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Hi all-

I'm not sure if I'm being too sensitive, if my T is triggering my young, needy part, or both? I'd love any opinions..

So I've been talking a bit about thinking that I was emotionally neglected in childhood. I talked to my T about that article from Pete Walker that has been posted here a few times. I just briefly mentioned it and that I could relate to what was written about the effects of emotional neglect. She was very supportive in that session, saying that she did think I was emotionally neglected. But we really didn't talk in depth about it. So the next session, I brought up an author/psychologist that TN had directed me to. I am finding her work (Jasmin Cori) very useful in helping me understand my experiences of having an emotionally unavailable mother. Again, we touched on this topic but then moved on to some other things. So, that is the background.

Last session, I spoke more about my mother. About her own childhood (alcoholic father, poor family, depressed mother, etc) and her present life. My T asked me if I thought my mother is still depressed. I'm not really sure. She says she's not but she also says she doesn't want to go to therapy because she doesn't want to drudge up all that pain. I think she chooses just to move on and not look back. I deal with things very differently. This is why I think it's been so hard for me - my parents don't really deal/process things and I NEED to process (almost to death) the stuff with my brother in my childhood.

Anyway, this week, I mentioned talking about my mom, how maybe I painted a more negative view than reality. While I think my mom has been through a lot, she is mostly happy now. She tells me she enjoys her life, despite its challenges. So, I told my T this. And she said something like, well, your parents have done something right, right? They support you... and a few other stuff..I'm not really sure. So I just said, yeah, they obviously did a lot well. They have made it possible for me to follow my dreams and go to school, etc, etc. Then we just moved on.

I'm just feeling hurt I guess. Like, I bring up the emotional neglect and emotionally unavailable mother topics...and they just seem to fall flat. My T has been an excellent T. She never judges me and is very consistent. I know we've talked about these topics without giving them a no one was there to help me cope with and integrate my childhood experiences, etc. Maybe my T thinks we've already established that. It's just that, I think my young, needy part is feeling dismissed and hurt. I feel like I need the labels to help me organize my experiences and accept them. I already struggle with minimizing my I feel very vulnerable even saying the term "emotional neglect." So when my T doesn't seem to go into it more, it just makes me feel stupid. Or it makes my young part feel stupid and unheard? I don't know. Perhaps I'm being overly sensitive. She did, after all, say yes, she thinks I was emotionally neglected in that previous session. I don't know why I need it said over and over. I need verbal validation - which totally makes me feel ashamed for this need! I just feel like if I have to spell it out to my T, it won't mean that much, ya know? I do think I need to be more direct in telling her all of this. I just feel bad because she has been validating, just I guess, not in the EXACT way I need to hear it (but, how pushy is that if I have to tell her exactly what I need to hear??). That's not how therapy is supposed to work..I don't think I get to tell her what to say to me. I want it to be genuine, ya know?

Thanks for reading my mush.
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I can so relate to this. Sometimes I think it happens when we broach a topic on a very intellectual level (which feels safe), but actually a part of us wants the T to respond on a very emotional, empathic, perhaps younger level. Then we are hurt when they only respond back on the intellectual adult level. In my experience, unless the T is a genius at that particular moment, you have to broach it on a more emotional level if you want a more emotional response.

I just feel bad because she has been validating, just I guess, not in the EXACT way I need to hear it (but, how pushy is that if I have to tell her exactly what I need to hear??). That's not how therapy is supposed to work..I don't think I get to tell her what to say to me. I want it to be genuine, ya know?

I know what you mean here, but a couple times in similar situations I *have* resorted to telling T what I want her to say, and it has gone well. Part of it is that it's a relief to just come out and say it. Another thing may be, the very act of articulating what I want to hear has a way of putting me in a younger, more emotionally vulnerable (if somewhat petulant) place. That can be. . . embarrassing if you let it be, but therapeutically productive, I think.

Also, expressing that you need to hear something from someone, doesn't mean it isn't genuine when they say it. Even if the feelings aren't being expressed spontaneously, it doesn't mean they aren't real.

