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I saw my P yesterday and it was probably the most amazing session I have ever had! It didnt start out very good and I was scared to talk so I ended up handing him a paper with stuff written down that we needed to talk about. The first thing on the list was the transference and how it has been really bad lately and that I cant stop thinking about him or wanting to have sex with him and that I want a hug from him like the other patient got and that its just not fair. The second thing was asking him why he said it was not cool to tell him I love him in an email but that he has said in the past when I write in down and give it to him in session that he wishes I could just say it instead of writing stuff down. And I wrote down that I need a transition object from him to help me keep the connection with him in between session.

In the beginning he talked a lot and was getting onto me for contacting him to much and for playing dumb when he would ask me if I know why I have the transference. He told me that he has been there for me through thick and thin except for the one time he stopped seeing me cause I went over the top on things with the stalking but that he did take me back because he thinks he can help me and do some good for me and wants to do that but he doesnt want to feel like he has waisted 10 years on someone who isnt truly trying to get better. I tried to tell him I wasnt playing dumb or playing games like he thinks I am and he just said "yeah you are." He said that I often doubt whether or not he cares about me and that if he did not care then he would not be seeing me. He said he could fill the time slot that I take with someone else and get just as much money out of them as he does out of me, and then he said "actually I could get more money" cause he lets me pay less when I cant afford it. That made me feel kind of good cause he really does care cause he really could make more money off someone else if it is just about the money or his job. He told me it was time to step it up and start making some steps forward to show that I was serious and that the first step should be talking more so he knows what is really going on and stop using my crazy child like behavior as a way to push him and other people away and keep them from getting to know the real me. Out of nowhere I told him that I was scared to do that because that would require me trusting people and I didnt want to trust anyone and risk getting hurt. I told him I dont care if I get hurt physically cause I can deal with that and that is why I do crazy things that can get me hurt but I cant deal with letting someone get close enough to hurt me emotionally. At the end of his talk about that he said our time was up but that he wanted to know if I wanted to try to talk about the transference instead of just write it down. I told him that I play dumb with the transference stuff because it is hard to talk about and he actually told me that he could respect that answer and if I would have given him that answer instead of playing dumb that we could work off of that. I sat there quietly for a second without looking at him and with my hands over my mouth and said "I feel like I am in love with you and I cant stop thinking about you." That was all I could manage to get out before I started dissociating some. He said that I said it the right way because I do FEEL like I am in love with him but Im not really and that if I continue to talk to him about it the feelings will get better and not be so sexualized. He told me we would never be together and he would never love me the way I want him to but that he does love me as a patient and as God tells us to love each other and that he truly cares about me. He said that he cant wait for the day when I can tell him that I love him and it mean that I love him in a christian way, as a friend and as my psychiatrist. We talked a little more and I felt like he really understood where I was coming from and really understood how I was feeling and really cared about how I was feeling and when I would get up enough guts to look him in the eyes he had such a kind, loving and caring expression on his face and eyes, almost like he wished he could fix all this for me just so that I wouldnt have to go through it but he said thats not possible he can just be there to listen and give me advice.

At the end he said I looked a little sad so I was honest with him about dissociating a little bit and trying not to. He said that was very good because dissociating has been one of my defenses to keep from feeling things and to keep people from getting close to me and that he was really proud of me for trying to sit there with the feelings and he thought I was doing an amazing job of it. He then reached for something and handed it to me. He told me that he knew I wasnt catholic but that these rosary beads (which I have seen hanging on his lamp in his office since I first started seeing him 10 years ago) would work as a transitional object. Which he is catholic so I know its something important to him.

Right now I feel a very strong connection with my P which is exciting and very scary at the same time. My normal thing to do would be to push him away and piss him off to ruin the connection cause I let him get close to me and it feels like I let him get WAY to close to me. But I am trying hard not to do that because I loved the feeling I felt when he was that close and it was so different than anything I had ever felt before which was probably why it was scary but it felt so good at the same time. When I start to think about pushing him away or texting or calling him I just hold the beads in my hand and all the feelings from the session come rushing back and reminds me that I dont want to loose the new level our relationship is on so I cant do it. And every time I start to feel like I am loosing the connection with him because he is not here with me I hold the beads and the connection feels like it did when I was in session with him. It was amazing and I hope it can continue being this good. He is letting me come back and see him in three weeks instead of four and I am hoping that I can start where we left off and really go in there talking.

