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((((Draggers)))) thank you for starting this thread.

Sincere thanks to ((((Everyone)))) for the hugs and messages of support; you've helped me through some very hard days.

In short; after 18 months of therapy, my T terminated my sessions last weekend; by e-mail. No discussion; no termination sessions, and no consultation with a supervisor. She had her reasons of course; lack of experience to help me further etc. I'm not going to go into details about it; but the exchange of e-mails since then has shown that there is no way back for us to ever work together again.

Hence I am now without a T; and wondering how to deal with ambivalent reactive attachment disorder without one.

Thank you all again for your support. If I do have any further news for you, I'll post it here.

AV.... Just wanted to say that I'm so terribly sorry for what happened with your T. As one who was abruptly terminated I understand how painful and truly devastating it can be. My only suggestion is to find another T with whom you can process this because it leaves trauma and grief in in's wake.

We are here if you need to talk.

BTW, my oldT also used the excuse of not being experienced in my "issues". He should have sought supervision and brought himself up to snuff instead of traumatizing a patient leaving me with PTSD on top of my complex PTSD. Your T could have educated herself or known way before all this time passed that she was out of her depth.

Hug to you
I am so sorry and sad for the extraordinary pain I imagine you are going through. I know how close you were with your T and how much you cared about her. Being terminated so suddenly and by email would be an enormous blow and so hard to bear. I know there is another T out there for you, one who is experienced and can help you find the healing and peace you deserve xxxx
(((AV))) There are no words that will comfort your loss right now but just know that you are in my thoughts. It is truly terrible that this has happened to yet another person. My termination was the same as that also after 18 months and it is debilitating.

I really am sorry that you have to go through this.

Hug two I was thinking there should be an emoticon with a person crying and another one wrapping a blanket around them and giving them a hug


I'm overwhelmed by your messages of support and wish I could thank you all individually. I would like to thank (((Muff))) though; your reply made me laugh Smiler and I haven't done that for a day or two; and thank you also for pointing out the poignancy of my own signature line! I needed that timely reminder, and you are right of course.

I couldn't leave things with (ex)T on such a sour note and so I wrote to say I bear her no animosity and hold her in high regard; and that I am grateful for all of her help. She has replied saying she is sorry for my distress and that that was never her intention. I feel somewhat calmer now.

(((AV))) It's good that you wrote that letter, and I am sooooo glad that she responded. My Ex T didn't even have the decency to do that. It's also good that she knows you were/are angry and hurt though. AV you are going to be going through a roller-coaster of emotions for quite some time and all the stages of loss and grief that go with what has happened. Just know that its normal - painful but normal. Hug two


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