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It means instead of expressing something verbally, you express it behaviorally. One time I went away with the kids and my old therapist told me my H was acting out because when I got home, the house was a mess and he left beer cans around. He was upset that I'd gone and lonely but couldn't express it verbally. Does that help?
In the therapy context, for me, at least, acting out mean that I "indulged" in negative behaviors, basically setting myself up for self-sabotage, and it was always before T was heading out of town, or I had a longer gap than usual between sessions.

T said that it is common for kids to "act out" when they want something that they can't get, but don't have the words to express that want/need. In my case, I was afraid of being without T for any extended length of time, so I'd "act out" in the unconscious hope that either T would see how much I needed her and not leave for whatever the break was about, or I was testing T, to see if she'd still be the same person she was when she left.

Most of the time it was more of me testing T by acting out to see how she'd handle me. It took just about two years for me to fully stop testing T. She even commented that I've gotten so much better at using my words instead of acting out, and even more, when I've just thought about or want to act out, I've been able to express that to T in advance, so we can talk about it and thereby preventing the "acting out" from happening.
HI TAS... I have acted out a few times in therapy. I think it means using actions to express emotions instead of talking them out. For example, one time I got really mad at oldT but could not express it after the session so I slammed his door loudly on my way out. I think he got the message

With current T I was really emotional one time and instead of talking about it I sat with my blanket over my head.

I have to say that I have not "acted out" in quite awhile because my relationship with T has gotten more solid and strong and I feel safer talking.


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