I just feel so amazing right now and I just love him so much but right now it feels more like a fatherly love and I think giving me something during that session made it even more important and amazing because the feelings of that session are all connected to those beads he gave me. If it would have been during a different session where I wasnt so honest and felt so understood and connected I dont think the rosary beads would have worked as well as my transitional object. They would have helped me feel a little connected to him but not bring back the strong connection feelings that I felt for the first time towards anyone in my life because I wouldnt even know what those felt like before this session. So it was perfect timing.

I can not wait for the three weeks to be up so I can go tell him how I feel about this and how well the transitional object works and to continue to let him get close to me and see the real me and let him be there for me. I am so excited! Big Grin
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Pippi, it's nice to see "Amazing session" thread here Smiler
I'm actually amazed how much you remember and you can describe it all so well.
I keep forgetting half of the important stuff we were talking in the session.
I like the way he is pushing you and holding the boundary. It's so wonderful to hear that you had this really close, strong connection with him during this session, you were so close and I can only try to imagine what it must have been like. He must be such a wonderful guy.
I hope you can hold on to this amazing feeling. I want it too...

P.S. I wonder, is he of Irish descend? His name and his being catholic would indicate that. Smiler
Thanks Amazon. I can only remember it so well because of how strong the feelings and connection was/is. And when I start to feel like the connection isnt as strong or that I cant remember every detail of the session then I hold the rosary beads and it just all comes flooding back.

I have often wondered if he is irish too. I am pretty sure he is because I think that I have read somewhere on his daughters page about at least being part Irish, but I have always thought that the last name McCarthy was an irish name and I knew being catholic is an irish thing. Which I always thought would be cool if he was atleast half Irish just because I am half Irish and half French and anything we have in common is a good thing!

All I know is he is amazing, caring, loving and extremely good looking with his blonde hair and blue eyes...and he had on the prettiest shirt yesterday that made him look so good!!!! He always looks way more sexy in black and dark blue shirts...but Im probably not suppose to think that but I got excited when I saw him walk out to get another patient because he had his dark blue shirt that was kind of tight and he hadnt worn that one before and hasnt worn black ones in awhile, so it was a little extra treat for me... He just doesnt know that but Ill probably tell him some day Big Grin
Hi Pippi,
I am so glad that you were able to be so courageous and open up to your T. Actually saying out loud how you felt about him was just incredibly brave of you and I do think you're being honest about how you feel will start really opening things up.

I LOVE that he gave you the rosary, being able to take something you had seen so long in his office would be very meaningful. I can understand where it would really help you to hang onto the sense of connection.

And I understand how feeling closer can also feel scary. I know every time I have moved closer to my T, it has evoked that sense of danger, it what makes it so hard to continue to do what we need to in order to heal. You should be very proud of yourself for taking the steps that you did and as your T said, working to remain present and tolerate feeling your feelings. This was wonderful to read, thank you for sharing it.

Woohoo, Pippi!! Congratulations - it sounded like you really earned those beads, and they are obviously something that is very special for him. And now you can hold that connection in your hand - the connection you made by being honest with him and letting him see the real you. Hope you can let yourself bask in this for ages.
You were very brave...I dont think I could ever tell my T my sexual feelings for him. I would imagine he can sense it. In terms of a transitional object, my T surprised me one day.
A while back, I found a small birds egg in my barn sitting on a bale of hay, about the size of a jelly bean. It was beautiful, white with speckles, but had been cracked open a little and empty. I identified with this egg, it felt like me....broken, a shell of a person, empty.
I was drawn to it so that I picked it up and glued it into the bottom of a tiny antique box with a cover. The walls of the box protected me from harm, the cover allowed me to stay in the dark for protection, but occassionally take it off and let some light and air in. I would stare at it for a while and then put it away. One day, weeks later I brought it into my session with me. I showed it to my T and he looked astounded, he tried to touch the egg, I said NO, DONT TOUCH IT WILL BREAK!. He put the lid on and hugged it against his chest. I cant remember exactly but he said something like this has to be the most beautiful presentations of someones feelings he has seen in all his 30 years of practice. He absolutely LOVED it. He asked if he could keep it, and I said no. Months later, I brought it back to a session, I told him to hang onto it for me. That I was now seeing it in a different light. That the broken egg was me trying to escape the walls, that I was not weak and broken and am struggling to get out of the box into the light. A huge smile on T face...he jumped up and gave me this little clock...we had been talking about time and how precious it was.
He gave me the clock, he put my little box on his shelf where it remains today. I keep his clock on my desk which allows me to feel close to him.

I'm so happy for you! It's wonderful to read such an amazing and upbeat post from you. It sounds like you made some great progress with your T and he responded to you really well! Smiler The beads sound like a great transitional object for you and I'm glad they are working so well. Keep up the good vibes and let us know how your session goes when you get back in to see your T again. You're doing great!! Smiler


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