Aww, Morgs. You are so sweet. I think that's a great idea!
I'll go first. (There could be some trigger warnings here with explanations of why I am in therapy).
My name is Ainsley. I have been in therapy for about 2.5 years. I have a good T(although I am mad at her right now). I had a bad situation with my first therapist and luckily after a search found the one I am with. I am in my 30's, have a little married. What sent me to therapy was depression. I couldn't get out of it, especially after my daughter was born. I struggle a sense of self, feelings of being abandoned, and really having relationships with women. It's very hard for me to trust because I had a very abusive, neglectful childhood. My mother rejected me. She never wanted me, told me that I was not beautiful, sabotaged my relationships, prevented me to having a social life and also tried to prevent me succeeding in the world of work and education. My father stood by and watched. He also participated in the physical abuse, I guess carrying it out for her.
My first therapist pretty much crossed every boundary you could imagine. It's very painful and difficult for me to talk about. It didn't end well and reopened some seriously old wounds, and left open new ones.
My therapist today is someone who I couldn't imagine healing from this pain without. (I'm STILL mad at her.) But, I can see that she's good and she's promised to be there, that she wont abandon me. I struggle with attachment. I have ups and downs--wanting to be close and then pushing away. (I am currently pushing away).
As for fun stuff. I love art. I love painting and drawing. I also love writing. I write poetry and short stories. Music heals my soul, so I listen to a lot of music.
I don't work right now, but I am planning on going back to school to become a teacher. I love kids.
Ask me questions. I am pretty open, and I look forward to learning more about the rest of you.