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The last week or so has been a difficult time. I have been getting really triggered by my older daughter leaving for college (and some other ongoing family issues) and I'm having a difficult time understanding what's going on. I haven't spent such a long period of time so activated in a very long time and it's making it hard to think. I'm trying to think back over the events of the last three weeks in an attempt to make this coherent and am having trouble remembering what's happened.

I saw my T on Monday and processed some really deep grief. Our session before that had been a really good session where we really connected. We were discussing my leaving therapy (an ongoing theme with me, obsessing about it that is) and I was talking about how I feel like I'm asking something of my daughter (leaving home and facing the fear and homesickness) that I'm not willing to ask of myself. Anyone ever struggle with those feelings that you're not getting well fast enough? Big Grin My T was really clear with me that these are two different situations. That my daughter has been supported throughout this while I have gone most of my life without that support. While we were discussing me leaving, my T let me know that he would miss me when I did go but that the relationship would remain. And that we needed to talk about what "going" really meant. By the end of the session I felt very connected. In the days that followed, I realized that my sense of my relationship with my T has done another quantum shift. I had moved closer again (keep thinking that can't happen but then it does). I have NEVER been this close to someone and stayed safe and it's overwhelming sometimes to say the least.

One of the weirdest parts about getting better has been the fact that accepting and receiving the good stuff is often harder than handling the pain. But when I move closer and stay safe, it makes me conscious once again of the fact that I didn't have that, especially with my father. To say I melted down wouldn't quite describe what hit. I ended up calling my T last Friday to see if I could get an extra appt and couldn't (didn't expect to but what the heck) and talking to him helped. But I walked around not being present in a way that hasn't happended ina long time. I just kept not being there. I was reading posts here and just couldn't respond, even when what I might want to say was running through my head. I'm finding it hard to even talk about how I'm doing (I have a good friend who came after me a few times and when even she said I wasn't present, that kind of freaked me out. I've also been playing computer puzzle games in a way I haven't for years.

So I barely made it intact (at least that's the way it felt) to my appointment on Monday morning. Which was really intense. I walked in, told my T about not being present but not being able to go towards these feelings because I didn't feel safe doing so alone. Then I started crying. I ended up crying for literally between 10 and 15 mins, curled up in a blanket just sobbing. My T has the incredible ability to stay with me while I do that so that I EXPERIENCE not being alone. Right about the time I was feeling embarrassed that this was going on for quite too long, he told me that I was doing what I needed to do. So I felt a lot better by the end of the session. A lot of pressure had been bled off. I kind of figured that was that, at least for awhile.

But I'm still not in a good place. It wore off if you know what I mean. I'm having a lot of feelings which I know are about the past including a lot of fear and grief. And it feels like i'm in a cocoon. I can hear and see and know what's going on but I can't speak or move. I'm actually forcing myself to write this so I move out of that paralyzed frozen place because I know that's not where I live anymore. I called my T today which helped but I'm also facing a two week break (he had another grandchild and is taking a trip to meet him). He has assured me (very strongly!) that I can call or email if I need to, but considering what I want to do is just go sit in his office 24/7, it's feeling a little scary.

So I'm sorry I haven't been posting at all. I feel especially bad not saying hi to the new people posting (Hi! Welcome to the forums!). The upside of all this is that how I am now is how I used to be all the time. Now I hate being this way, so turned inward and shut down. And it's hard getting triggered (my T keeps mentioning my daughter leaving for college) but without being quite sure how and what the feelings are connected to in the past. Why do you never get used to the confusion of healing? It happens every time, yet every time I manage to be suprised (and confused!) by it. Big Grin

I have no idea what I'm really trying to say or where I'm going with this so I think I'll end it here. Thanks for listening.

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Hi AG,

There you are...I've been wondering about you, wanting to ask how you are doing but not wanting to pressure you, especially after all the posting you did to help me out. I'm glad you reached out and posted about how you are doing, especially from such a hard place.

Your capacity to feel, and to express what you're feeling, is extraordinary, even from the "cocoon". I'm glad your T is there to help you through this, staying with you so you don't have to be alone. I wish I could comfort you with some words of wisdom or experience...but I will send you some heartfelt hugs and prayers instead. (And TN has this great idea for sipping hot chocolate by a warm fire...I just can't get that out of my head. Can we do that "virtually"? Big Grin)

Please keep posting when you can, so we can do what we can do to help you through this too.

