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Had a session today with T. I had an awful weekend of switching between anxiety, pain and being so shut down and numb to anything. I had a socially busy weekend but struggled through it because of how I left off with my T on Thursday last week.

I was feeling angry at him because he kept me waiting for 20 minutes and then he squeezed my session into 35 minutes and I had to leave while still so emotionally upset, and uncontained. I had to walk out of there like I was bleeding and in a few minutes face the real world with no buffer.

It had been a truly emotionally wrenching session where I tried to discuss empathy with him and how I was feeling that he was refusing to provide that for me. Of course, this gets all tangled up in oldT's behavior towards me and how that last session has left me feeling very cynical about therapy in general. I wrote about our discussion on another thread here about empathy. And so... I was still crying and grieving when he signaled time was up and I could barely get out of my chair to walk. I was shaky and sick to my stomach and very scared. It's just so hard to turn off my emotions like they are a faucet. OldT (before last summer when he lost it) would never let me leave that way. I got plenty of time and then there was the availability of his waiting room which was large and had a few nooks where I could sit and compose myself before going out into the world again. Aside from this his office was in a secluded farmhouse where it was unlikely to meet anyone else until I got back to work. So I had time.

My T has his office in a large commercial building and I bank on the floor below and everyone knows me there. So many times I walk out and come face to face with tellers, etc and they engage me in small talk. It is totally excruciating for me. Last Thursday I came out to find my car blocked in by a truck unloading furniture and so I had to approach the delivery guys and ask them to move the truck. I was a mess and needed to be alone and I had to do this and it just really shook me up and I wanted to run and hide for the rest of the day.

So today I told my T that I felt that he did not want to see me last week and cut me short because I'm so horrible to talk to. He explained that he was late and was concerned that I get back to work on time and tried to squeeze in a whole session of work in 35 minutes. He apologized for running so late that day. He said he is human and screws up at times. I did accept his apology and he made me say it while looking at him. He also told me that he never wants me to leave like that and I should have told him I needed time.

But the rest of the session was me accusing him of being just like oldT. That I was nothing to him and that how did I know he would not abandon me too. That Ts are all the same and the relationship is BS and I didn't believe in it any longer and that I felt that it was useless for me to try to get well. I told him it was a huge mistake to meet with oldT in his office because now we have him in there with us. We even look at the chair all the time. I told him that the meeting only made me realize what a farce therapy is and how I meant nothing to oldT and he threw me away like garbage with very little thought of how it affected me. He had NO idea how he damaged me and caused me so much pain. he only cared about himself.

My T told me that oldT was totally incompetent (yes I know this) and that he was so very proud of me for saying what I did, for standing up for myself. He said "you stood up to an abuser and confronted him". He said I was strong and he had a lot of respect for me. That he had faith in me.

He again told me to look back on my experiences with HIM and compare that to oldT and how he behaved. He tried to get me to see that I was safer there now without really telling me that in words. He knows words are worthless to me at this point. I told him I found it very difficult to talk to him because he always looks the same if I'm telling him something horrible or discussing the weather. he agreed that he is boringly consistent (said he drives himself crazy sometimes he's so boring) but this is what makes me safe. I told him I need to read his face and this is how I have always protected myself in the past and he said that kind of hypervigilience is not reliable because look what happened to me. I hate when he has a good point. He also told me if I need to know how he is feeling about something I need to ask him and he will tell me. I told him I can't do that... it feels wrong. I know he wants me to ask for stuff and it's still so hard.

So we went back and forth for awhile. I told him that I have rejected him and our relationship and all that I had felt for him. It felt unsafe and dangerous and too scary to hold onto it. I severed the connection. I did this. I didn't want it and was giving it back to him. He said he understood but even though it feels scary it's not dangerous and he said a few things that made me smile because it's like he is just sitting there like a satisfied cat knowing that I'm attached to him and that I am railing against it but it's a done deal. he is just hanging out waiting for the process to work. He knows I'm being petulant. He asked me at one point if I was feeling around 5 years old and would I be stomping me feet soon?

