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This week has been pretty awful.

Not even sure where to start.

I went to my T session today (having skipped it last week). Today I spent the whole session telling the T that I am crazy. I've had a really difficult week and a lot of dissociation and I FEEL crazy. Last time I saw her I spent most of the session telling her that none of the stuff I remember happening could really have happened to me, as I am just an ordinary person ('nothing to see here... move on...')?!?!? Now I'm telling her I'm insane.


Had another abrupt end to the session, though she did do a few moments grounding (which oddly made me feel very tearful, which surely is the last thing she wants - client starting to cry as they leave??). I hid in the toilets after the session then went to sit spaced out in MacDonalds.

Now confession time. I have been in contact with my previous T. Whenever I get really stressed I text her. She was and is kind. I stopped going to see her over a year ago - she caused a series of problems and I couldn't afford the therapy - and I definitely couldn't afford to pay for sessions sorting out the issues she had caused. Anyhow, my husband isn't best pleased with the state she left me in... but when I need someone she is kind and gentle and she does seem to understand a bit about dissociation. But it's kind of like cheating on my current T isn't it? Not that I am allowed to contact the current T at all. But the ex-T helped me get back to feeling OK - and safer. Then I thanked her and hven't contacted her again. I haven't told my husband. I feel so guilty.

I've got a job interview this week coming up. I hope I get the job. I really want to go back to see my old T - even though it went awry. Frowner At the very least I'd like to have a gentle and kind ending. My husband wont be supportive of this I dont think though. So I would possibly gain her support, but totally loose his.

The new T doesn't get dissociation at all. She seems to think it is controllable - if it was there would be no issue - I'd never do it and all would be fine. There is some control - I do my best not to 'switch', to stay 'adult' and cope - especially in therapy. I told her that - that I hold on and on in sessions and then switch afterwards (happens every week - completely unsafe really). She looked a bit suprised, but offered no real response to that. Is that how it should be? I'm worried that if I turn up and all that child trauma gets out in the session she will throw me out - well, decide that I'm not suitable for this kind of therapy. I did say to her that I wasn't sure this was the right place for me - given the dissociation. Again, she didn't say anything back. I told her nobody cared - she looked sad.

Bah. Bad week. Sorry for all this.

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Thanks Exploring.

I think my old T is a better fit in some ways. We would have to work through some of the stuff that went wrong (but she does admit now that she caused some of the problems). I can't afford her unless I'm working however.

The T I'm seeing is more short-term (provided by a charity). Hopefully it will help a bit in the meantime?

I've now talked to my husband about some of this and admitted that I'm in contact with old T which he was ok about.

Good to hear that you talked to your husband! Mine used to act threatened and defensive about me going to therapy--I think he assumed I was just bashing him all the time. He even accidentally called her by the name of a scary animal once--her name kind of sounds similar. It took a long time for me to figure out to do this, but after I started telling him positive things about him/our relationship that she said, he started relaxing about her. He even started suggesting things he wanted me to bring up with her. Smiler

It's really good that your old T can now "own" her part of the problems that came up, especially since containing the therapy was her job. It sounds like you are more attached to her than to new T?

Good luck with the job interview!!

I wonder if making some suggestions to your current T would help? For one thing, she should understand that dissociation is normal, it just can become exaggerated and then uncontrolled by someone who experiences trauma. Talking with someone who is kind and supportive will usually help as long as what happens is not too much for you. Maybe you could tell her that you need her to pay attention to whether you are starting to get overwhelmed (can you tell her what that looks like?) and that you need her to be especially gentle and talk softly if that happens. Whatever triggered that response should not be pushed because getting "flooded" is not good for you.

Maybe you can tell her you need to spend the last ten minutes on light subjects?

It sounds like she is inexperienced in working with trauma (generally associated with dissociation.) That makes me wonder about whether seeing her is good for you. Do you feel like it has helped? It sounds like she does care, or she would not have looked sad. It also sounds like your old T and your husband care. People on this board care, too. Hug two
Hi Exploring, the old-T did have some problems 'containing' the therapy. This new T... I don't know... I loose a sense of myself and of any feelings - but when I finally realise that, she doesn't see it as a problem. I have said that it is a problem to me and that I don't want to do anything that makes me MORE spaced-out and detached from feeling anything. She said she 'felt bad putting me out' at the end of the session - but still does so. She said she'd give me a 10 minute warning that time was running out - but hasn't yet done so in sessions. This week, she asked a challenging question and I was struggling to get my head round it and looked up to think and noticed it was 3 mins past my time-up. I said, 'don't I have to leave now?' and she said yes. So I just tried to stuff it all back down and she then did a 1 minute 'feel your feet on the floor' thing and asked if I was ok to leave. I tried to speak to say 'yes', but as it was a lie a kind of strangulated noise came out and she said, 'well no, not really' opened the door and said 'see you next week'. And off I went.

She is a trauma therapist and has worked at the sexual assult place 8 years!!!

Thanks Pengs - yeah the new T does do the 'it's normal' thing. I think some things were getting processed at first in sessions - but I'm a bit lost lately?

Hi Lucy - no I don't like her not helping me leave in reasonable condition. I'll try to talk to her about it again I think.

Thanks all


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