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Okay, So since I don't really have a schedule right now and I'm doing a home-study course, I decided to create a schedule for myself that includes a meditation hour at the Buddhist Center in town. I live outside of NYC in an affluent suburb although where I live we have more poverty than the surrounding area where the Buddhist Center is located.

And, so the teacher was giving her lecture and she mentions some basics of buddhist thought which includes letting go of our delusions. She also mentions that the emperor of Japan said that Japan deserved the tsunami, that they are a people of greed.

I immediately felt anger rise in me and I raised my hand to challenge her. I wasn't sure at all the emperor himself or his family has suffered in a material way but I could surely see them being affected by greed. And the people who were affected by the tsunami, where they greedy? Or where they just the poor working and middle class trying to get by??? I was so offended by her mentioning this and got triggered. I wasn't sure if it's because I'm a codependent in recovery who has suffered from years of self-neglect that I'm finding all this hard to swallow??? I get the basics of Buddhism but I myself have never been caught in any kind of greedy, money making, excess lifestyle. Although, I know for sure that probably many people in my area and those who show up in this buddhist center probably have been caught up in all this stuff. I'm just struggling with how Buddhism applies to the person who actually suffered from neglect?? I was and am having a hard time reconciling it all.

I felt so transparent about challenging her. Afterwards, they served soup and I forced myself to stay and face my anger. People engaged me in talk, thankfully, so I didn't completely ostracize myself. One woman said that well, you're clearly a beginner and it's hard to come into the middle of a conversation like that. Frowner

Anyone else into Buddhism???
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just googled "japan deserve the tsunami" and it appears that people were saying this on FB and twitter ... but I can't find anywhere that the emperor of japan said this at all. it actually looks like he made a rare appearance and he was very compassionate and empathic.

that teacher must have misheard what she thought she heard and then used it to illustrate a point.
Sorry for your experience. I am having a reaction to the lady who told you it was obvious you are a beginner. Not a good one. Her behavior might indicate that she herself could benefit from a bit more studying! I can see why the experience would upset you - especially with so many discrepancies in the philosophies vs people's behavior. I am really turned off by the idea of subscribing to something because it is the "in" thing. Sorry if my impression is off, but it is the picture I got from your post.

I have not studied Buddhism a lot, but many eastern philosophies appeal to me.

I do have a lot of trouble with the area around the subject of self-deprivation. In therapy we are taught to honor ALL of our feelings, even the negative ones and that we are worthy of care and comfort. Yet, the message I get from Buddhism is that we are not to rely on anyone or anything - no attachments, and it is good to deprive ourselves to free us from reliance on anything outside of us.

I would like to hear others' thoughts. I am clearly not an expert...... Roll Eyes Just something I have thought about.
Hey Liese, before I even read your post I read somewhere online (I'm scratching my head trying to remember if it was an AP news story or not) that the emperor did actually make that judgment about the Japanese being punished for their greed. At least, he is alleged to have done so. I know little about Buddhism, but I just want to say that I am very bothered about this statement, if the account is true. I am a bit confused about the lady at your center, was she agreeing with this statement or just sharing information that she had heard?
Oh my gosh, MH, really you heard the emperor did make this statement? It just makes me sick with those poor people suffering so much. And, then, to tell them they deserve it by their own leader???

She was kind of agreeing in a general way, not necessarily that the japanese people themselves deserve it because of pearl harbor or anything like that. But in just a kind of karmic way. a what goes around, comes around kind of thing.

It was really rather bizarre. I'm going to do some more googling to see if I can find it if he did say it.

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