He is just so patient and understanding and it makes me crazy. He is so solid and unmoving and the same. I want to SEE some emotion but I don't get it and it makes me miss oldT in that way. he was much more empathic and open emotionally... although I do know that he was also dangerously inconsistent.

I feel like I have regressed and that our relationship is going backwards right now. That is scary because I worked so damn hard to try to form this new relationship with him but it seems that it was too fragile to stand up to oldT's memories. And now I don't know where to go or what to do. I am stuck and can't move forward. I want to talk to him but the words just don't come out. And I'm still grieving and that makes it all worse. I just don't know when this loss and grief will ever go away and allow me to move forward.

For a few minutes today I had the urge to reach out to my T via email and talk to him but it passed quickly and I'm back to that frozen place. I'm just not sure what to do now. At the end of the session he told me that sometimes he loses track of time with me and forgets to give me a 5 minute warning because we are always doing some good and interesting work and he is absorbed in it. He also told me that he loves seeing my candle go on each day around the time I should be there. He smiled and said I make my presence known even when I'm not there and he likes thinking of me.

Thanks for listening if you made it this far.
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Sorry you are feeling disconnected and angry and I can certainly relate to those feelings. I think it matters that you went to your session and talked about your feelings. So even though the relationship feels like it is moving backwards it is going forward and going forward in a different way and to a different place because you haven't been this way before. You met with old T which has a huge impact on how you view therapy and your T is there with you even though you are angry and can't see anywhere to go. I think of AG's quote about the end and think it applies to therapy. If you are still going to therapy then it can still work out. It only ends badly when you or the T leaves. This T isn't leaving you. I wish that made things easy but I don't think so.

Keep writing,
I don't think you are going backwards - you are struggling with the aftermath of the anniversary and this T's unwavering support and consistency. This guy is rock solid. With all the turmoil from oldT - this guy is so opposite for you. Maybe you are waiting for him to betray you like the old one did? I just don't think he is going to do that. He is so there for you.

I am sorry you are in so much pain over this. Frowner Just my feeling, though, is that what T is doing is taking away all the old things you used to rely on in a relationship to figure out whether or not you were safe because he knows, as what happened with OldT, those cues didn't necessarily mean you were safe.

I'm wondering if you saw in OldT's face was what you interpreted to be the sense that he really cared and you are looking for that in NewT? Maybe it's not empathy that you are looking for but a sense that he really cares about you?

And, it's so hard to ask for that. So much easier to look for cues. I think he was giving you a hint by telling you how much he enjoys your candle. And that he forgets to give you a five minute warning because he is soooo engaged with you.

I think he wants you to come out and ask him if he cares about you. It feels so hard because it's such a threatening thing to do. My guess is that in the back of your mind you don't think he does. You said as much in your post, that you've lost all faith in therapy. And so, rather than be direct, you want to look for signs in his face, etc. And he's hiding them from you on purpose. He's intentionally being a poker face because he wants you to verbalize it. And it's driving you crazy!!! Because what you used to rely on isn't there.

Anyway, those are just my thoughts. I hope they help. I remember being in a similar spot with my T and it got so bad that either I had to leave therapy or come right out and ask if he cares about me. Hardest thing I've ever done in my life. Big payoff though. And, I'm thinking that he's already given you some hints at what he's going to say.

TN, look at how you perceived the day he cut your session short. You thought it was because of you, that you're horrible. Okay I get this. But the truth of the matter is, that it's his problem if he was running over and you are the paying customer and there's absolutely no way he should have shorted you your time. And, so it seems as though you are turning your anger inward and attacking yourself instead of being angry at him for shorting you.

It took me a long time to be able to be angry with my T. You have no idea of the internal struggle that took place. It's still not easy. But hopefully, I'm not turning it inward anymore!!! So, go easy on yourself. It's very hard to get angry at your AF especially when it meant a loss of love growing up.

