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Hello you lot Big Grin
Yes I know I was going away but Roll Eyes Roll Eyes and some may wish I had Wink
Anyhow, I've noticed a few *quiet* comments from some of our community about being alone over Christmas and the holiday period and whatever celebrations anyone observes! Well, I'd like to propose that all of us who are alone and will be alone can catch up, post, cry, kick the sh#t out of a cushion and just talk to and support each other during that intense *family* oriented time that some of actually don't have Roll Eyes
Over to you my cyber friends Smiler
Hugs and a bit of trepidation for posting this!!!!!!!!!
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Woo Hoo!!!! Didn't mean to restrict to just *physically alone peoples* - alone covers a wide range - physical, heart, soul, guts Roll Eyes We're all in different time zones - but this could be really interesting and fun Big Grin We could, in spite of doh, *whatever* get a real party going here for days and days, where we can all chill out, chit chat etc Roll Eyes I'm not an out there type but this could be really good - we'll all have somewhere to go Big Grin
I think I might try to have a cyber family
Eeker Eeker
Woo Hoo!
Can I come Morgs? Have got a lovely immediate family but a slightly trickier in-law, mum and brother situation that needs careful handling and lots of deep breaths and biting of the lip. Plus am having to work most of Christmas so feel a little bit sorry for myself a party at yours sounds good. I'll bring the crackers and make some mince pies.

Thanks Morgs, you are a very kindly soul,

I am busy making the mince pies and am having one with a cup of tea and this chat half way through! On another thread i was saying i have been feeling really sad. Well when that happens i get cleaning, so my house is sparkling and i have just coaxed my husband into dumping the garden rubble that was piling up and hosing down the upstairs windows that can't be reached with normal human effort Big Grin. You have no idea how much it has cheered me up and i am relieved that the first tiny bit of Xmas spirit is creeping into my somewhat weary soul.
Thanks for this thread, Morgs
Morgs, it looks like you'll be partying for a long time...but you do get to open your presents over there way before we do Big Grin

DF there's a pub in England where they have an annual gingerbread house competition at Christmas...the creations are amazing. I watched it on TV last week and thought I probably couldn't even manage 4 walls and a roof to stay standing! Let is know how it goes.

Draggers, oh dear, hugs for you to keep you sane at MIL lunch. Good luck...will keep all 5 legs crossed that she might behave herself,


i find my whole in-law family um, er... challenging, there that's a nice politically correct word for it.

I have mentioned it before, but always raises a smile with my friends at Christmas MIL buys me dreadful Christmas presents...over the years I've had such delights as a book of obituaries; 2 wrapping paper rolls wrapped up; and one year a packet of tea bags, a pot of jam and 2 toilet rolls (I kid not!!) Quote 'I thought I'd buy you something useful!'

so I'm with you Morgs on the challenging in-law thing Smiler did it go Draggers??

ps Pandora what's the trick for persuading DHs into doing those jobs you've wanted them to do for ages? I'm well impressed with yours Big Grin

Hi Dragonfly
Sorry you had such an awful time, drinking is the pits and with an in-law ...

Starfish, to tell you the truth i think i just got lucky with my DH Big Grin(not sure what DH is but suspect it is husband?). They dont make many like him and i am pretty impressed with him too! Wink

And those presents, well, what can i say. On the radio they were talking about the worst gift you have been given and one girl said her boyfriend's mother gave her a pack of diet products and a cellulite treatment and apparently she is not even fat. Smiler hoo boy...
don't ya just love family stuff!
Good morning all!!
Wow I knew my feelings about Christmas time weren't unique, but wow Eeker
Reading some of those presents just cracked me up Starfish - how totally off Eeker
Draggers how did you keep your cool with MIL? You deserve an award Big Grin
You have my sympathy DF - lousy neighbours are the absolute pits - maybe you should learn the drums Wink
Permafrost - no I'm not married - happily divorced in the early 90's - have the decree somewhere Roll Eyes It's just me and the dog, fish, birds now!!
Pandora - so nice to hear you have such a lovely H - love the way you speak of him Big Grin
Ok gang, gotta go and I'm now at work Frowner

I feel useless here. I can only give hugs

I am sorry you feel useless but hugs are always appreciated here and know please that you are far from I've ascertained that I'm old enough to be your mother - thanks guys! Big Grin (...and birthday tomorrow so another year younger! lol), may I give you a hug back? Smiler

starfishy- your birthday`s torrow?? That means we`re gonna have to make a party here for you!! Big Grin Smiler Big Grin Yep, I`ll bring some music or something, and hopefully the rest here can bring in the cakes and ballons(?)..
lts gonna be great mix with both young and elder people, so it seems.. i am 8 years old these days... Big Grin
(ok, i am 23)
Ooooohhhhh Thank you Smiler

You guys are totally amazing...that's the best present ever. I am really touched. Thank you.

Thanks for organising the party and music froggie and the chocckie cake TN....What time does it start? Oh fancy dress is optional BTW!!!

Morgs, Draggers and Marsh.....thank you, your pictures are far far better than any card Smiler

I hope you have an amazing day, one year younger!! Big Grin

we're all gonna sing for you:

Draggers sings the solo and we're the background singers. Ok, Draggie? Wink


Oh what have I started... can't see the lines from all those color codes LOL.
I know you're not a fish starfishy, but I wanted to draw one anyway. The red thing is a balloon for your birthday, don't swallow it, okay? Big Grin

............ SmilerSmilerSmilerSmilerSmilerSmilerSmilerSmilerSmilerSmilerSmilerSmilerSmilerSmilerSmiler...
............ Eeker.................Eeker..........Eeker..
............. Eeker.................Eeker..........Eeker..
............. Eeker.................Eeker..........Eeker..
............. Eeker.................Eeker.........Eeker..
............. Eeker...................Eeker........Eeker..

HAPPY BIRTHDAY STARRYFISH!!!!! How awesome that we have you with us.

Call me classy, call me understated, call me cheap or lacking in ascii skilz - here, for you my dear, is a single long-stemmed red rose (explanation included in case it looks nothing like that). Hope you have a really beautiful day, and a wonderful year ahead. You deserve it.


Oh thank you all so very much for all your thoughts and pictures and Birthday wishes. You have really made my day.

Deepfried - wow a real starfishy Smiler I love the piccky. Thanks for that and the present ...will go hunting..........x

Permafrost - yes one year younger indeed !! Thank you for arranging the choir too about that soloist, just a private word about her being a little off tune Big Grin That fish is truly awesome, you are one talented girl. Thank you x

froggie - love it! Thank you for the picture and the singing too ...can hear it all the way from Norway Smiler x

Butterfly - thanks very much for the birthday wishes.Love the smiley butterfly too Smiler x

Jonesey - Thank you for the beautiful rose, (no explanation needed at all)and for your lovely words too. x

Pandora - thank you too and dear Smiley...thank you for remembering me in your difficulties.

Family dinner beckons so must dash, but just know I love you guys Big Grin

starfishy x

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