T has laughed at me when I've done this, but in a way I don't mind, it's very affectionate. . . or seems to be. And when she does give her reassurances, she's very reassuring.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is, she does reassurance well, but she doesn't always know when I need it.

Maybe some of this applies? Please discount if not, but I wanted to share some thoughts I had reading your post. Smiler
BLT - I think what you said is really wise. Yes, perhaps she was reacting and responding on an intellectual level, as that's how I presented the information. I have been able to express my more emotional (younger) side in past sessions. (actually expressing my younger part is more like not talking and just crying..and my T talking the whole session. Hmm, maybe I haven't really been able to express my younger part). I'm just frustrated I think. I'm starting to think maybe I should be done with all this by now. I've been in therapy awhile. I have gotten validation, emotionally...I don't know what else I need. Maybe I do need to get in touch with my young part and actually express something other than crying Frowner Thank you!

HIC - Thanks for your response! It definitely resonates with me. Thanks for giving me some reassurance that I can actually ask her for specific validation. I'm glad your T reassures well Smiler Mine does too, when she does. I just need something specific I guess, and she hasn't really hit on it yet. But thank you for sharing your experiences with being direct with your T. It's a weakness of mine...but I think I might bring this all up next week. A few sessions ago, I brought up some remark that my T said that left me feeling a bit dismissed. She was so excited that I told her how her words had affected me! It was kind of funny and cute how excited she got. She never gets defensive or visibly annoyed, so I have every inclination to believe she's a safe person who won't shame me.

Thanks guys.
hi, erica. i can relate with this. i was brought up emotionally neglected as well, and perhaps some of your need for validation at this point is simply that you've only recently come to the conclusion that you were neglected, and you need to process that realization. i don't think you're too sensitive, not by a long shot. i had a similar experience with my T, where i mentioned neglect and he kind of went into this schmeel about how my parents grew up during the depression and how they worked their butts off for their family. i don't deny any of that, as it is all true. but the reason it hurt me so much was because i felt dismissed, as though my experience was less valid than my parents' experiences. like "stop whining". this was a long time ago in therapy, so i did not pursue the conversation.

i think what BLT and HIC said is spot-on. it's okay to tell your T how you'd like her to respond. therapy really can be a place where you ask for what you want/need in the moment. sometimes, when reading here, it almost seems to me like therapy can be a place where you can create the environment most likely to help you heal. like a T is putty in our hands for us to practice asking for what we want/need. we won't always get the answer we hope for, due to boundaries, but it's a great place to practice, practice, practice asking for what we need, since that was a big deprivation in our childhoods. please don't minimize your needs, erica. acknowledge them and speak of their importance. T is a safe place to do that.

good luck with your discussion!
Dear young erica,

Thank you for sharing your "mush."

BLT wrote some very true words. Good idea, I think, to ponder them.
Maybe I do need to get in touch with my young part and actually express something other than crying

I think you are in touch with young erica, but old erica is so busy judging her that she doesn't recognize her.

young erica:
  • I NEED to process (almost to death the stuff with my brother in my childhood.
  • I'm just feeling hurt I guess.
  • I think my young, needy part is feeling dismissed and hurt .
  • I feel very vulnerable even saying the term "emotional neglect."
  • it makes my young part feel stupid and unheard
  • I don't know why I need it said over and over. I need verbal validation

old erica:
  • I'm being too sensitive .
  • I already struggle with minimizing my stuff
  • So when my T doesn't seem to go into it more, it just makes me feel stupid .
  • which totally makes me feel ashamed for this need!
  • I'm starting to think maybe I should be done with all this by now.

Red Tomato
CD - thank you for your reply. I like the image of T as putty in our hands, able to be molded into what we need to heal. Smiler You are right though. My T has been nothing but accommodating to me when I ask for something. She is very willing to help me with my needs. This just feels so vulnerable to me - I think it's coming from my younger part, feeling dismissed and unheard. I do need to put this out there because my rational self knows she does not mean to be dismissive or invalidating. But I just keep getting unintentionally hurt by this. I need to speak up. Thanks, CD. I'm sorry your T missed the mark a bit with you too. I hope your therapy is going better now?