On second thought, I'm wondering if you need to know that he LIKES you. I'm not sure emotionally for me what the difference the two are for me and/or if they are connected in some way. Yes, I guess someone could like you or me but not really care about us. I have to think about this one more.

Go for it, TN.



I'm sorry things are so hard for you - hugs.

Can I ask you if you ever were angry with your oldT? From my experience it has taken a lot of relationship building with my T to be in a position to feel I could risk being angry wtih her. (think I'm repeating some of what Liese has said here) And maybe, as horrible as it's all feeling right now, your being angry wtih him is actually really positive - that you feel safe enough with him to get angry. And it means that you will be in a position to move your relatinoship forward. This T sounds so great in lots of ways - I feel you can trust him - although of course only you can really judge that!! Best of luck TN. I don't know if any of this is relevant for you but really hope you can stick with the feelings - as painful as it's being.


PS Liese - what does AF stand for?
You are all so helpful and insightful.

SD... you are correct. I'm waiting for my T to betray me ... because well... everyone I ever attached to HAS betrayed me, so why not him? Maybe I'm pushing at him to see if he will stay. Maybe he knows this too (he probably does) and is just sitting there like a rock showing me he is safe and consistent. It just feels so uncomfortable to have this and I know down deep inside that it's more healthy but it's freakin' scary. I don't know what the heck to do with this relationship and I feel like my T is sitting there quite amused to see how I'm flailing around trying to find my balance.

Liese, I thought your response was wonderful! You said so much that makes absolute sense. You are spot on with what I would see on oldT's face and in his eyes. He had this way of looking at me where his eyes would soften and it made me think he really understood me and really cared because he knew how hard it was for me. I saw empathy yes, but also caring (or what I took for caring which now seems like I was delusional because he never cared at all and dumped me and never gave it a second thought).

I do want to know if my T cares for me and about me. But yet, that annoys me that I want or need to know this. It's like surrendering in some way to admit I care enough about him to want to know this. I HATE that it's important to me that he cares for me and that I'm "special" to him. The thing is he HAS told me many good things about our relationship but I cannot take them in. I don't know what needs to happen for me to FEEL what he is telling me. Last week I yelled at him that he is being so intellectual with me that he is not HEARING me because he is too busy giving me the answers (how like a man!). I told him I needed the right brain connection... I'm doing well enough with the intellectualization part of our relationship, thank you very much! Mad

He HAS told me that he likes me, looks forward to our sessions, respects me, thinks I'm strong, feels very protective towards me, thinks I'm very intelligent and a good mom. The problem is that much of this is what oldT told me too so it gets cancelled out in my head.

Liese I know how hard it is to get angry with a T you are attached to. I struggle with it but have been expressing more anger lately. I think it was great you could do that with your T and that it helped. It's even harder to ask how they feel about you because you have to be prepared to hear an answer that you don't want to hear and don't like. I think what is really weighing me down lately is wanting to know and ask about his "touch" policy. I know I will have to ask him about it, he will never bring it up. He does shake hands and touch my arm or shoulder but I want a hug sometimes and right now it's too scary to ask. I'd rather not know for now rather than hear a "NO" response. I guess I'm not ready for that.

I'm smiling at your "poker face" description of him which is a perfect description! Reminds me of the Lady Gaga song. Maybe I should send it to him?

Hi ask a good question. Did I ever get angry with oldT? I had a very difficult time showing anger at him and would question or confront him very gently because I knew I would scare him away from me. I had to take care of him and work hard to preserve our fragile relationship. I was in this habit because I did it with my parents too. So, he never really saw my anger and even after he was so cruel and horrible to me I still could never really get angry at him. I was just hurt and sad and grieving. So I guess I am feeling safe enough with this T to get angry and to not worry about taking care of him. (BTW, AF stands for attachment figure).

Thanks for the hugs!

Take care,
Originally posted by True North:

I'm waiting for my T to betray me ... because well... everyone I ever attached to HAS betrayed me, so why not him? Maybe I'm pushing at him to see if he will stay. Maybe he knows this too (he probably does) and is just sitting there like a rock showing me he is safe and consistent. It just feels so uncomfortable to have this and I know down deep inside that it's more healthy but it's freakin' scary. I don't know what the heck to do with this relationship and I feel like my T is sitting there quite amused to see how I'm flailing around trying to find my balance.


