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******trigger warning: weather related triggers ahead*****


last night was very rough. As I was falling asleep, a very loud clap of thunder startled me out of bed, litterally. The falsh of ligting hit the same time (which means it ws very close). It was also strong enough that it car alarms went off. (It shakes the normally very dry air where I live hard enough to shake cars). This has happened before - and it usually startles me quite a bit. I tend to be pretty careful and watchful about lighting, just like most people here. I've never ben outside with close lighting and I'm not generallay afraid of getting hit by lighting. It just makes me jump no matter what. When it did hit so close last night, I jumped. I also dissociated. I think I have been in a very activated state lastely, and somehow, after jumping, I then went numb. I couldn't feel my body at all. I quickly started to do everything I could to ground. We have had flash flood watches all day yesterday (part of why I was already on alert). I have lived here for quite some time, and we have never seen a year like this and never had such serious flood warnings and concerns. I needed to stay gounded so I could stay safe if I needed to hit tail it out. Thankfully, I did ground and when the flood sirens did go off (and my phone vibrated getting the reverse 911 call) another two hours later, I was ok enough to get it and go. (And, even better, only the parking lot of our building flood about a foot, and then drained pretty quick.) It's going to htankfully be at least a week before another round of high temps (and snow melting upstream too fast) and heavy rain. I have never ever had to evcauate for flood warning. Our city is being very extra careful this summer, and I'm glad, as the risk is at record levels this summer - and they have done a great job of clearing all drainage so that rain and snow mealt levels that norally would have lead to flooding have done so. I also live on the second floor, so the biggest concern is to just get me and my cat out safe. I have friends who have room for me to stay, but last night I stayed here to be with my cat who gets very nervous to go elsewhere. (then once we had the warning to get out, I took her with me) I have never dissociated with the fear of bad weather comming up for me, and it really doesn't help. I don't know what to do... I talked to my T about it, and started to numb out just talking of it... I think I really need to keep working on lowering my over all activated state... I've never been through a flash flood or even a serious flood before. It scares me. I'm also tired of jumping through the roof with the lighting. I am also sick, so I suppose that is lowering my threshold for dissociation too? I know the cold medication does, and maybe just being tired and sick does as well...?

ugh, I will be glad when all this passes.

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Jane... I just want to say that I don't handle severe weather very well either. Since I moved to this State I have been very nervous about thunder storms which are more severe here. I won't go into detail but I want to say I do understand how you feel. I'm sorry.

I think you are doing a very good job of handling things and I would only suggest to keep doing what you are. Listen to reports, be aware and have things ready to hit the road if need be.

Stay safe,
TN, Dragonfly, and DF ~ oh dear, how did I miss following up on this thread? I'm so sorry. but thank you so much. This helps a lot - especially today. Helps me be a little less judgemental of myself...

*** triggers about weather below ***

We just got a flash flood warning issued about 30 minutes ago. A warning... when watches are issued, it's no big deal. It means to "watch" for the possibility of the weather. A flash flood "warning" means "flooding is imminent or occuring."

as if I was not jumpy enough!!!

and yet nothing is happening - everything seems to be fine - but the warning is still in place. It is a warning for my county and city.

as if I am not jumpy enough!!!

but I am feeling better than I used to feel about this possibility happening. I'm also glad I picked a new phone plan that issues warnings right to my phone, which this summer, is a good thing. This is the first warning of flooding. We have never had a summer with so much intense weather. I am a little nervous. Got to stay grounded. I should be fine and safe where I am.

If any flooding is about to happen close to me, sirens will go off, in theory. I live on the second floor, so I am not so worried about my place, as I am about getting stuck. And yet 15 years ago, a city near here had a 20 ft wall of water come through. So it's good to evacuate if the sirens go off, just to be safe. And if they go off, I will... run? I will check the ap on my phone from the national weather service and then run for higher ground. They say not to drive. eh, I guess it makes sense. I don't have to go too far to get up high so that is good. Do I take my cat? Put her in the carrier? oh shiesh. I really hope the sirens do not go off.

There is very blue sky straight above, and very dark clouds not too far away.

*** end of triggers ***

back to distracting myself...
They gave the all clear to go back but said to be ready to leave again at any time during the next 2 hours. I'm in my car w my kitty. She is quiet. She only gets super quiet when super scared. Everything is safe now but I'm shaking and shivering and so feel like I could just cry for no real reason other than just a release maybe? I'm parked near a frozen yogurt shop up on a hill with other residents. Everyone talking about the sirens and flashfloods - and some buying frozen yogurt as we wait for word of any more alerts. Beyond surreal. I think I'm going to go park a little further away and hold my kitty in my car.

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