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You are NOT alone. You wrote something here and it imoelled people to respond. If you were truly alone, that would not happen. You interact with others and physically changes the brains of others just as your brain changes as you interact with others. That couldn't happen if you were truly alone.

But I know how it feels to feel like you could just drop off the earth and there might barely be a sound. It's an awful place to be.

No matter how alone I feel, I know it is not more than a feeling. Foe me...I am never alone. HE, the create of the universe is at my comfort, my strength, my shield.
Do you have someone to lean on, Closed Doors? I don't always get what I want, but I do get what I need.
My spiritual beliefs and learning all I can about the nature of God has helped me to understand just how loved and cared for I really HIM.
aww, y'all are soo sweet! i feel stupid now for putting this out there, it makes me sound ungrateful, but rest assured i am NOT ungrateful. i am grateful for this site and for all the lovely people here. i guess i was wallowing in some major self-pity last night ... as of late, really. sorry about that. and thanks for all of your lovely, thoughtful and supportive comments. i'm sorry for any of you that relate to these feelings
to everybody here.
feeling better for now, (((cat)))

thanks, (((AG))) comfort received.

it's an uphill battle from here, and this week will begin the battle ... maybe that's playing in the back of my mind. i know i'll be facing things i've been avoiding facing. at least now i believe i can believe in T. i believe he knows where i'm coming from, and that is pretty huge. surrendering does not come easily, but at the same time it comes as a huge relief. there, but for the grace of G*d go I.

thanks to all you wonderful people supporting me in this journey called life. i'll try to be there for you, as well.
ladies, thanks again for your support. i'm feeling pretty good at the moment.

is there such a thing as on-line transference, i wonder? i say that tongue-in-cheek, but perhaps it's something to consider? i've been going through some "stuff" with the family ... not face-to-face, mind you, as that is not the family's way, but via email and otherwise silence. i may start a new thread on this since it's what i'm going through now in therapy.

just a curious question that maybe this thread came from, (other than alcohol Frowner) namely how i percieve family-members are experiencing me now, and i percieve my on-line family (as draggers so eloquently put it) (((draggers))) percieving me the same way ... better to be invisible, as always, but hating it.

really and truly my most sincere hugs to everybody here. in many ways you've been my life-line, and i appreciate every one of you.
oh, good! it's not just me! LOL!
it makes sense, though. doesn't it? even though we don't "see" each other, we are still in relationships and can trigger each other, soothe and support each other, hurt and decieve each other. all the stuff that exist in any relationship happens here. so it guess it makes sense. it still seems pretty twisted to me, though Cool
Closed Doors & Draggers, I think that's a very insightful thing to have said.

It was a while ago so I cannot remember the exact book I was reading but it was on transference and projection and there was a page on how the 'blank screen' nature of the internet can encourage projection and therefore amplifies our feelings in a similar way to in therapy.

If I can remember where on earth I read it, I will share.

I'm glad for your contributions here. I have a little confession that I hope illustrates some of the difficulties of internet communication sometimes... you and SomeDays have avatars with orange fruit. Your usernames have two syllables so, um, *cough* as I have not yet got to grips with everyone here, I kind of mixed you up and so when you withdrew for a bit, I was still seeing lots of orange fruit when I was looking at threads so I figured you were both posting. I think this is a symptom of the way I see things and also a somewhat chaotic life currently. When you posted, I was genuinely surprised and then I realised my mistake!

I guess I wanted to share my experience, not to illustrate that you don't matter, or that you don't stand out but to show that sometimes other people are a bit silly and don't pay attention, or like me get easily confused but it's so easy for us to feel as if we are unworthy of notice in their eyes and believe we are somehow responsible for their lack of care.

So, from the bottom of this slightly clueless newcomer's heart - I care Smiler I am just more careful to count the peaches (Somedays has 3).
((((RT)))) i get you. you make more sense than you sometimes think you do. you're all right Smiler

mallard, by all means share the info if you stumble on it again. TAS has also confused SomeDays and CD for the very same reason! LOL! it's all cool and i'm feeling better, was just going through a crap time, so no worries. hey, btw, i'm glad you're here, too Smiler

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