Do you think that there is a possibility that we are working so hard to control and rationalize our "issues" that we have lost sight of what "normal" people have- the ability to discern and hold boundaries, and just allow ourselves to go ahead and get pissed off to keep those boundaries firm?
Hey number9, always good to hear your thoughts. Wodnering if you can explain what you wrote above a little more? Are you saying that I'm rationalizing my issues and not realizing that my T has the ability to ....? Sorry, I'm not getting it.
And how am I rationalizing my issues? Do you mean because I was upset that he might be someone who has never been rejected and so focusing more on that and how unbelievable that is than that I've been horribly rejected and that's where the problem really is?
Number9, my H is a huge advocate for the disabled and for the underdog. But, he is not in touch with his own anger. And, he takes care of other people better than he takes care of his own family. I'm not seeing that he is any better off than anyone else. By advocating for the disabled, he is tending to his own wounds, IMHO.
Stage 3 of the trauma work is return to the real world and to competition. When I got angry at T because of what he said, it really brought to my attention the anger I have at people that I see as being more fortunate than me. The ones who just kind of, I don't know, just walk the earth without regard to other people's feelings. The people who never seem to know what it's like to be alone or lonely. People who don't know what it's like to work for a friend.
Maybe those people aren't real and that is something I have to overcome. My reaction to T brought to my attention that this is a HUGE issue I have. I have a lot of anger there. T is the least of my problems. I'm thinking about when I go back into the workforce (very soon!) and have to deal with people and find myself perhaps reading into people and getting angry and learning to NOT let it affect the relationship, somehow.
The social stuff is much easier for some people. And they haven't experienced the anxiety and pain surrounding it that I have. And I'm afraid that I'm going to overreact when I go into the real world because of what I see as their insensitivity.
I was just afraid that my anger was so strong that I wouldn't be able to work with T anymore. And if it was true, that he'd never had feelings that weren't reciprocated, I'm not really sure what that would mean. As far as who he is as a person. Did you see that Mel Gibson movie, "What Women Want?" It was hysterical and really showed that what was going on in Mel's head was vastly different than reality.
The enactment is really hard for me to describe but involved the preoccupied part of my set-up and T not really knowing that what he was doing was actually exacerbating that part of me. He thought he was holding the boundaries. But he was holding them so far back that I wasn't getting a sense of his caring.
I've been going to him, well, now for 4 years but when all the enactment stuff started, I'd been seeing him for 3 years. And IMO, he was still acting like this person I'd just met the day before, all every boundaried and professional, etc. I know it is a professional relationship BUT .... we are human beings also.
So, actually how he was reacting to me triggered certain responses in me that probably wouldn't have happened with someone who has a greater understanding of the attachment styles. The attachment styles are not his strength.
Does that help?