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So due to a change of insurance, I am having to find a new therapist or pay out of pocket for the one I currently see. I plan to pay out of pocket for as long as I can but I am also going to be proactive and start setting up a relationship with a new therapist now through my insurance carrier. Anyhow, i went and saw new therapist today and was surprised to discover she was 75 years old. No connection between us at all. I had asked when I contacted the office to be assigned to a therapist around my own age (I am 45). Total waste of my time. Just wondering if age plays into your decisions regarding selection of therapist. Just seems its important to be able to connect with a contemporary rather than someone who triggers me due to her age similarity to my own mother.
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Since I was younger, I've always gotten along better with those much older than me. I've had a few friends in my own age group, but mostly my friends now are 10-30 years older than me. I'm in my early 30s and T is in his early 60s, a little over 30 years older than I am. I don't think it would have been a requirement for me that he be a certain amount older, but the amount of experience he has in terms, both in terms of variety of treatments/clients he has worked with as a therapist and just life experience in general, makes me feel safer. I probably wouldn't feel safe seeing an intern or someone who had just recently gotten licensed. If I had to work with a woman, however, I'd probably feel more comfortable with her being closer to my age, just to reduce the mom-transference that would cause me to be a complete @$$hat to her all the time (well, indirectly by projecting all sorts of nasty stuff on her, even worse than I do with my wonderful T).
I'm 21 and T is 41 and I am happy with the age difference. I've always had friends who were a lot older than me and she's not that much older than they are, so it feels comfortable. She's young enough to be around the same age as some of my friends, yet a little bit older in that she has that motherly touch. She's pretty hip for her age too which makes her seem younger at times lol. I've never thought of age difference being a hindering factor, but then again I don't think I would feel as comfortable if my T was in her 20s. For me, that would feel like I was paying a friend to help me out with my problems. Razzer
My T is my age - well 6 months older and we tease each other about her being older and me being "the young one".

I like the age. I want my T to be with me on my journey and so I am not looking for an older figure to be in my life. She is in the stage of life, same aged kids, similar home and family backgrounds. We share similar daily struggles with work, home, kids, school and family issues. I needed that.

When i was with youngT - she was 10 or more years younger, single, no kids - she really did not understand the daily grind.
My T is 30 and I am 50. before I went to her my previous T who recommended her asked if it was a problem that she was younger than me.
My only hesitationwas that she had a 1 year old daughter and i was worried she would still have another child.
1 1/2 years later T is pregnant and going on maternity leave in 4 weeks time!!!
Luckily she has recently started a private practice and I am hopefully transferring to see her there.
Aside from that in therapy itself her age has not come into it, she is just T and we have built up a really good relationship.
I am choosing to continue with her although I will have to start paying, rather than change to a different T and continue free therapy.
My T is younger than me by 7 years..she told me her age straight off when we met because she said for some clients its important and sometimes people have been put off by her being younger than them

Its been more about the relationship we have together and often she 'seems older' anyway I have long forgotten she's younger anyway
Thanks everyone for your comments. I do think it is the relationship you have that counts the most. My current T is 9 years younger than me but very experienced and I feel like we relate so well. I have a huge fear of abandonment (don't we all?) and with the older T I would think she is so close to retirement that I would worry about that all the time. I think I was so put off by her because I was expecting someone much younger. Doesn't bode well for the office if they ignored one of the two requirements I had (the other being gender).

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