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Yesterday my therapist told me he would be away next week and I wouldn’t be able to see him until the following Wednesday. He then told me that he’d be away for two weeks later in September, during which he’d be unreachable. He thought he had told me this before. He hadn’t. This really really upset me. I can’t imagine a therapist who sees a patient three times a week forgetting to tell the patient that he’s going away.

This completely blindsided me. As I said, I have been seeing him three times per week since June and he is something of a lifeline for me as I go through the most difficult period of my life (anxiety). To make matters more complicated is the fact that I have a major decision to make next week regarding my job, and I may be relocating to take a new one. He will not be around to help me through this.

I understand that he has a lot of clients, is very busy and is human, but would this be a reason to consider ending therapy with him? I feel my trust for him has been damaged by this. I also wonder if part of feeling so crushed and hurt by this is me projecting feelings from past failed relationships onto him. Am I over-reacting?

I should say that even though my progress has been slow, his insights have been pretty spot on and have really helped me, so he IS a good therapist, and the idea of searching for a new one and starting over is not very appetizing.

Thanks so much for any feedback.
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Hello Russ

Welcome to the site!!

I must say a few things. I really applaud your insight you had about your therapist going out of town and not telling you and how you feel. It seems spot on and I think you pretty much know the answer already. Smiler

I can understand feeling hurt because he forgot to tell you esp. as often as you see him and at the same time you recognize that he's human and apparently he thought he did tell you.

The fact that your insight fits so well as to projection and you obviously like him, i think its kind a knee jerk reaction... OMG, he's doing this to me and wont be there and so he's fired! Butr in reality, it sounds like he's definately worth giving another chance to and better yet, when you see him again, I think it will be a good chance to bring this up to him and your insight as well. Smiler

Also, its unfortunate he wont be there for your major decision but it does give you a chance to step back and think about what he might suggest and dig in yourself for some inner guidance in making this decision.

And i must say.. Therapy is hard and progress is slow but sounds like you have the right person despite this speed bump in the road.

Butterfly Warrior

Thanks so much for your reply. I also think that I am experiencing what they call "transference" with my therapist. Part of why I'm in therapy in the first place is because of my unresolved anger and sadness towards my father. In fact, on Friday when I was so upset with my T for forgetting to tell me he wasn't going to be available this coming week, he immediately told me to tell him exactly how I felt towards him about it, and then he did equate how I felt with with a recent experience I had with my dad. It was like pulling teeth for him to get me to get angry with him about it.

Then, last night I had a dream about my therapist. This REALLY freaked me out and has left me pretty shaken. In the dream he basically acknowledged that he made a mistake and felt bad about it.

I guess this isn't surprising since I spent a good part of last night reading about transference on this site. Smiler It's really frightening, but I guess it will also be a chance to heal.

Thanks so much again for your feedback.

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