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I am angry at H today.

I am angry about his condition, which invades me and has warped my sexuality.

I am angry that the pain from the incident of last year and the expense of where he lives makes him want to move away. And, I am angry that his company might get bought and there is a chance he could lose his job. I CAN'T LOSE my T, my pastor and the other people I am slowly opening myself up to and start over. If I have to start over, I feel I will just shut down and refuse to ever try again.

And I'm angry that when I told him about how scary it is to be opening up to these people when he keeps throwing out suggestions of finding a new church or a new job and moving away, he just looked uncomprehending of my pain and disgusted with my selfishness for wanting to stay when he is so clearly unhappy.

I feel angry that I have stayed through such a traumatic incident that tore me away from sisters who are like children to me and yet I'm still the one feeling selfish for not wanting to keep sacrificing.

And I'm angry at T, because he won't try to "keep me" here if I have to go.

I know most of this anger is ridiculous. I am being the child no one ever let me be. I'm sick of being a child who has to act like an adult. I've been that way almost my entire life. How am I ever going to actually grow up if I keep having to "act like an adult" rather than being allowed to be that vulnerable, needy child who is taken care of? I feel stupid and ashamed for facing a brokenness I don't think I can ever grow out of.
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I am being the child no one ever let me be. I'm sick of being a child who has to act like an adult. I've been that way almost my entire life. How am I ever going to actually grow up if I keep having to "act like an adult" rather than being allowed to be that vulnerable, needy child who is taken care of? I feel stupid and ashamed for facing a brokenness I don't think I can ever grow out of.

Right now, I'm wondering the same thing. (about myself, that is, not about you!)

I'm sorry Yaku... i know what anger feels like... and i'm not usually very good about letting it out, I'm far better at keeping it in.
Making the sacrifice of friendships and family is really hard.
My husband and I moved alot when we were first married, and looking back I can see that alot of it had to do with him saying similiar things... and it never solved anything for us. I do hope that you hubby doesn't lose his job... for your sake. I can't imagine having to move from my town at this point either, esp after establishing relationship with our therapist....

HUGS!!! oh and you aren't the only one that feels like a child... I'm right there with you!
Thanks DF - I know anger can be healthy. T has been trying to get me to connect with it in any way that is not immediately directed inward. Smiler Sometimes singing or playing music helps. I wish I could afford a good electronic drumset...the drums are definitely much better for getting anger out than a guitar, but they are so expensive to invest in. Sports used to help too, but I can't find any people who really want to play a game of basketball with me, especially with the toddler around. Big Grin

Mama (is it OK for US to call you that?) - I hope we don't have to move, but he has passed up opportunities before to let me stay near my family. So, I want to be understanding of his needs...but at the same time, it feels like I will die if I have to leave T. H doesn't struggle with attachment issues, so he is just incapable of "getting" that, no matter how many times I have tried to explain the "life or death" feelings of my relationship with T. Oh well. I suppose I would make it somehow and and I would have all of the people on here to get me through what it's like to start with a new T, new pastor, new friends, etc.
Awww LG, thanks. It's funny. Sometimes he tells me how lucky he is to be with me, to be married to his best friend, to have such a great mom for his daughter, etc. And sometimes he is complete @$$ and acts like I do nothing, like I obviously don't care about him and he wishes I realized it a year ago and left him then. But, 99% of the time I talk with T, T can't stop talking about how thankful H is to be with me. So, I wonder if T believes that H ever acts negatively toward me. Also, I overreact toward H's negativity, because he sends "mom" messages and I do transference exaggeration of his meanness toward me. But, overall, I am very blessed to also have a partner who is a friend and prioritizing our connection. He has kept reminding me recently, when I apologize for how broken I am, that he loves me in whatever state I'm in at the time and he's going to be there through the whole process no matter what. He may be an @hole through some of that process, but he'll be THERE. LOL. I guess I should temper my anger with some appreciation for what I have.

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