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I've just learned that the (largish) company I work for is holding an Emotional Intelligence development session this week. OK, it's only a one-off for an hour, but it's a start. A step in the right direction. Has anyone else worked, or does for a company, who includes this in their training and development programmes? Did you get anything of value from it, or did it just cover things you were already well aware of?
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Hey AV!

Well I used to arrange some of those sessions/ team building exercises etc as part of my job. I was under the contract of large organisations. Can't give you more info than that - privacy issues I guess. Anyway I arranged anything from walking on hot coals (true - everyone did it! From the CEO to the cleaner!) as part of mind power exercises to show you just how powerful the mind is, and you can achieve and overcome anything you want with the right thoughts, to hugely inspirational guest speakers that left the audience in awe. Exercises and events ranged from company to company and was tailored to company/staff issues. So that could be team building to enhancing individuals insight and belief in themselves.

This is what I say....It absolutely works! There is a shift in attitudes and thoughts, BUT some people make it a permanent shift and use it as a base to further develop themselves, while others remember the experience and soon fall back into their old ways. It is what YOU make of it! From the companies point of view they will benefit even if it is only a portion of the people who choose to change, because those people will add a more positive and inspiring dynamic to the company as a whole.

So I think what you need to realise is in ALL events/conferences/programmes there are going to be things you already know. Guaranteed. Don't go on the presumption that you know everything though because if you do that, it is guaranteed that you will miss out on something. Go with the intent to see things from a different angle or hear and learn about something new from someone else's point of view. Go with the intent to use the knowledge as a base to further explore and develop those thoughts/information. Go to listen. Wise people listen. You just never know. If you don't agree with them, well at least you will have heard what they had to say. Even if you only take one sentence out of that course you will be wiser for it. I say go for it AV!

(((Liese))) (((B2W)))

Thank you for your replies.

B2W - wow thank you for your information on these sort of training sessions. I think that the company I work for is hoping to enhance individual insight and belief in themselves in order to create better working working relationships and more productive teams.

The course caught my eye especially, since, having read Daniel Golemans books on Emotional and Social Intelligence, and having learned so much from them, the whole concept facinates me.

I think I will go along and keep an open mind as you wisely say, and listen to what is being said. You can never have too much knowledge can you!

Thank you both for your input.

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