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I'm in a long stretch between appts (2 weeks) because of the holiday this week (Thanksgiving Day in the US on Thursday) my T didn't have an appt available this week. I did the usual unthinking thing I do and didn't really protest. My last session was when I discussed the sexual attraction in such detail and there was just a "leetle bit" of fallout from that. I was having a really difficult time by last Friday feeling like I was unloved but was so needy that I would drive everyone away. I went to ground feeling like it was horrible being alone but even worse going near anyone because I would just suck the life out of them with my neediness. I've run into this before and I recognized it for emotions from my past and not reality today. But it was seriously intense, I was having a hard time getting through it. I couldn't even post about it because it was too scary. I even talked to a close friend of mine on the phone (who would have been more than willing to help me through it) and acted like nothing was wrong. So I finally called my T on Friday afternoon and was totally incoherent on the phone, I mean I could barely explain what was going on. My T stayed with me long enough to calm me down and recommended that I journal about what was going on. He told me to call again if I needed to. I woke up in bad shape on Saturday and ended up emailing my T in the afternoon to see if I could get an appointment. I assumed I wouldn't hear from him until Monday because his appointment book is at his office (side note: Why are Ts so technologically challenged? Why isn't he using a calendar program that he could carry with him on a PDA?).
When I didn't hear from him in the morning I started to get hopeful that maybe he was working something out. He finally emailed me at 9:00 that night to tell me he didn't have anything but he would contact me if a cancellation came up.
To say I reacted badly would be like saying the Artic is a little on the cool side. Smiler

I was hurt and angry in a I wanted to throw a tantrum kind of way, stamp my feet, scream, throw things. Caught me off guard, because by then I was feeling pretty stable and I had also expected that the answer would be no. It was also that sickening feeling of one minute feeling like a competent, intelligent adult (stop laughing!) to a needy, overwhelmed child in a heartbeat.

So I decided to take some time alone and try to figure out what was going on. What followed was very different. I tried to step back and just let how I was feeling come without trying to judge it or decide if it was ok, (my usual style) and I realized that I was angry with my T. Angry that he couldn't schedule his appointments better, angry that it took him so long to get back to me and angry he wouldn't give me an appointment. But the angry had a little kid quality of just being mad because I didn't get what I wanted. Kind of "how dare he tell me no" with a stand up and spit in your eye quality my anger never has. With a shock (or in Shrinklady's parlance, an "aha!") I realized I was just angry but it was a clean, fresh anger. I realized that this anger was on my side of the boundary between my T and I. It didn't mean he did anything wrong or even that he should have done something different, it just meant I was angry about what happened. It was like finding the person underneath all the layers of crap that had come to surround getting angry and just experiencing it in a pure form. There was almost a sense of joyousness about it; a conviction that I had a right to my anger. I actually burst out laughing when I realized that I was just plain old mad. It felt like I was running down that grassy hill again. And what was even better was realizing that even though I felt really angry at my T, I also still really knew I still felt all the good stuff about him also. That I realized it was one person having both of those emotions. Did I mention how different this felt? Big Grin

When I thought about it, I realized that when I get angry, I actually do this thing where I think through whether its "ok" to get angry. That I only give myself permission to get angry if I can determine that the other person actually did something wrong. I think I'm coming to understand that process is backwards. You get angry, then think your way through the situation and decide how you want to handle that anger. Sometimes it can be a spur to needed action and sometimes you can just recognize that you feel angry but you really don't think the other person is doing anything wrong. My T has been trying to explain this to me for LOOOONNNNNGGGGG time, but I think that's the first time I've viscerally experienced it. I can't wait to talk to him about it. (OK, the down side is that I also need to talk to him about appts and why he's driving me nuts about them.)

And I'm still six days away from my next appointment and I'm fighting a feeling of "homesickness." I know my T is there, but I really miss him. Which sounds a little silly to say about someone you saw a week ago, but its how I feel.

Does this make sense to anyone? Its hard to put the feelings into words.

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Huh! So you're, like, giving yourself permission to feel what you feel when you feel it, even if it doesn't "make sense" (in the Justified and Righteous sense of the term). You're acknowledging that you're feeling the emotion, and that it's okay to feel said emotion, and that feeling that emotion doesn't have anything (or doesn't have to have anything) to do with how you react to having that emotion. (In this case it does, there's that annoyance at his PDA-less existence, but it seems to be all about, as you said, choosing how to respond.)

True story?
I am slowly learning this lesson myself. My T reminds me all the time that emotions aren't right or wrong. They don't have morality they just are. It is such a automatic reaction for me to weigh every emotion I have and decide if I should be having it or not. I have to determine if it is appropriate and if it isn't then I better find a way to stop feeling it. I got so good at this that I pretty much had to reason not to feel any emotions after a while.

You are an inspiration when you sound so free.

I can totally understand how you feel right up to the pure quality of the anger. I then switch into judging my anger, my reason for anger, whether it can or should be expressed. My T tries to tell me there are no wrong feelings but I don't get it. I'm glad to hear that you are even if you had to have the upset of not being able to see your T this week in order to have it.

I also think it is fabulous that you can feel anger and all the good things about your T at the same time. I find anger morphs instantly into this relationship isn't working and it will have to end.

thanks for sharing your "aha" experience.
I got so good at this that I pretty much had to reason not to feel any emotions after a while.

River, that's exactly what I meant about going underneath all the layers that have built up over my emotions. I never just "feel" my feelings which is why this felt so different. I'm hoping its the beginning of permanent change.

I also think it is fabulous that you can feel anger and all the good things about your T at the same time. I find anger morphs instantly into this relationship isn't working and it will have to end.

The shortest distance between two points, is me getting angry and believing the relationship is over. The only time I've ever seen my T get in shouting distance of being frustrated was over this very issue. My keeping one foot out the door, so to speak. That I needed to see anger, not as dangerous, but as a normal part of a relationship, one that can be dealt with. That's why it was so weird to feel that. Really good, but weird. Big Grin

Thank you for all the feedback!

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