Since I remember my sessions in bits, they might have been something he said/suggested about me wanting to be seen as a woman. And it was in the context of a dream I had, where I met with a different therapist who wanted to replace my current one and who's arm was touching mine when we walked together and I loved that touch. So after that I let myself drift a bit mre into my erotic fantasies about him and even wrote down one to let him know what is the story (never gave it to him).
My last session started as usual with me being on the edge of panic (normal thing) and him trying to make me relaxed a bit if that's at all possible. At some point later on I made some loose remarks about him looking nice in that top he's wearing. When he asked why I liked it I replied that probably because it is tighter, so I could see his lovely (I didn't use that word) shape better. Eventually after examining him carefully I mentioned that he looks kind of sexy today. And he said nothing in reply, just sort of looked away (??) and then we talked about something else. So I'm a bit puzzled. I don't know what to do. Is it ok for me to have that kind of feelings for him? I'm lost and I don't know what to do. Basicly I don't know if he will be able to handle it. I know he's been trained to do it, but I'm afraid if he may feel uncomfortable with me, or worse - he may feel attracted to me. Than he will have to transfer me and I can't imagine how much pain that would cost me.
I read that sexual feelings should be discussed in therapy but never acted out. Fine with me, but how will I know what can I discuss. Will I discuss with him that I pictured him naked and masturbating under the shower? He would fall of his chair and I would die of shame.
I have 18 days left till my next session. Maybe I will start writing litte porn stories about him.
I know that some of you had suffered a lot because your Ts were not doing the best job about transference. My T has only 4 years of experience as a therapist, so should I be afraid? He's quite attractive guy, married - so at least no fear that he's a pervert looking only to be loved and desired by his female clients. So now I have another issue - will I be able to distinguish his genuine care about me from any possible attraction? I know I couldn't do that with other men.