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holy crap! I would sue her. Not for money but to prove to your insurance that she had zero credibility. She wasn't even a counselor yet, nor was she seeing you as a patient. She had no business making those claims.

Also, you may have a case to sue your insurance. Her statements should not have been treated as "professional" or "expert" and should not have been taken into account with regard to your insurance.
I agree with LG. You tried to take the road that would benefit you both even though IMHO she is not even deserving of your protection of her license or her professional credentials now. She had absolutely no right to do what she did and the fact that the insurance company listened to her is mind boggling. I would report her for sure. I'm sorry you have gone through all of this and continue to experience the effects all this time later. (((hugs)))
Yikes, Jane - it is terrible that she did this to you. And I know from your previous posts what kind of nightmares this led to for you - it's absolutely unconscionable that she took that kind of authority in that situation - she was NOT entitled to it.

I thoroughly agree with STRM - she's not deserving of your protection or her license. She acted completely unethically and got away with it and is showing NO remorse or regret, taking NO responsibility. She's not the sort of person I think should be allowed to treat others.

I know it would take a lot of strength for you to report this, but - to put it bluntly - I hope you do. Whatever you decide, though, we will be here to support you.

I have come out of lurking mode (really, this is my first post!) just because I was moved to respond to this thread. I do not think that you, by any means, have any responsibility towards protecting person X. I think it is totally within the realm of reason, sanity, and right to pursue this and to defend yourself against her allegations. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you do not continue to be haunted by the echoes of the totally unjustified and unethical things person X said about you.

I know it is hard and will be hard, but you deserve to stand up for yourself and be cleared from the lies that she spread. I also have serious concerns about her ability to counsel clients today. You need to look out for yourself. She wasn't concerned about your well being in the past so in my opinion she isn't deserving of your caring now. I'm glad you taped the conversation because it is clear she will lie to suit her purpose. (((hugs)))

I can give you some advice if you want to hear it.

You should do the following if you haven't already.
(1) Get a letter from the insurance company stating why they didn't pay the claim (because of what she stated).
(2) Get a copy of the ambulance and police reports where she made statements.
(3) Get a letter from anyone who she talked to about your "illness".

The more prepared you are the better.

I know this will be a hard decision but consider that she has clients now. If she was this unstable with you how is she treating her own clients?

I reported my old T to the licensing board. So I've been there and you can ask any questions that you may have about the process or the emotional part.

But it sounds like you have thought this thru and are taking care of yourself.

Let me know if you need anything.
this is a very very late thank you - but the issue that I posted about in this thread has come up again, and I'm taking som serious legal action about it. (which is part of why I deleted the content in this thread - sorry.)

thank you to everyone for the support and great suggestions. I'm going to do what I can to make sure this person can't do this again to me or anyone else.

and I am sorry to have to delete and be vague on this thing.


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