You know TN - he is a rock and he just doesn't seem to be the betraying type. I am sure he knows exactly what is happening to you - he is really in tune - he isn't going to get it right all the time, but he is the real deal. Of course it is uncomfortable - he is the first solid, trustworthy person ever given to you. You are in new territory here!!! Somehow, I don't think your T will be amused by this - I think he is so hoping that you are going to relax, find some comfort and trust him and your relationship with him. I think he is patiently waiting for you to stop fighting inside.

Us "untrusting types" are going to be looking for that OUT - that thing they do to betray us, we are always on hyper-alert for something about them that we can use to end the relationship - and then we can prove to ourselves that we were right all along - that we shouldn't trust anyone because in the end they will always betray us. We all have to stop that tape playing in our head. I know I have to as well - but I can't stop it from playing just yet, but I am trying to turn the volume down a little bit. That is the best I can do at the moment.

I know I want my T's approval and I've been aware of that for a while. I've been doing figurative cartwheels for him for years, all the while despising that in myself, despising that I wanted his approval and felt like it was something I had to get rid of.

But then someone very wise said to me, so, it is what it is. You want his approval, so what? And I went in to him recently and said, your approval is important to me. And I really thought he was going to say, we have to work on that, it shouldn't be that way. You need to be an independent person who doesn't need anyone's approval.

But instead he said, there is nothing you can do that I would disapprove of. I went home and cried because it meant so much to me. Can you imagine how I would have felt if he had said, yes, liese, we need to get rid of this need. I didn't realize that at the time. He just accepted me that way I am, warts and all. It felt so good.

I'm not going to say that to you either, that that's a need you have to get rid of. I think it's necessary to know that he cares about you. Well, look at what happened with OldT. But even if that hadn't happened, you're in therapy, it's so incredibly one-sided. You're being asked to be vulnerable with someone who doesn't have to be vulnerable back, who actually shouldn't be vulnerable back. It really is such a huge thing that's going on in the therapy. I think it's really important tha you know that the person who is sitting across from you really cares about you. There is nothing wrong with you for wanting or needing that. That's a healthy need, IMO.

If you asked New T how he felt about you, what answer do you anticipate he would give that you wouldn't like? He's said so many positive things about you. The only thing he might say is that you can't have a relationship outside of the office. But you know, my T never approached it that way. He always focused on what we have together, as opposed to what we can't have together. And what we do have is something really important and special and probably many people don't even have that with their spouses.

The words may seem meaningless now. And I couldn't take them in for a long time either. I can't tell you how long I put off that, "Do you care about me convo?" because I knew in the back of my head that even if he said he did, I wouldn't believe him. But it's only been in sharing the difficult things and watching him adjust himself to meet my needs that I have come to believe, yes, he truly does care. (I hope! LOl!!!) I did accuse him recently of telling me that our relationship was special to him because that's what I needed to hear in order to heal and that he really didn't mean it. And he said that he doesn't say things he doesn't mean.

But the problem for me, and it sounds like for you, is that there is always this feeling of needing to be physically close to someone in order to feel that care. Like, even just walking next to someone and rubbing shoulders and knowing that there is an intimacy between you. It doesn't have to be sexual. For some reason, though, they seem to go hand in hand. My T used to always walk next to me on the way out of his office and sometimes we did rub shoulders. All of a sudden a couple of months ago, he stopped doing it and is now putting what seems like a huge distance between us when we walk out of his office. I did ask him about it and he reacted as if he didn't know what I was talking about, that nothing had changed with the way he walks me out. But I haven't pursued the touch conversation either because I keep asking myself how I would actually feel if he sat next to me. What I have really been yearning for is for him to put his hands on my head if I cry or something like that. Sometimes I'd like to curl up next to him and just have him stroke my hair while I cry and have him tell me everything will be okay. He's previously announced a no-hugs, no handholding policy but in my mind, that still might leave room for him to touch my head or sit next to me. And, so I continue to put off the conversation because I keep asking myself how will I feel if he says no but also equally as important, how will I feel if he says yes? It is such an act of intimacy that I want to be sure I am ready for the event if it happens. (He also spontaneously told me about a study he read of basketball players who high-five each other and touch each other more - like on the butt - win more games. And, so I know he's onto the whole touch thing as far as bonding is concerned. I don't know if he's onto it as far as regulating my nervous system. Actually I would like to use it for both purposes. Big Grin)

