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I don't really have a life, some of you know. And I like drawing so I combined that and made something for you.

And for those who don’t have a present (yet), I wasn’t sure how many of you are actually going to be here for Christmas because family is too much and everything so I only made one for those who participated before starfishy’s birthday. I did not leave anyone out on purpose and I would love to give all 350 members a present but not even I have that much time. I’ll add some presents when I see that someone joins who hasn’t until now.
Last edited by pf
I forgot to tell you what's in there, silly me.

Draggie: chocolate & candies, a book „How To Create the Most Beautiful Christmas Tree Out of Smilies”, personal Coupon book for bone crushing hugs Big Grin your present is also covered in fairy dust, Morgs let me borrow some.

Deepfried: new neighbors and a subscription for powerful music and a box full of emotions that can be opened and closed as many times as you need.

Morgs: A Wombat who’s cute and nice and doesn’t bite and is all cuddly. I also have a wish/gift/hope for you that I’m not able to draw Big Grin I’ve noticed that you have been so caring and supportive of everyone here and always have warmth and love for everybody. I hope with all my heart that when you need it, there’s always someone there to be the Morgs to you as you are to us.

Starfish: sunshine for your plants and for yourself, plant seed so you can plant tomatoes for your egg- tomato sandwiches Smiler

Pandora: A Buddha statue for meditation and you can rub his belly for luck, a box full of magnum ice-cream with almonds that will appear magically whenever you crave them.

Mac: A three-year-plus certificate so you’re as old as I am, or a four-year-minus certificate so I’ll be younger than you are (use that one, I wanna be 18 again)

Frog: a laaarge bottle full of relaxation-magic-potion (thank god for Harry Potter vocabulary lol) so you can look ahead and feel all good about your future. Additionally you get a camera- because I’m THAT selfless :P So you can go and take pictures of your Northern lights and send it to us!

Lurkers: a box full of courage to come out of lurkdom and a box full of hope and love for the ones who need it!

Merry Christmas
Hi All,
Just wanted to pop in and say Merry Christmas! I was planning on being around a lot more but me and both of my daughters came down with the most miserable stomach virus I've ever had last night. I'm just starting to think I MIGHT want to live. Big Grin Just wanted to say that I'm thinking of all of you!

PF seriously talented with the pictures, thank you! Didn't really think I could smile right now. Smiler

Dear frosty - thank you so much for the gift! Lol, looks like its hanging down from heaven.. - I`ve Always meant that the best gifs comes from that place Big Grin
That was an amazing picure and a wonderful gift to the whole forum as well! (btw: i both love harry potter, and love taking pictures! Right on spot there!)

Awww, look at 5 year old permafrost...awwww


I'm glad you like it!! Your thank yous made my Christmas better and you made ME smile so thank YOU for that!
I hope everybody has a good time unwrapping presents and overeating (like I always do) on cookies and whatever lies around.

Draggie, I already unwrapped all my presents hehehe!

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