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Hi All,

Well, I had a session with new T the other day. I talked about several losses that I've had in the last few weeks and about my feelings of loss with my former T. She asked where old T is, how long that I saw her for and if I had insurance. New T was in a way asking why I didn't just go see former T. I explained briefly to new T that we met for 2.5 years, our relationship was pretty good (ups and downs), and her theoretical orientation was fine, but maybe not what I need at this point.
New T has me working on specific techniques to reduce my anxiety and old T was more about relationship, insight, and talking without having many techniques. Basically old T would mention to breathe when anxious without actually explaining how and doing it with me or showing me. I miss the bond that old T and I shared. I told her almost two years ago how deeply attached to her I was.
New T is teaching me concrete ways of dealing with my problems and demonstrating those with me during our sessions. We actually practice deep breathing, stretching exercises, and other such things. I don't have a bond with her that is the same. Then again, I have only seen her for 5 or 6 sessions.

I hope to post on here a couple of times in the next week. The amount of homework for T training school is killing me! I'm learning a ton, but am WAY overwhelmed.

Ok...thanks for reading my rambling post....I just needed to get some things out of my head....
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I'm sorry that you're missing your old T right now, but I'm glad you were able to talk about it with your new T. Did new T know that you had had another T before her already, or was that a surprise to her? The difference in their techniques is interesting to think about. I tend to gravitate much more towards the psychodynamic orientations, but there is something to be said for having someone teach you some solid techniques for dealing with anxiety. Especially with the stress of school, this new T sounds like she can be helpful to you, even if you don't yet have the same sort of relationship as you did with old T. You may become attached to new T, but I don't think you necessarily have to become attached in order to gain something from the therapy. Are you able to contact old T at all?

Thank you for responding, Bee! Smiler

New T knew about old T from the first session. I just never said that I missed her. They are just different types of therapists, which is cool. I've learned so much already from both of them!
Since I'm going into this field, I thought it would be great to see different techniques and relationships.
About contact with former T...
I usually run into her once a month or so when I take one of my kids into see his/her therapist.
Former T also told me what restaurant she tends to hang out at on a certain day of the week. I must admit that I have gone there to see if she shows up at the time I'm there. That hasn't happened yet. I was also there looking for relatives and friends of mine, so it wasn't solely seeing a former T mission.
I have former T's cell number and I know she is on Facebook, but I haven't contacted her that way. I'm trying to keep the boundaries strictly professional even though it's extremely hard! I totally wanted a mentorship and friendship type of relationship with her. I believe, she in a way did too or she wouldn't have given me so much information about herself or where to "run into her" at on a certain day.

Ok...back to studying...this T stuff is fascinating! I'm rather overwhelmed with the amount of papers and readings to do though!

Talk to you later, Bee!

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