We both have the male/female dynamic going on and I'm assuming you and your T are close in age? My T is about 5 years older than me, I think. Anyway, I keep asking myself, what if he did hug? How would we hug? Would it be a full-on body hug? Would I get sexually excited? Would he? And I can appreciate how difficult it would be.

For me there's definitely a connection between emotional intimacy and physical intimacy. They are hard to separate. Like, sometimes I feel as though I hold back emotionally because if I get emotional, I will feel as though he and I have to then consumate it with a kiss and I know that's not appropriate. I would feel like that with anyone I have that emotional intimacy with so I know it's not just him.

It's all so complicated, TN. Just make sure you feel safe enough with him before you bring up the topic because either way he answers might be difficult for you or anyone to deal with. Maybe work a little more on the caring stuff before broaching the touch stuff?


If you asked New T how he felt about you, what answer do you anticipate he would give that you wouldn't like? He's said so many positive things about you. The only thing he might say is that you can't have a relationship outside of the office.

Liese, this made me smile thinking of the time he told me that attachment was good and normal and that we DO have a relationship there in therapy but if I tried to go home with him it would be a problem LOL. Of course we both knew that I knew this and it was not an issue that would come up.

I truly think all of these emotions go back to the fear of allowing him too close to me because I just feel it's only a matter of time before he betrays me, abandons me, decides he hates me or gets tired of me. Like oldT did and others in my life. I am so surrounded by dysfunction that I don't know how to react to a healthy relationship and it feels scary. But as my T would remind me "it's not dangerous".

There is one other thing... I think part of me is angry at him for making oldT leave that day of the meeting. Once I finished reading my stuff and oldT apologized and shook my hand saying he never meant for it to work out this way and that he didn't want this for me... then my T sort of ushered him out rather quickly and I was very activated and emotional at the time and I didn't really say good bye to him or Tdog either and I just remember sitting there... I could not stand up... and seeing them both rush out the door with my T. And that was it.

That was the final end.


You sound so sad. Frowner You really loved OldT and his dog. All that love and loss for OldT is probably mixed up with the love and anger you have with New T. Like one of those rubberband balls. Can you compare the love you had for OldT with any old relationships you have had? How about your relationship with NewT? I've done that periodically with my T as we got to different stages and my relationship with him reminded me of different relationships I've had in the past. And they've changed as I went along. It's been helpful in terms of figuring out what it is I am afraid of and T is then able to give me the reassurance that I need. Although, like you, I don't always trust it. But at one point, my relationship with T reminded me of this guy I had just mostly a sexual relationship with and I would go home afterwards and cry. (all the limits and boundaries) And then it reminded me of a guy I loved a lot who wanted a romantic relationship from me. I wasn't attracted to him in that way and the relationship ended and he never spoke to me again. (loving T so deeply as I do and fearing that I'm going to lose him.) And, so as I've built my relationship with T, I've grieved, I guess, different aspects of relationships I had in the past that perhaps I didn't grieve properly then. It wasn't always just about my relationship with my parents. And, so the love part moves forward into the present and the fear part slides away into the past.

Have you talked to him about how the session ended for you? He might want to know and get the chance to explain to you why he did what he did.

I remember there was a point in my therapy when I loved my T just because he didn't end our relationship, he didn't push me away. And I was so grateful for that. There was some marker in my head, oh, he should have dumped me by now and he hasn't. Now, it's different. We're developing an emotional trust. But we had to get past that other marker first.

