get it out in a safe way
I have a cushion that I squash/beat like crazy, or I have a great stock of play doh for pounding, beating, tearing and ripping. Also sometimes I just go crazy with colouring pens and sheets of paper, its not art but it gets it out - just don't sit on it which is what I do sometimes with not great results
kick stuff really hard! Kicking works for me when my anger, which My T and now a new T I've seen a few times too, seem to think is turned inwards- comes out now and then. I have an old dryer in my back room that I kick really hard every once in awhile when it comes out. Roll Eyes Cushions didn't work for me cause for some reason I need to hear a loud noise, or see a result (something denting, for example) Works cause it is harmless and no one gets hurt with my mean words that I want to say or mean things I want to do when that happens.

Nice to see you btw!


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