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I’m going on a really big vacation in two weeks, and my eq t has no idea… and I’m scared to tell her. Heck, I’m scared about the trip. We are going to a country that far away on a volunteer trip. I’m going with very safe friends who know me and know my battle with my emotions, and my primary t is super excited I’m going. I’m baffled about that… but she knows very well what I’m getting into, and is really supportive of it…. I can’t afford to do this on my own, someone who knew me stepped in and anonymously paid for all my costs. Which has freaked me out – but I’ve been working through that with my primary T. The part that has freaked me out is just receiving the huge act of kindness that it is.

Right now, I’m not sure how I feel about it all. I picked up my visa and plane ticket today though. It’s real.

Right now, I’m on an unplanned break from school, and this is an amazing opportunity... The country we are going to and the work we will be doing is fairly safe – and yet it will be literally on the other side of the planet.
I haven’t told my equine t I’m going. I’m scared to tell her. I did tell her last week I’m going on a trip and wondered if I could have an appointment for the week I got back, which is just before the Thanksgiving holiday. We only had moments to schedule, no time to talk, but she said yes, and we scheduled a time.

I could probably totally get by without ever telling her where I am going and what I am doing for the next two weeks. But, the thing is, part of why I wanted to see her when I got back was to do one of many things to help re-ground back to life here... and well, it’s gonna be hard to not tell her then, after I get back, and it feels really dishonest and unfair to her to tell her then, after I get back, that oh, btw, I just got back from…

I need to say something. I’m scared to tell her. I fear I will seem like an idiot, taking on too much by attempting this. I fear if I don’t tell her and/or I don’t go, I’m giving in to whatever limits I place on myself…

The reality is, I am really messed up, and yet I really can probably do this trip – at least survive it… My primary T thinks it will be a good chance to get away, and stretch myself doing something I do love doing and that others can use on this trip. Maybe she is right, maybe not… I dunno.

I’m just sitting here in tears wondering how can I be this messed up? How can I go do this when I can’t even hack telling my t this? Shouldn’t traveling halfway around the world be scarier than telling my T I am traveling halfway around the world?

My primary T wants me to tell her, in part because I want to take photos of the horses with me. I already have a couple – but I want to take them with me – and my primary T says maybe she will have other ideas too.

I may not keep this post up for long... I just had it get it out... or something...

I feel like such an idiot. What am I doing? How can I be doing this? I was just in intensive treatment 8 months ago...
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Jane I think this is a great opportunity and I think you are quite capable of making the trip, especially with trusted friends who know you well. I can see from here the amazing progress you have made of the past 8 months. I think you are just getting cold feet and the anticipation is usually worse than the actual act of going somewhere. I always feel like that when I go away for a time and I think it's a sort of separation anxiety. I remember summer of 2009 I was going on a much anticipated and wanted cruise with my family and I was so freaked out about leaving my T. He knew about the trip but not my anxiety at leaving him and leaving home. I asked him for an appointment the day before I left and he listened to me and calmed me down and then as I was leaving he handed me a little stuffed puppy dog that looked just like his own dog. I loved that dog so much and took him with me. I actually gave my T a picture of the puppy sitting out on the balcony of the ship. He loved it and hung it up in his office! Makes me teary to remember this... we were so close then. I still have the dog and I still love him it's just a bit painful now to look at him.

But.. I think I understand your fear of telling your other T but it will be fine and I think she will understand and be happy for you. Please do not give up this wonderful chance to do something that will fulfill you and give you a lifetime memory that you will cherish.

Keep us posted and good luck.

TN ~ aw, I love that story with the stuffed puppy. My primary T gave me a small little stone bear to take with me out of state when I went for intensive treatment... (maybe I should ask her if I can take him again Smiler I also can relate to what you said about seperation anxiety. I get that when an appointment needs to be rescheduled within the same week... And now, I will be so far away...

Preppie Girl
You have asked a really good question, why can I tell my primary T and not my eq T? The worst that could happen? I don't really know the full answers to both.

I think I am afraid she will be mad because maybe I will seem contridictory. How can I go on this trip, and yet be so freaking needy other times? I think sometimes to myself, come on, if I can do this then I should be more ok, more put together than I actually am... I am afraid that maybe I'm not as needy as I feel -

...and also...

I'm afraid that I am way more needy than I feel. I'm afraid I am taking on too much, and I will come back in worse shape, and have progressed backwards, and she would be mad for that...

Yet, you are right, she has been pretty darn good so far.

The worst that could happen? I dunno. My mind can run away with me in trying to answer that. I guess that she could leave/say I can't come back. This is not a very rational fear at all...

12 more days before we leave on this trip.

I hope I will go. I think will tell her...

maybe I'm just directing all my fears about the trip, and maybe my life as a whole, into one thing - telling my T something pretty simple. Maybe on some level, it's easier to be afraid of that than everything else...

my two cents, janedoe...i hope you go, and i hope you tell her beforehand.

i think you may be right in your last thought, that maybe this is a 'cover' story for the other stuff. i think i do that, sometimes i wonder how honest i really am in therapy, not that i am lying to t, but that maybe all my 'stuff' is really a cover for the deeper issues. in some ways, it is the old onion peel story, you know...the layers?? so maybe if you tell her what you know, the other layers will reveal themselves as they are able.

i do hope you go, and that it can be a get away somewhat from all the regular stuff.

i do relate though...i really sometimes don't know quite what it is that i am so afraid of....fear of fear, probably...feeling so much fear as a child, perhaps we just run the opposite way so instinctively that...i don't know, that maybe we get to a point that the habit outweighs the gain?

keep us posted!! jill
I only have a moment but just wanted to say:
I told her! I told her!

and it went really well!

I went to the session today pretty off kilter. I was fairly numb on and off - the most I ever have been with her. It went really ok anyhow.

The conversation went to fears about kindness, connection, endings, grief, and pain. We talked about my total lack of confidence in myself.

As we talked, at one point, I fought back tears, and she did as well.

It was an amazing session. I told her about my fear that I'll come back worse, and she would be mad and reject me for it.

She is not concerned.

She said that even if I come back and I just want to:
- sit and talk about nothing having to do with me or the trip - that would be ok! We could just talk about the horses, and anything about them, and she was really ok with giving me any "space" I need, if that's what I needed.
- if I am crying the whole time - that would be ok! If I am more emotional or impulsive or a mess (as I put it) then that would be ok too. We would work on that too.
- if I come and I'm more "disconnected" (my word for dissociative) and then that's OK too! And we could find ways to work on grounding and slowly bringing me back. She even said the word slowly - like it's ok if it even takes a little while.

She said she would HOPE that a trip like this would affect me, and not leave me the same. She explained she was super excited I was going and knows might be hard, and open up wells of grief, or challenge me a lot. It's ok if I need time to recover when I get back, and that she wouldn't even think of that as "moving backwards."

I couldn't quite take in her kindness and acceptance of me, and she even reflected that back to me that she could tell I was really struggling with her words... She said to just try, maybe not letting that sink in, but just holding it for as long as I can, just see "I'm really ok with you."

The whole theme of "it's ok" came up because of the horses. Oh, no time to explain... I must run...

I just so wanted to tell you all thank you for encouraging me to talk to her - I'm so glad I did!

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