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Last seesion was Friday. Deep session..... Previous ones over the last few months have seemed more conversational and surface level. Talked about specific triggers and specific traumas. I revealed how I have been feeling inside...deep down inside. ****Trigger Warning*** told her how the thought of self harm calms my mind. Makes me feel light, like all the weight is lifted off and Im floating. We left like usual with a hug when it was time to go. Only this time, I didn't have a lot of strength to hug her and it felt like I couldn't let go or I would fall down. Of course I did let go and I walked to my car. I sat in my car for awhile with the air and music on trying to feel "normal" before I drove. My heart was pounding and I felt like I might burst out in tears or a screaming rage at any minute and the only thing keeping me calm was sitting there, not moving with my eyes closed. Eventually I remember that I needed to go pick up my son and I left. I got about 3 side streets away and had to pull over b/c my whole body started shaking and my heart was pounding and I couldn't concentrate on driving or remember where I was or should be going. I had a little mini break down. After I got it together again (so I thought), I found my way to the freeway and headed to pick up my son only to realize much later that I had driven waaayy past the exit I needed and had no idea where I was. I burst into tears and called my Husband who mostly just got scared and didn't help at all. I got it together and finally got my son and got home safe. I am afraid to go back now. I'm afraid that really getting into the nitty gritty of how I am feeling and what my mind is thinking is too much for me to handle. I didn't go to my session today. I feel like its easier to just keep masking like I have been. I am so afraid of the real feelings to come out - what if I do act on them?
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kmay.... I know you must feel really fearful of what happened and of going back and talking about the same stuff that scared you but you really need to.

What I think you need to do is to tell your T exactly what happened when you left the office. If you can't tell her then read her what you posted above. She needs to know. I think you were dissociating badly when you left and she needs to know so she can ground you better before you leave the office. The shaking for me is usually the trauma releasing. Maybe you tried to do too much processing too soon and you got overwhelmed.

While this has happened to me it does not happen each session nor even frequently. My T and I have worked on trying to get me grounded and safe before I leave his office.

I think you need to go back. You can only suppress the pain and the feelings so long and then will start to leak out in other areas if you don't address them.

Hang in there
True North -
She actually knows what happened. We have a very close and open relationship with little boundaries. I called her when I pulled over b/c it was all I could think to do. She came right to me since I was just around the corner from her office. She calmed me best she could but she had other clients to get to and I had to get my son so I think I drove away before I was ok. What exactly is dissociating? I haven't really experienced this in my time in therapy.

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