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Hi all
As many of you know I did therapy with old T for 4 years. In the beginning of that therapy (fall 2007) I could not trust her. For months I did not make any progress. I came to my appointments did not know what to say and had often self harmed in between sessions, even took overdose of pills before one session so she had to send me straight to the ER.

In time I learned to trust her. I felt that she was there for me, no matter what. And now I admire her perseverance for continuing with my therapy at that time.

When I finally felt I could really trust her, there came transference. I had dealt with transference before. The first time with my teacher when I was 13, then a mental nurse at women-shelter when I was 25 and later a minor transference with my family doctor. Usually I have transference for a long time . In fact I have been transferencing for 16 years of 26 since I was 13.

But this time it was different, I decided that I had to tell T that I was transferencing. With the 3 other people I had kept it a secret.

But dear T and I could not really work with the transference. We hardly ever talked about it. I tried to understand it and wrote about it in my e-mails to her, but she didn´t seem comfortable talking about it. The only thing she said about it was;"Are you making any progress un-attaching to me?"

Despite that, I feel I made a really good progress in therapy since I began trusting her. I had been a very active self-harmer, now it happened very seldom, I also had been an inpatient for many and long times, now I almost never went to the pshych-ward(except for sometimes during T´s summer-, Christmas-, easter-breaks). I was feeling better Smiler

I think it was a huge milestone in my therapy when a psychologist from my DBT-group talked about acceptance and not judge. She said that we should stop fighting...stop saying “I should not feel like that”. I asked “should you just accept anything?, should I just accept the fact that I was transferencing with my T, should I stop judging it as something bad? Should I stop the fight I had been in for 16 years of the last 26? “Yes” she said.

It was like she had waved the magic wand…
I could not see it at the time but now I can feel what a big transformation this new information made on my thinking. It was hard to accept the fact that I loved T. I knew it was not like a grown-ups love, more like a baby that loves it´s mum. All of a sudden I could feel my inner child. I played lullabies for this little girl at nights (Miracle by Celine Dion was her favorite), I imagined that T was my mother, that some grownup was taking care of me, something I didn´t experience in my childhood. In my fantasy she hugged me, rocked me and protected me. I felt safe.

It felt wonderful, I had never felt this kind of thing before in my life. I told dear T about how great I felt and I told her it was like this empty hole in my heart was filled.
She was glad for me, but it felt like something was missing… she was not completely there for me… that felt strange… and somewhere in the midst of all… I began feeling bad as well. I couldn´t disappoint T and tell her I also felt bad, and to me it seemed like she wasn´t feeling well. She often had migraine, she was distant, I knew in her personal life she had lost a very close friend. So I kept those bad feelings to myself, I didn´t know why I felt bad, I just felt bad and wrote about it many times in my diary.

Weeks later I was still feeling bad and I said to myself ; “Little me, this is not how therapy works, you have to tell T you are also feeling bad, it´s not all good”.

I decided I had to tell her. I said; ”T, I feel really bad, I can´t sleep or eat, and have to take a lot of painkillers to get through the day and I don´t know why I feel this bad”.
But unfortunately when I did she had one of her migraines, she didn´t think straight and just talked like some DBT- textbook.
She said; You have been through worse, you don´t have to know why you feel bad, you don´t have to analyze everything, Feelings don´t last forever, this feeling will go away eventually”

Those words made me feel terrible. My head was spinning… I was getting out of control, I couldn´t think straight. I tried to shut everything out, didn´t want my feelings to control my head, felt the tears trying to burst out my eyes, but I didn’t want to cry. She had hurt me so much and I didn´t want her to see that, I wanted to be strong. I could feel my brain tried to dissociate, and I´m scared of that. So I tried to focus on my breathing… and had to say the word out loud…focus on the breathing. Then she said she had to leave early because she had migraine. I was so hurt and left.
After the session I felt I was so childish. I thought I should understand, she was sick… sometimes people say unreasonable things when they are sick. I thought I should show her the same empathy she had shown to me for 4 years.

