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Here is an update:

Last Wednesday morning I ended up calling the police and they told me to email both the mother and daughter and let them know to not contact me or my children directly or indirectly. If they did not obey that then the police said to call them back and they would send an officer over to attend...I put that in the email as well.

The night before, my daughter had been up crying and crying...I guess she had emailed M (the mother, my ex therapist) to say she was hurt and did not know why we had to be pushed out, when it would be much easier for them to move etc. M replied with "I love you Kaitlyn". I didn't realize this but Kaitlyn responded BACK saying "I don't love you and when we are not living here anymore I never want to see you again" etc, M replied back again saying "I love you Kaitlyn" and this is where I got wind of this and told Kaitlyn NO MORE emails and I emailed M to ask her to please not reply to my kids. She replied to me with "I love you also". That actually sent shivers of disgust and anger down my spine as it felt like some creepy ex boyfriend.

This is why I called the police,the final straw, because it became clear to me that I was needing some sort of backup while we are still here.

Since the email- NO contact, no reply, nothing thankfully.

Thursday evening I went and looked at a NICE place with my oldest and we loved it!!!! Friday morning I was told I could come Saturday to pick the paper work up and so we did and we got the keys!!

We will be moving Sunday morning. I am still waiting for confirmation that our move will be paid for- through the ministry of disability. (I've had 3 back surgeries and so I'm on govt disability) So far 2 workers have recommended that they DO approve the cost and the supervisor should be calling this morning with the final answer. The ministry will pay for moving cost if you are moving to a cheaper place(which is not my case) OR if you are fleeing abuse. Pretty freaking scary that it is the abuse of someone like her who still works in a transition house for women fleeing abuse. The whole thing is sick!!

Nevertheless, we are about 90% packed and will be ready for Sunday morning...My landlord called yesterday as I had emailed him Saturday letting him know i HAD to move and I would forfeit my damage deposit & pet deposit. He was telling me how much he wishes I was the one staying!!! He is so disappointed and said if/when they give their notice down the road, I have first dibs at this house....I told him I would have to see how I am feeling at that point because I know I need time to decompress from the past 4 years of control, manipulation etc etc and this house might be a trigger for me and the kids.

Anyhow I just wanted to post this update. Yesterday the police did my fingerprints and sealed my name change envelope to sent it in. I had been told to wait until I secured a suite, that way there was no confusion halfway through a move with a name change.

I am so so so looking forward to being out of here, I can't even explain it. So many instances are coming back to memory from the past 4 years from when I wish I had of stood up to them (her and her daughter) but I can't beat myself up about it.

I am just so grateful we found a place that suits our needs (we have 3 pets I was dreading having to give up) and a fenced yard.

My next step once I have moved, will be to file a complaint with the counselling association that she is licensed with in Canada.

The GOOD thing is- in going through papers 2 nights ago I found the ORIGINAL counselling contract that I signed with her as a counsellor...which clearly states she was seeing me as a counsellor. In January 2010!!!!! I will be sending it in with my complaint as evidence.
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