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Amygdala Envy is defined as being similar to pen!$ envy except it relates to the amygdala instead of the pen!$. Unlike pen!$ envy, it is a complex commonly experienced by men and women. This is due to the fact that both sexes have an amygdala, unlike the pen!$. However, like the pen!$, bigger is apparently better, which is why men suffer from the complex as well.

A bigger amygdala is being given credit for having a larger and more complex number of social networks.

The good news for those of us with small amygdala's: Having a large amygdala is not related to the enjoyment of socializing or quality of relationships.

how to win friends: have a big amygdala
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Hi Liese Hi
amygdala eeehhh Embarrassed new term for me, never came accross it before. O yeee and my amygdale if the link is anything to go by is in dire need off a new lease off life as my social life/professional life has about 5 people in it... no kidding and one off those is my T.
Anyway where is everyone else on this topic no hidding behind the sofa are they
ND Big Grin
Very interesting link - I knew it was an important part of the brain for those with autism as I had looked into that, but not for the social stuff.

Something to think about.... how big is my Amygdala? and how is it working and is it effective????

I know for sure that my Amygdala has decreased in size a lot over the past 20 years. I am happy having a small one. Big Grin

about 5 people in it... no kidding and one off those is my T.

You and me both!

I know for sure that my Amygdala has decreased in size a lot over the past 20 years. I am happy having a small one.

That's the way to look at it!

I'd hope it's more a case not of 'what you've got' but of 'how you use it'

I think you are right, AV!

will go with you on that one, quality as opposed to quantity!!!

Scars, I think you are right!!!

Anyway where is everyone else on this topic no hidding behind the sofa are they

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