But the little child inside me could not understand, she was terribly hurt. … and I told this baby to shut up, you have to show T some empathy, I thougt.

My trust towards T decreased, she decided it was best for me to have two weeks between sessions. I felt worse and worse, could not sleep, eat, lost a lot of weight, looked terrible, almost didn´t make it through the day at work. After 3 months I was exhausted, was admitted to the hospital, decided I could not do therapy with dear T anymore, tried suicide, intensive care for 48hours, back to the mental ward. Those days were terrible.

Now I´m working with a new T. He thought it would be in my benefits to try to realize what happened, before and in the “storm” I had with old T. I also miss her a lot. I was glad he wanted to talk about it. He has also said it would be good if we, me and him could schedule an appointment with old T and discuss this. Last weekend I read all my diary from this terrible time, it was difficult, but it made me see what I think really happened.
After reading my diaries I can feel that this was a part of transference… Freud had talked about this… when his patients where transferencing they did asset him feelings and thoughts that were not his own. And they acted to him like those feelings where his. I had read about this before, but at first I did not connect the dots.

I had made old T my mum. And later when I could access my inner child, I acted towards old T like I had done to my real mum. When I was born and through all my childhood, my mum was depressed, maybe because 3 years earlier my grandmother had forced her to give my older sister up for an adoption at birth. My mum and I never attached. I could feel she was in pain, she was not there for me and she was distant. When I was one, she met my stepfather, and he didn´t want me around, he never talked to me and completely ignored me. To survive I must have felt I had to keep everything to myself, never tell anyone if I felt bad.
Same things I did to old T.

And I didn´t realize how much impact it had on me when old T said those poorly thought things to me (“have been through worse, you don´t have to know why you feel bad…”). I just felt I was overreacting, and told myself, don’t be so childish. Maybe I have done that to much, not to listen to that inner child and just want to throw it out the window. I realized that last Tuesday in my DBT-group.
I´m glad new T asked me to look back, and try to figure out what happened between me and old T. It has given me better insight and understanding of myself.

I have worked with him for 4 months, and of course I don´t trust him much… (took me 2 years to trust old T). Too bad he is just a short-term T. I have just 5 more months with him.

I want to thank you all for being here, for me through this journey.
Sometimes this has been a hell. It has helped a lot to post here, and many of you have given me a lot of kind words when I needed them the most. It has also helped me a lot reading here, read your story's, and I know many of you have been through rough times in therapy, often because of transference.
Thank you all
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Little Me, that was a really powerful story to read. I'm really glad your new T is helping you figure out what happened with old T. I'm sorry for all the heartache you had with old T, too. I liked reading about how the DBT psychologist said you didn't have to fight the transference. Very powerful. Thanks for sharing your story.

Thank you for sharing, Little Me. I felt strongly for you as I read this, especially the parts about when you came to accept your transference for old T and then began to care for your inner child and experience the world differently. That is such a fragile but precious place to be. You put it all so well. I'm really sorry that therapy with her did not continue to be a great experience for long after that. However, it sounds like you have a wonderful new T and a lot of insight, which is awesome! I wish you well as you continue on your healing journey. Hug two
THanks Little me for writing your story out. It was amazing to read and I felt such a strength that you have. Clearly you have done a lot of reading and development because you seem to have a good understanding and acceptance of what you went through.

I don't want to hate my OLDT - but I know she isn't good for me either. It is such a dilemma to be in.

Your new T sounds wonderful and supportive.

Thank you Quell, Heldincompassion, Somedays and BLT.

I´m glad you liked my story. Like the many stories I have read here, I hope that my story can help someone in their journey towards healing. Your responses as well.

You are right pointing out that my DBT psychologist said the right things about not fighting the transference. Heldincompassion also points out that when you begin feeling your inner child you are in such a fragile but precious place, I could really feel that.

Thank you Somedays for telling me you feel such a strenght that I have. Yes new T has helped me a lot and he sure is a really good T. I am scared of getting too close to him because as I told you he will be leaving in 5 months. But he has teached me a lot in this short time and is really supportive helping me get through this terrible rupture with old T.