Peace, Smiler
Hi AG.

First off I want to say well done (I hope you don't think it sounds trite) that you managed to post. I know that feeling of being immovable and it is scary. Just being incapable of doing things and fear and anxiety surrounding so many parts of your life that it shouldn't. I find it really hard to get by when it happens.

It sounds like the triggering has been very difficult for you.From the way you've described your experiences it sounds like you have a good T who is helping you through it. I still find it astonishing how a trigger can provoke such a strong reaction, for me almost too big a one compared to the source of the pain. However, I think that's because I haven't got to the root of the problem so for now the Trigger is acting as my main focus point. Or at lesat it was, I feel like I'm moving on from the trigger now onto the real thing. But it feels soooo slow.

As your T said, it sounds like your daughter has a very understanding and supportive mother Smiler She's lucky to have you.

I wish you all the best with your break. I get where you're coming from with the "wearing off" It's so annoying to say the least!! You feel sometimes like a weight has been lifted after the session but you start to reflect more and things start creeping in again, putting you off. Don't feel bad for wanting to be with your T in his office 24/7. Again, I know that feeling and it sounds pretty natural to want that kind of support and kindness that you were deprived of earlier on.

*Hugs* for you AG. Your advice and support helps so many on this forum.
Hey AG,
First- thank you for the BEST book I've read in years!! A GENERAL THEORY OF LOVE is an amazing book. When I showed it to my T he said he was seriously interested and he had just returned from a seminar on Attachment. The thing is- I don't believe him any more. He used to be the best T in the world- with all the right stuff, but not any more. It seriously seems as if he does not care and this is so confusing for me. He got me to trust him, he said I had to learn to depend on someone emotionally in order to feel safe, and now I feel like he dropped me, and I am alone and rejected. Can I crawl up onto your counselors couch in a warm blanket and cry?
Two weeks ago I was in crisis- cold feeling, numb, alone, sad, motionless, with thoughts racing- so I txt him. He NEVER responded. The following Monday he apologized and he understood why I would feel betrayed, but gave no reason. I thought things were ok, but I called him a week ago because I have to change my appointment, and he NEVER called back. He is a fake, and I am so sad. It is 5am and I have been awake since one, and I have to go to work in a few hours. Can I say that I hate my T right now or is that taboo for this sight. He has helped me sooo much in the past and now??? I don't get it. I would rather die than call him again. I can not depend on him any longer, and I was feeling safe. F%#k emotional dependency.

My daughter is a senior in college, but I have another in HS, so the leaving transition has not been my issue. I wish I could find the words to support you, but I don't really know you and I am feeling lost inside too.
From Helle
Thanks for the hug! And for being so understanding and encouraging. Just knowing that it's ok that I'm struggling means a great deal. And I'll keep the hot chocolate in mind. Big Grin

Thank you for getting that it was hard to post. I feel a lot more normal for having people understand what it's like to be in this place and how crazy the triggering can feel.

I'm so glad that you liked the book, it has been very important to my growth and in my work with my T (he read it on my recommendation and really liked it). I'm sorry for what you're going through with your T. But I want to ask you to do something very difficult which is to not give up on the relationship. One of the things that we're supposed to be able to learn from our attachment figure is "disruption and repair." No relationship is perfect because they all involve human beings. There is NO such thing as a relationship where we NEVER get hurt or disappointed. But what we're supposed to learn is that when people hurt us or disappoint us we can tolerate that hurt, make our feelings known and restore the relationship. That a resilient relationship can weather all of that. But there's no way to learn that if we're not allowed to express ourselves or no one is paying attention. So instead when we get hurt even in what is a good solid relationship, we think we have to leave because it's going to be the same pain we've known before. There are a lot of explanations for what happened that do NOT involve your T being untrustworthy or uncaring, but you won't know unless you talk to him about it. You need to let him know how you felt about him not returning your contact. Because of boundaries he may not be able to tell you the exact reason but he can hear all your feelings. Therapy is a good place to start experiencing being able to go through when things don't go right. I appreciate you responding to me when you were in such a bad place.

How do you do it? How do you go so swiftly to the heart of a matter, but what is more amazing, always return bearing hope? Your understanding is such a gift, thank you. But I do have to learn not to read your responses at the office. Co-workers look at me a little funny when I'm sitting at my desk crying. Smiler
And you're right, I'm going to be done with being scared of living completely.

