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The PsychCafe
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My son came to me when he was almost four, having survived horrific abuse. In getting him help, I also was forced to help myself. We both have been through therapy for many years, and... it worked! While we did go through police interventions, violence, hospitalizations, and more, we came out the other end and both of us are actually pretty happy. I've written a blog about our experiences. I thought it would be a good idea to post a success story for a change. If you are interested, please go to
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Hi OtherMother... I just wanted to add here that I read a lot of your blog last night and you are an excellent writer. Your story is quite capivating and poignant. I could not finish as it was getting very late but I am looking forward to going back and reading more of it.

Aside from being a good writer you are a very courageous and generous person. I hope you will participate here with us and share your insights.


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