I think new T might be right saying that it would be good for me if I go with him and talk to old T, to clear things out. I was really out of my mind when I told her I couldn´t work with her anymore, in our last session (6 months ago).

What do you think? Do you think it would be good for me?
I´m scared of my feelings towards her, I can feel that I still hope for her to be my protector, to be there for me. I can feel that I´m hoping she would say maybe she would take me back... That we could let my inner child be safe... I know in my heart that that´s what I need. I need her to help me regulate my feelings so I can learn to do that on my own. And then fly away from the nest... I really long for that.... and what would happen if she wouldn´t say that. How hurt will my inner child be then, and will I be able to care for that hurt little infant inside me. I´m scared that I would not handle the rejection.

But maybe something good will come out of it... maybe I will learn some more about myself when we talk about it, I would really like to hear her side of this story. An I would like to tell her about what happened from my point of view.

I feel strongly the part of me that thinks maybe she feels we have a good base to keep working together. There are not so many T´s here in my country that are willing to work with a patient for longterm. When I quit with new t (in 5 months) I do not have another T. And I feel I have to get through this attachment stuff, if I ever want to be whole.
I think old T and I have a strong base, I do still trust her(almost), and the transference is still active, isn´t that good? Or what?
Hmmm... I´m scared. What do you guys think?

Somedays: I think it´s ok for you to hate your OLDT for a while, allow yourself to do that... I think hating her is your inner childs protection. I do not hate my old T, but if I did I think it would be essential to allow myself to do that for a while... don´t fight it.

Big hug for all of you, from Little Me
Little Me,

You have a really tough decision about whether to meet with old T. I know that some others on the forum have had an opportunity to do it, and I think that for some it helped, but I don't have any of my own experience to tell you about it. I understand that you are afraid of being unable to handle the rejection (I would be, too), but also that you are hoping to learn more about yourself, too, which is brave.

Does your new T know that you are hoping to be able to work with old T again? That seems like an important thing to consider when you talk about what you hope to get out of meeting with her. Clearing things out with her might not mean being able to work with her again. You are right to think about how you would handle that, I think.

I hope whatever you do is helpful for you. Your new T sounds like a good guy. I hope that you somehow find a way to see someone else who is good for you after your time with him ends.

I really like your story also. I feel this new T said the most important thing...don't fight the transference. I don't know much about anything but when I stop fighting feelings about anything then I feel so much calmer. I hope the rest of it works out for you...and that you "feel whole" wish to all on this forum.

Thank you for your responses Quell and hopeful Heart face

NewT has called my old T and asked her to have a meeting with him, he is going to talk to her about the situation and ask her if she would be willing to have a meeting were the 3 of us can talk this through. Old T said yes, and NewT said she sounded glad and released to have the opportunity to talk about this. Their meeting will be next Tuesday and I will meet NewT next Wednesday...wish it was sooner.

I have told NewT that I would really like to work with OldT again, and I´ve told him that I´m scared of the rejection if that will happen. I have told him that I think the rejection might make me so devastated that I might have to be hospitalized... so he knows.

Quell I also think NewT is a good guy, he is really determined in helping me through this bat situation I have been going through for the last 9 months. I also hope I´ll find a way to see someone else who is good for me after the time I have with him ends.

hopeful: I´m glad you liked my story. I agree with you that it was really important for my healing that the T from my DBT-group said "don´t fight the transference" it was like a new door opened in my brain. That may be the biggest learning from all this; Don´t fight your feelings.

Slowly I accepted the transference. Talking about it here on the forums also helped me accepting it. Here I met some people who loved their T´s just like me, I was not alone... other people also experienced this. I remember Christmastime someone said she would love spending the holidays with her T and his family... I rememeber thinking; wow! she´s brave saying what I almost don´t dare to think.