I love your T's sense of humor, how boring he is, how tired of himself that he's so boring, that you can't go home with him. He sounds really funny. Smiler

Anyway, I'm sorry to ramble on about me. Just trying to relate your experience to mine. It might be a matter of untangling that rubberband ball and figuring out which ones to keep and which ones to get rid of. Not an easy task.
My rubberband ball bounces all over the place sometimes.

Good luck tomorrow.


Hello, TN- I am so sorry to hear you are experiencing some disconnection from your T. I know how awfully painful that can feel, from my relationship with my oldT. It really hurts when you have this connection and reliance on a T, to feel disconnected. I like how unperturbed he is by your feelings, though. You truly can be totally yourself and throw anything at him, and he will not take it personally or punish you, because he knows how to take care of himself, so that he will be able to help you.

I understand how, feeling emotionally close feel so importnat in therapy. But sometimes I am beginning to wonder if that is not the work, after all. If the work is to be comfortable enough with another person that we can truly explore with their guidance- what is going on with us, and yes, how to get better. I know I am getting better with Cowboy T- the change is unmistakeable. But I still have this nagging...thing...that I feel like I am back to where I was before therapy with Guru. That I can function now- precisely because there is no deep emotional connection with another person anymore.

It's real confusing. I know you will be *able* to sort this out though- since your T is not about protecting himself from anything uncomfortable or difficult- but is about helping you to know yourself within a safe relationship. Sorting it out wouldn't have been possible with OldT because he didn't know how to keep himself separate enough from you for you to feel not worried about how you affect him. You don't always have to worry about being a "good girl" with this T- and that is exactly how it should be. You are doing great work with him. And he is pushing you, yes, and that is such hard work. But it will make you better. Trust your T- he knows what he is doing, and he will be able to guide you to safe shore.

But I'm still wishing you warm fuzzies, anyway- cause sometimes we just need that, too, I think.



I love your T's sense of humor, how boring he is, how tired of himself that he's so boring, that you can't go home with him. He sounds really funny.

Liese, he really is funny and he likes to tease me and he can make me smile even when I'm angry about something. He has come to know and understand me pretty quickly and knows where to "poke" at me to get a rise out of me. He tells me he teases me out of affection. I like that.

Thanks Beebs for what you said. You are right in that I do not have to be the good girl with this T. He gets it. And he trusts the process and that is the difference. OldT did not trust it... he didn't even know what the heck it was! And yes we were able to work things out. At least enough to reconnect.

Kashley, thank you for thinking of me. Hugs.

Today when I got there his door was open and he was not in there so I went in and got my blanket and sat down. He came in a few moments later. I smiled at him when I saw him and he shook my hand and sat down and then I smiled at him again. I think that threw him off a bit. He smiled back and said ...okay well I like the smile. It's much better than what I have been getting lately. So I told him that I have to start somewhere. I was also smiling because he FINALLY wore his pink shirt again. This is the first time I have seen it since I told him he looked really good in pink. I was afraid I'd never see it again because of that comment. So I was a happy camper.

We began to talk a bit about oldT and that last session. I told my T how I'm still upset and it hurt to know how little I meant to him and how I thought he would at least be concerned about my well being or how I was doing since I last saw him. It hurt to realize that he had NO NO idea of what damage his abandonment did to me. When my T told him I had trauma from the termination he did not even understand that... the thought my T was talking about old childhood trauma. I know we go over the same ground again and again and I worry he will get sick of me and he tells me that this is the nature of trauma and he expects we will have 50 more conversations about it and it does not bore him nor make him think I'm a failure in any way.

I then told him that I don't want to be angry at him any longer and I realize that some of the anger was transference from oldT but that some of it was justified ... that he left me waiting for 20 minutes and then rushed me out... totally uncontained and disoriented in 35 minutes. He took ownership of that and again apologized and said that does not usually happen and when it does it's usually a VERY serious situation he is dealing with. I told him it was okay and no one is perfect and I really did understand. It was more the way I left there... so raw and freaked out by our conversation. It took days for me to calm down about it and I was still upset on Tuesday when I saw him again.

