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I was in therapy for a few years and owe my life to this therapist. She connected with me when I was out of hope, and in hospital after a near death suicide attempt.

She helped me begin to stablize and I became very attached to her. I had not addressed hardly any trauma up to this point. She taught me so much and was there for me beyond belief.

After a couple of years she let her guard down.
She let details of her life slip to me. I went to her house, met her partner, joined her church group...made friends of her friends. It was good for helped me get a life again after many years of living in hospitals. I started school and got a great job. My recovery is like a miracle.

But now I am angry.
I feel like the many boundary violations have really messed with my head. When I visit her or talk with her it feels like I'm visiting my family and everything that happens and has happened is my fault. I still feel like she treats me as a client even though the relationship seems like we are friends. She is very different outside of the therapy office, than she is inside it with me on the couch. I know she took a risk allowing me into her life and I don't want her to suffer for that.

But I am so ambivalent and screwed up with it all. I would like to break this off and stand on my own two feet but feel like I will crash and not be able to if I try.

I have not told ...anyone outside of my new shrink about this situation. I hope she does not find and read this....but it is my truth and keeping this secret isn't helping me.

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What a very difficult place to be...and how tricky to navigate through it. What was helping tremendously is now hurting. No wonder you are feeling ambivalent. It's hard for me to imagine how confusing it must be for both of you!

Have you tried disengaging from her life yet? How do you think she will suffer? Do you think she will have trouble letting go of you too? Has your new shrink given you any suggestions on how to best break this off, and how she can support you at the same time, so you don't have to be so afraid of crashing, or of hurting your former T?

I'm glad you decided to post this secret and I hope it helped to make it a little lighter for you. And although I'm sorry for your pain, you've helped me too. It's good for me to see that even the very best of therapy relationships, like the one you had, would be very different outside of therapy and very likely would not bear any resemblance to what I imagine it would be like. It helps me to accept the boundaries a bit more.

Please keep us posted and let us know how it's going.

I am so sorry for the pain you're in. Ambivalent must be a huge understatement for how you're feeling. It is obvious that you really care for your first T and are very grateful for what she has done for you. On the other hand, you are rightfully angry and confused about her not maintaining the boundaries of the relationship. It makes sense you would be struggling with how to handle it. And that it would invoke a lot of intense feelings.

You are once again in a relationship which is supposed to be only about your needs, but because of the boundary violations you're in the position of struggling with whose needs come first, your's or your Ts. And just like when you were a child, this is NOT a choice you're supposed to have to make. And the fact that there is such secrecy surrounding the situation, that you can't talk about it or your attachment figure might be hurt, also has to trigger some strong associations with earlier abuse. This is NOT a good place for you to be; instead of being reparative, it has slipped over into a re-enactment, where you're suffering and silence is the price you pay for relationship. Which you absolutely shouldn't have to do.

I am really glad you decided to speak up about what was going on, you have a right to speak about it and what is happening to you.

From what you're saying, I think your first Ts intentions were really good. She was trying to give you want you needed to heal and from what you've said in many ways it helped. But there is a good reason those boundaries are there, to protect the client from the very situation you're in. You're first T, out of the best of intentions, decided she could violate those boundaries without consequences and was wrong. So I can see where you don't want to get her in trouble but it is her responsibility for the place you now find yourselves in.

I'm not sure if this would be a possibility, but would you're new T being willing to meet with you and your first T together? I am a little unclear about whether or not you're still seeing the old T or how long you've been seeing the new. But I think you need a safe place where you can confront your first T with how you're feeling about the situation and be able to work out a way for you to leave safely with enough support that you don't feel the floor is being pulled out from under you.

I really am sorry, this has got to be incredibly difficult for you. Please know this a safe place to come and talk about this and be heard.

Thanks SG and AG for your wise and kind words,

I really feel guilty about posting that info.
I feel like a traitor.

This is an awful place to be in. I don't know what I did wrong?? Why did it turn out to be so confusing???

I guess the outcome is her responsibility, but she was responding to my needs. I emailed her asking if she wanted to stop contact with me. Her reply was that the email was hurtful....This morning I asked to see her in person to talk. She has not responded. And, I don't know what I will say. I usually cave when we are together.
She did say a couple of weeks ago, that she will never do this with another client. I feel so bad.

Yes, she referred me to the new P. And No, I am sure she would not go to an appt with me. It would be humiliating for her.

I am feeling grouchy tonight....wondering why things always seem to turn out badly relationally for me. This sure is re-enactment. My whole adult life is one re-enactment after another it seems.

I did have an amazing breakthrough with my new P last Friday. A defense I had strongly erected seemed to give way (we've been working towards this) and I was able to look at some very painful mind blowing young abuse. It blew me away and I had an extreme emotional crash for about 24 hrs. Now I am glad I had the guts to face it. Recovery is really an amazing process...bumps and warts, crashes and all..


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