Well, I had a session with new T the other day. I talked about several losses that I've had in the last few weeks and about my feelings of loss with my former T. She asked where old T is, how long that I saw her for and if I had insurance. New T was in a way asking why I didn't just go see former T. I explained briefly to new T that we met for 2.5 years, our relationship was pretty good (ups and downs), and her theoretical orientation was fine, but maybe not what I need at this point.
New T has me working on specific techniques to reduce my anxiety and old T was more about relationship, insight, and talking without having many techniques. Basically old T would mention to breathe when anxious without actually explaining how and doing it with me or showing me. I miss the bond that old T and I shared. I told her almost two years ago how deeply attached to her I was.
New T is teaching me concrete ways of dealing with my problems and demonstrating those with me during our sessions. We actually practice deep breathing, stretching exercises, and other such things. I don't have a bond with her that is the same. Then again, I have only seen her for 5 or 6 sessions.
I hope to post on here a couple of times in the next week. The amount of homework for T training school is killing me! I'm learning a ton, but am WAY overwhelmed.
Ok...thanks for reading my rambling post....I just needed to get some things out of my head....