We talked further about attachment and what it meant with oldT. He said he didn't feel that oldT was able to attach to a patient and he was afraid of attachment and probably did not really understand the way it works in therapy. He said I was able to form the attachment but w/o him allowing it to happen on his side, I was in danger. He told me that he encourages and works to build the relationship and the attachment that comes with it. It's how he works. Again he told me that the great thing about psychodynamic therapy is that not only do we get to have this amazing relationship but that we also have the opportunity to examine it in detail, live as we are engaging in it. We can discuss it and analyze it and learn from it... about how we do relationships and how we behave with others based on our past history. He said this is something we already do very well.

I told him how I hated being disconnected from him even though it was me who made the disconnect. I told him that I missed him a lot and it was lonely without him. He said that I was depriving myself of that attachment that I need very much. He said it helps me and I said yes, it really helps to regulate my emotions and my nervous system and he teased me again about the "psycho-babble" and he wants me to talk in basic, emotional and feeling terms. I told him I knew that I do the left brain stuff when I need to protect myself and I understand why he wants me to speak with emotional and feeling words instead.

I told him how hard it was to attend a wedding last week because I would see someone there that had hurt me in the past and how I was struggling with that and he said...that is when you should have picked up the phone and called me. I told him I was denying myself that support because of the disconnect. He asked me not to do that anymore. He said he does understand that I was pushing him away to see if he would leave me and he won't. He also said he expected us to have a disruption after I saw oldT again. It was part of why he wanted to wait for me to see him until our relationship could withstand that and until I was also stronger. He told me again how wonderful I did that day. How powerfully I spoke and how eloquent were my words that I read. He said it all finally made an impact on oldT.

At the end I told him about changing my avatar as I explained on the other avatar thread.

So I left him feeling really good and connected again and what's more important ... I am seeking and accepting the connection and it feels really good. I really did miss him.


I love the new avatar. It's so meaningful. It really feels like you are letting go a little but embracing something else instead. I wanted to say something better but don't want to be dismissive of all the good you had with OldT. Maybe, just something more steady. More reliable and dependable.

I loved reading about your session today. Your T is special and you are brave.


Hi TN,

I don't usually get the time to respond to the posts I read but your post resonated with me so much. Recently, I have been so angry with my former T, not my current one. They are both good Ts. I just want to see the concern and feel cared about and I never got that from my old T. It's hard to know if this anger is a positive step or if it is making matters worse.

It sounds like your new T is a realiable one. Stick with it. I would be upset too if my T cut my session short...and she has. But I guess we have to remember that they are human too and can make mistakes. Just don't bill me for that mistake Smiler.

I hope you are getting the support you need and you can find a way to feel better.

Hi SBR, thank you for your comments to my post. I'm sorry that my situation resonates with you. It's a difficult place to be. At first I felt no anger because I was in such deep grief. The grief overwhelmed any other possible emotion. Lately, I have felt more anger, especially after that last meeting we had. Unfortunately, a lot of anger gets misdirected towards my current T, who does not deserve it. He is really wonderful, despite being human LOL Big Grin

I think the anger is a good thing if it is constructive type anger and where you have a safe place to express it and work through it. I have been "in recovery" from my abandonment for 13 months now. It takes a really long time to get past something like this. My T says he expects we will talk about it 50 more times and that is okay. It does not always dominate our conversations any more but it's always there and I am only now starting to let go of things in baby steps.

As for the pain.... I don't know what to tell you. I still have pain and sometimes it gets really overwhelming. I try to cope by distracting myself, by writing and by seeing my T twice a week. Do you feel that you current T is helpful? Do you see any progress at all? My T is very good at making me aware that things are getting better for me even if I don't always feel that. I know that it will get better eventually but the scars will always remain and I am forever changed by having that experience. There is not a lot I can do about it as it is now part of who I am.

I wish you much luck and hope your pain eases soon.


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