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Hey all,

I think is forum is a neat spot and has created a pretty amazing community. Sure, we have our flaws, but for a bunch of folks from all over the world sorting through potentially really difficult and personal subjects, everyone here is pretty darn nice and caring about each other (or at least it just seems like it to me.) I check in on a forum for a medical condition every now and then, and while people there care, there seems to be a bit more... um, not sure how to phrase it... well, just not as "relationally safe" as people here seem to be. (they even have to have moderators who take down some posts. I think ShrinkLady watches this but have never seen her take down a post - even though some of us have deleted our own posts - but that is very different.)

I just wanted to ask - what helpful or good for you about this forum? It's likely different things for different people... I ask just because I am curious and wondering what helps others about reading and posting here.
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Hey everyone,

I’m new here but I agree with what ultraviolet said “therapy-minded people”. I felt really alone with going to therapy- like I was the only one in the world who went. That totally changed after finding this site. I’ve been reading through posts and it’s so amazing how people can basically quote EXACTLY how I am feeling!

I agree, this board is pretty wonderful, and has been a lifesaver for me on several occasions. It is a relief to be able to discuss the various feelings and circumstances that come up in therapy with others who understand what it's like, and also to get other perspectives on what is going on. I feel very grateful that you all are here. Big Grin

I have not searched a ton, but have not found another online place where people offer the level of respect, care, and support many do here. The fact that the forum is public makes that all the more amazing.

For me, this forum provides a space for me to reach out and receive support, as I struggle with that in my non-virtual life. Although I am lucky to have a couple of really great long-time friends, neither has been to therapy for an extended period of time so I would not begin to entertain the idea of talking separation anxiety with them. Through finding this site and seeing that others feel the way I do, I have been able to move toward talking about the feelings in therapy. That has made a huge difference in my progress. I don't know that I would have ever been able to talk to my T about feelings of attachment if I had not stumbled upon here. I would have likely quit first.
Thank you.
Well, all I can do is second what everyone else has said because they've all put it so well. Much like Smiley, I don't talk to anyone about therapy, so to not only be able to have somewhere to talk about it but to also be supported and have my thoughts/feelings/experiences/fears (you get the idea) validated is such an incredible gift.

Welcome to the Forums, MacLove. I'm glad you're already able to reap some of the benefits. Smiler
Have to echo what everyone else has said, but also want to add that this forum is great not just for just talking about therapy and therapists but being able to talk about the actual issues that put me in therapy in the first place. And it’s so unbelievably wonderful to be able to talk in the kind of detail about things that in real world would be criticized or judged as self-indulgent or self-obsessed or ‘wallowing’ in things.

The understanding and support on this forum is amazing, it really does not exist to this extent on any other forum I’ve seen (and unlike Seablue Smiler I HAVE researched the internet extensively). Also, everyone here is deeply committed to sorting themselves out, that too is something that makes a huge difference to the stuff that is posted about - again unlike on many other forums where a lot of posters don’t have the insights and understanding about themselves which are of so much value to me on this forum.

Three cheers for Shrinkforum - it’s the best!!!!

Originally posted by seablue:
I have not searched a ton, but have not found another online place where people offer the level of respect, care, and support many do here. The fact that the forum is public makes that all the more amazing.

For me, this forum provides a space for me to reach out and receive support, as I struggle with that in my non-virtual life. Although I am lucky to have a couple of really great long-time friends, neither has been to therapy for an extended period of time so I would not begin to entertain the idea of talking separation anxiety with them. Through finding this site and seeing that others feel the way I do, I have been able to move toward talking about the feelings in therapy.

Yeah, that. Exactly. Smiler

I have participated in many online forums, everything from parenting to gardening to knitting, and I have never found a group of such respectful people. It's hard to believe that people could get in virtual obscenity-laced screaming matches about baby care or knitting for goodness sake Roll Eyes, but they do, every day! It's amazing that this community is able to keep it together so well, without moderation! Cheers to all of you! Big Grin
wow, great responses! thanks!

ultraviolet - i think this is a great point!

For starters, therapy-minded people..."people dealing with their stuff"

I think there is something about the fact that we are all working on our stuff that helps this be a community where we take responsibility for ourselves and have a lot of respect for each other wherever we are at.

I agree with what several others posted that it is so helpful to connect and read about others struggling with therapy issues and stuff. It helps me so much to not feel alone in the middle of this process that can be so hard and difficult and frustrating - but this place is like an oasis of people who 'get it.'

echo -
virtual obscenity-laced screaming matches about baby care or knitting for goodness sake

this just made me laugh out loud! oh it is all too true in life (online and offline)...

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