Thank you-
I will seriously think about what you are saying. I just don't know if I can talk to him. I don't know how to let go of him either, but seriously- the pain is so strong that I want to run away, very fast. I don't think I want to trust him any more.
I hope you are better. You seem to have a great understanding of things I don't yet know about, most of you that post do. THANKS
Hi Helle,
I know for me that the first thing that clued in my T to my having an attachment problem was that as soon as I told him that I was feeling connected and cared for and attracted to him, I started trying to run away. I even went to another T for a few sessions looking for a different individual therapist. The truth is that during my childhood moving closer in connection (which is a deep biologically driven need, you die without an adult to take care of you) led to me getting abused and hurt. Eventually part of your implicit learning becomes DON'T MOVE CLOSE TO ANYONE, YOU'LL ONLY GET HURT AGAIN. You learn it the same way you learn not to touch a hot stove after you burn yourself. So when we start to move close, a very primitive part of our brain essentially starts to scream at us to get out NOW. We then start looking for some reason to leave which will satisfy the more advanced thinking part of our brain. As in, "that rat bastard didn't answer my emails, I knew I couldn't trust him, I knew it was stupid to trust anyone, I have to leave!" If this sounds familiar to you, you might want to think about whether he's really untrustworthy (which is a possibility) or if you're just trying to run because it's too scary to get close. A lot of my healing has come from doing a lot of things that I was terrified to do, over and over.

Hi AG, & Everyone,
If any one else can relate to this- feel free. I welcome info and advice.
Ag- you described it perfectly. So well in fact- I may cut and paste (with your permission) our last few emails into a letter for him to read. (Crazy- I know- but that is how I often do therapy) At this point my head knows I should do what you say, but emotionally I am terrrified.(I dont really have a clear handle as to what I am scared of) It is so hard to trust him now.
My part in it is that I talk a good game- I enjoy talking about the psycho-philosophy stuff, and I would rather do that than discuss my issues, he thinks I am much stronger than I feel. I talk in terms of theory and books and ideas most of the time, but I am getting the idea that perhaps this has been an avoidance tool. And It helps in my deep desire to be liked and accepted by him.(Did not realize this before) I am always in a good mood when I am there and I don't cry. I cry alone. I am often an active upbeat person, but when I crash, I burn.
He finally did call and apologize- again, but it was too late.
I am still thinking about what to do, but right now, I'm truly immobilized in my head and heart battle as to what to do. This leaves me very sad indeed. As always- thanks for you help- all of you.
Thank you HB,
I am crying and smiling with identification as I read your message. Hopefully by rereading yours and AG's responses, I can get this from my head to my heart.
Mr T finally did call this afternoon, and explained something that I needed to hear, and I will be seeing him tomorrow. I do feel pretty foolish right now though. Again- thanks for caring. Rather than just being so darn... Confused needy, maybe someday when I figure more stuff out, I can help you. That is a goal of mine. I love the support I get from this site. Smiler
Dear AG and HB!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for pushing me to continue with my T! Limbic resonance is what he does best without reading the book. My T really knows how to smooth things out with me even though I couldn't share with him all that was going on (because I didn't know). Most of the miscommunication was because I had to change my appointment and he was not getting back to me. He apologized, and explained how to best get this done. Sometimes he does not set clear boundries, and that does make it hard to know how to work this stuff. He took responsibility for his attitude on the phone (apparently he was at his other job when I called)and said he needs to work on shifting from his engineering mind to his feeling mind. (He also runs and international skateboarding company started by his kids- yea- I don't know how he does both) After the call on Sunday- I felt worse- a kind of why did you call me at work. He says working with clients using relatedness is not a job for him, it is a pleasure, a release from his other left brain stuff.
Anyway- all is good this week, and if it were not for the two of you, I would have quit.
Many hugs of appreciation! Big Grin
I hope you are both well.
AG- one benefit I have found about my daughter going to college is that now, when we do talk- because we don't see each other as often, the conversation is more direct, powerful and loving- centering around our relationship and how important we are to each other. This came in the last 2 yrs of college. Her major- Psychology!
Oh, by the way HB I tried to use HB as my on line name, but it was taken. HB are my initials.
I saw an earlier message by you complementing AG on her choice and that you wanted to use it- but alas it was taken. (I think it waws you anyway)
Again - thanks for your (plural) wonderful support. Smiler

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