Sadly I couldn´t take the acceptance all the way in the beginning. For months I told myself ; Don´t be so childish, you shouldn´t be so hurt over the things T said, grow up, you are overreacting, show T some empathy. I didn´t listen to my feelings at that time... and that made things really bad. I became very sick and at that time I didn´t understand why. Now I do. Feelings are always true, that was my lesson to learn.
Thank you all for being there, Little Me
Everything was okay until this morning... this morning I had an appointment with NewT... he was going to tell me how his meeting with my OldT went... and he did. He said OldT wanted to think about it... until next fall.

I feel terrible. I am so hurt, in session I could not hear everything he said, I dissociated, now I´m lost, don´t want to fight anymore, want to give up, nothing matters... aaarg... I hate therapy
Thank you for your hugs Liese and BLT.
I´m trying to hang in there, hope I won´t have to go inpatient... I feel so rejected, I know oldT didn´t really reject me, she just said she wanted to think about it... but, next fall... I´ve been anxious to hear what she would say for a week, the whole summer is just too much. Now I don´t even know if I want to work with her again. Ouch... this hurts too much Brick wall
And I can hear newT´s voice constantly in my head saying "She said she thought she was done with you"

It helps writing here, sorry if what I write doesn´t make sense, my head is spinning.
Hug two
I've been away for a while, just read your posts and wanted to say I really feel for you, because there is soooo much of what you said that I can completely relate to.
I have told NewT that I would really like to work with OldT again, and I´ve told him that I´m scared of the rejection if that will happen.

I know that undying feeling and the little light in your heart that you simply can't put out for old T. I can identify completely with that, and with how hopeful and vulnerable you would have felt and the fear of that rejection having already experienced it before, and now to almost re-experience it. I know that there are no words that can remove your heart ache. I am so sorry that you have had to go through this. I guess all there is to do is to lean into your new T and trust him. It's not easy. We are here to support you on the forum, but I realise we can't fill that hole you are feeling. Perhaps all we can be are the hands holding the light at the end of what is a very dark tunnel. Try and focus on the light.

Hug two Hug two

Thank you born2write and Quell, thanks for the hugs and kind words Heart face

Everything you say is just the perfect words and it helps a lot reading it. I can feel that you understand my pain in this and that means a lot. In real life not so many people understand and I can feel they think I´m overreacting to things that seem so small to them.

My friend came over last night and she wanted to take me to the ER, but I said my sleeping pills had made me a littlebit calmer and I didn´t want to go.

But I didn´t get a good night sleep and this morning I called NewT at the hospital and told him I´m having a hard time regulating myself, I´m thinking/planning my old ways, I know they are not helpful, but I know they ease the pain for a moment. He said it might be best for me to come over and maybe stay at the mental ward for 2-3 days. He doesn´t know if the ward is full or not. I have to go through the mental-ER.
Kudos Hope the people there will understand... it´s hard to go there... 2 hours until their opening hours

I´m trying to stay calm until I go there... maybe I should take a hot bath.

Thank you all for being there, this website is the best, you are really supportive

- Little Me
Thank you all
I´m back home and feeling better.

Too bad that OldT wants to think about it until next fall. Little Me was hurt because OldT didn´t say "Yes I want to work with her again, right now"
Childish, I know... but I accept those feelings, they are mine, and they are ok.

OldT has to take her time to think about it. If she will say yes (or no), I know she has made her decision after a good consideration.

Sometimes I want to run away from all this. Sometimes I think maybe it would be better to try to find someone else.
glad you're feeling better ((( LM ))) it sounds like you're in a better place. we all have "childish" wants and you're right to accept them and know they are ok. i hope it works out with your oldT the way you want it to, but i think it's good that you seem to be leaving your options open to the possibility of finding someone else. hugs for you do take care Smiler
I read you story, Little Me- how heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. I was glad to read that you got back home and are feeling better.

I think all feelings can be childlike..our feelings are there where we are still a child, I think my old T said to me. So treat them gently, we must. It's lovely to read about the times you are doing that, and a lesson to me, so thank you. We wouldn't blame a child for being childlike- so neither our feelings, that are just there at the heart of us, no matter what. The childlike feelings are very beautiful and tender.

Many hugs, thank you for sharing your story,


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