RT - wow, thanks for your words. They are very meaningful and helpful to me. You are very attuned to me! You're right - I am in touch with my young part but I absolutely judge her. It brings up so much shame for me when I think about her, and what I still struggle with and need. I don't know how to stop the judgment, which precipitates the shame. My T has been working with me for months to try to get some space from it. To recognize it but not be so affected by the shame. I've been able to get a bit of space but still can't overcome it enough to let my young self be more vulnerable. I need to get through this though if I'm ever going to be okay with my needs/myself. Thank you for giving me stuff to think about!
Hi Erica... you are not being overly sensitive at all. I agree with the others that you need to be heard and coming to terms with your past experiences of emotional neglect is important. BTW, glad the book I suggested was helpful to you and hopefully validating.

I have had experiences of T's backing away from certain topics I needed to discuss and process. OldT was just plain scared and I think he had a lot of his own junk he never worked through so I was triggering to him. My current T has not actually backed off topics but sort of stepped aside for awhile. There are times I think he thinks it's not the right time to face certain things head on or he wants to slow me down so I don't re-traumatize myself. But I have learned to confront my T about this when I feel it's happening.

I have actually told him that I wanted to talk about something but I felt him withdraw or pull away or even act "avoidant" about it. Those conversations have been very helpful and healing.

The other part that I think you may be missing in all of this... and if I'm wrong I apologize. I think you need your T to be more nurturing and developmentally caring and supporting of little Erica. You are needing to go back and experience the developmental steps you missed as a child because your mom was busy with your brother. I'm not sure that your T is seeing this and maybe she needs to communicate more with the little Erica who is in session along with you. My T is very big on this, although I am the one who struggles with his wanting to care for little TN and wanting me to learn to soothe and care for her as well. For me it's a success just not to be at war with the young part (or with the rebel teen who likes to make trouble) Roll Eyes Sometimes I feel like I'm not getting anywhere but T reminds me I could not even consider this stuff before so he is happy.

I don't know your T very well and how she works. Does she acknowledge little Erica and does she feel open to working in that realm?

I think what RT has reminded you of is very valid. Take it easy with yourself and your feelings and don't worry about that you should be done. There is no timeline on therapy.

Sending hugs
Thank you TN! Yes, the author/book you suggested has been very helpful, so thank you so much for that!

What you wrote makes a lot of sense to me. My T does acknowledge the parts we all have inside of us. She was recently trained in IFS and started to use that model with me awhile ago. It made me so ashamed and I couldn't go there emotionally (my intellectual, critical self always stopped the process). I left feeling very ashamed and frustrated for many months, so we stopped doing that. But in the process, both during and after, she has connected with my needy part, which is the loudest, most hurting part inside. It's definitely a young part. My T has tried many things to get through to this part, I think. She once asked me what I needed to hear as a young girl (I didn't say much, just cried)...and then proceeded to speak as if she were my mom, saying everything I needed to hear when I was little (so she was definitely addressing my young part then). When she connects with my young, needy part, she always speaks in a very soft, calm voice. So yes, I do think she sees this. Besides during the IFS sessions, she doesn't really mention "little erica" or anything like that.

I think it's me who stops the process. Frowner I just get so ashamed of it all. I know many others can relate..this stuff is SO excruciatingly vulnerable.

I think my T and I did a really good chunk of work. I even told her a couple months ago that I don't feel the hole in my heart that I've felt my entire life is there anymore. She asked how it changed, like has it shrunk, has it disappeared, etc. I said, it's been filled. Thanks for filling it Roll Eyes so cheesy, but it felt true. I guess I was's still there and maybe I still need to talk about it. I think I need to go deeper. My T has been the one to do most/all of the talking when I'm feeling young. I think I need to be brave and actually talk when I'm feeling so young and needy. I think that's what I'm realizing.

Anyway, wow this answer was long. Thanks for making me think this through. I learn by talking/typing things thank you for allowing me this space! Smiler

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