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I was talking to an aquaintance last night regarding an upcoming scrapbook retreat. I don't talk to her often actually but I needed some info. about this retreat and she phoned back after I emailed her. Anyhow, during the conversation about this retreat she says "I just hope what happened last year doesn't happen again" I asked her what she meant and she said "well, you and this other lady went through my stuff while I was napping and I was so upset! I just hope you don't do that again! I didn't mention it at the time as I was so angry" I was shocked! I couldn't honestly remember doing such a thing, and I don't actually think I would have. I told her I didn't remember but I apologized and said I would certainly not go through her stuff. And that I understand how she's be so upset etc... she just went on and on about how upset she was and how inappropriate it was! I kept apologizing and then changed the topic. She said the other lady 'confessed' and that someone else saw us doing this and told her... guess I can't deny it right? But really... I don't have a clue what she's talking about!

Why this upsets me is two-fold:

1. why did she wait almost a year before mentioning this? I don't see her much but have seen her since this retreat!

2. Could it be that another insider (as we call the 'alters' or 'others' in our system) did this without me knowing? How do you explain that to someone! I don't want this aquaintance to think I do this type of thing 'on a regular basis'. And yet, I Don't Remember Doing It! And it's not something I would do! So therefore she might think I think lightly of this invasion of privacy!

I'm really not sure where to go with this one.

Being with 'many' sucks at times


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I don't have any advice but I wanted you to know I can only imagine how difficult it must be to worry that someone else in your system did something that you wouldn't do. Also, trying to sort anything out a year afterwards would be difficult for anyone much less someone with parts who may or not remember or want to tell you.

I thinking of you.

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