I'm being challenged and triggered by my teenage daughter constantly. I'm being ignored by my sisters because I won't do what they want. I can't stop eating and I'm so unhappy about my weight and the fact I'm in such bad shape. I tried a sleeping medication for two nights and I slept well but I felt too tired and miserable to go to work.
I called my T on Tuesday and spoke to him at lunch and told him how hopeless I felt. I felt like I barely survived until my session on Wednesday night. I wanted to talk about all the things happening to me but instead my T wanted to talk about how my main strategy for dealing with physical pain is to ignore it but that doesn't work with emotional pain. I was so angry after I left that I left an angry message for him telling him that I felt like he spent a session talking about what colour I should paint my dining room while ignoring the fire burning the house down. The next day I called and asked him if I could come in for an extra session on Friday.
The session on Friday went okay. He told me that he thinks that I need to develop strategies to manage emotional pain and he wanted to talk about the reasons that I have trouble with those kinds of exercises but he could understand why it would have felt like he was talking about paint chips and not the fire. He asked me if I wanted to talk about the fire and I asked him if he had any strategies which led us to spend the session talking about my difficulties with that.
I'm still feel unsettled. I think that my main strategy for dealing with my emotional pain is talking to him. I don't think he would like to hear that though. I wish I could be open with him about how much I depend on him but I'm afraid it will ruin things. I also wonder if we are working on different tracks.