Once we get into a fight, usually he complains that he has "no choice" but to keep talking about it, but he never actually asks me if we could talk about it later. He further complains that I have no respect for the work he has to get done. It ends when I finally get out of him that he wants to be left alone. At that point he usually sleeps for the rest of the afternoon and complains that he was so wound up about the fight that he couldn't do any work.
My question is, am I crazy if I think maybe he is actually picking a fight with me on days that he feels stressed about work, so that he has something to take out his anger about and an excuse not to work anymore for the rest of the day? Usually if he's working from home in the first place, it's because he doesn't feel well that day or is tired. Today for example he skipped out on a work outing because he said his allergies were too severe to be outside.
I guess I'm just trying to understand what's going on. It's terribly confusing for me...