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I sent an angry email (well, actually an angry shared online journal entry) to my T today, and now I am terrified of how he’ll react. I have this overwhelming feeling of dread. I wrote that I trusted him, but I think I was just fooling myself. I keep checking my email, and feeling this terror in my body as the page loads, and then relief when I see he hasn’t responded.

Some background: My T was supposed to come back from a 1-week vacation in the beginning of July, but instead he injured his back and has not been back to his office since then. He was originally supposed to come back on September 2nd, then he postponed his return until September 16th, and now he’s postponed it until September 23rd.

I have had a some online sessions with him in the past month, and they haven’t been as bad as I anticipated, and it has been really helpful to be able to connect with him, but I am still anxiously awaiting the day he gets back to the office. I am really, really angry with him for “abandoning” me. He didn’t even send an email saying he wouldn’t be back in the office tomorrow as planned- he just changed his return date on the home page of his online portal.

Here’s what I wrote to him:

I am really scared of sharing this anger with you, but I am choosing to trust you when you said that it was okay for me to be angry. I am trusting that you won’t intentionally hurt me or abandon me in retaliation. I’m trusting that you won’t distance yourself from me “for my own good”, because I’m too dependent on you. I am trusting that you won’t ridicule me for caring about stupid things. I am trusting that I won’t damage you with my anger, that you can withstand me. Well, sort-of trusting that. I feel the need to temper what I wrote by saying that I can imagine that the responsibilities of your job might seem overwhelming sometimes, and the effort that you put into it might go unrecognized, so regardless of my anger, I want you to know that I do notice all that you do and I appreciate it, and I care about you.

Why do you keep putting return dates up when they don’t mean a thing? What’s the fucking point? Just say you hope to be back in mid- to late- September, and you’ll put a more definitive date when you know for sure. And then really only put a date when you do know for sure. Is September 23rd a real date, or are you going to just quietly change it again the day before, no apologies, no notice?

Here’s a fucking clue- it is a BIG DEAL for me that you are gone. I feel like a big part of me is in suspended animation, frozen in place until things are normal again. And you seem to treat it all so casually, like it doesn’t affect anyone else when you aren’t back when you say you are going to be. Like it is just a small inconvenience.

This whole situation sucks, but I can deal with the fact that you aren’t able to be back yet. But the way you’ve handled it has made an inherently sucky situation many times worse.

Let’s review:

-You go on vacation and are supposed to be back in the beginning of July. On the night before you are supposed to return, you put out a required form on the portal, saying you’ve been injured and won’t be back on Monday. You offer no other explanation or apology, only stating “I regret any inconvenience and strive to provide quality services. I hope to return as quickly as possible; however, it's important to clarify your needs just in case I'm out for more than a few days.”

-Two weeks later, you send out an email stating that you have been seriously injured and hope to return to the office on September 2nd. You offer no other explanation or apology.

-On September 1st, you send out an email stating that you won’t return to the office until September 16th. You say that you had surgery the week before, and apologize for the long absence and that you won’t be back the first week of September as originally planned.

-On September 15th, you change your return date on the portal home screen to September 23rd.

Does this really seem like the ideal way to handle the situation? You not coming back from vacation on the day you said you would be back is not an “inconvenience”, it is a HUGE DEAL, especially for clients with attachment/abandonment/trust issues. You treat it so nonchalantly, like it means nothing to you and shouldn’t mean anything to your clients. And to then not say anything for two weeks, when you hadn’t explained anything about what was going on and or even made it clear that you would be gone for a while, seems really neglectful.

I know I’ve expressed my distaste for your required forms before, but let me just reiterate how much I hate them. They feel like a power-play, like a violation. Like not only are you abandoning me, you are forcing me to be a part of it. And the language you use is always so cold and weirdly formal. It feels like you hide behind it. I have to remind myself that you aren’t like that in real life.

Each time you are supposed to be back in the office and you aren’t, you must have a pretty good idea that you won’t be back for at least a few days beforehand, so why wait until the very last minute to let your clients know? It certainly does me no favors. It just gives me false hope and makes me feel like an idiot for thinking it might be true. My trust in you is shattered each time it happens.

The anger it brings up in me is immense. I feel like throwing up. I feel hopeless. I feel powerless. I hate that all of my possible responses to your actions only hurt me. I hate that anyone reading this would think that I’m overreacting and crazy.
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That was AWESOME!!! I thought your acknowledgement up front of how scary it was to say this and delineating the risk you were taking, followed by how much you value the relationship both provided a wonderful frame and made it clear that you were responsible for your feelings.

Then you let rip in a manner that I thought expressed really well and very honestly how you are feeling but was not disrespectful. It was really a plea for your T to understand how the situation looked to you and how it was affecting you. (It was also very close to what I would have said in your place, only I'd have used more bad language and called him a few names to boot).

I think you were very courageous to say this, have every right to your feelings and that your T should be able to handle this and work through it with you, if not, I think the fault lies with him (you've been very patient!) FWIW, that letter would make my T giddy with joy!

I actually started crying at the validation contained in all your responses. I didn’t realize how alone and crazy I felt until I read them. Thank you! No response yet from my T. I’m having this weird internal war of trusting my T on the one hand, and then being absolutely terrified of him on the other.

Rebuilding Me- thanks for saying I’m brave for sending the letter, and for validating that it’s not just me overreacting to my T’s behavior.

Shaman- thanks for helping me feel not as alone in my anger. In a lot of ways, my T is really in tune with me and we have gotten through other ruptures in the past, so I have some faith that we can deal with this, terrifying as it is for me right now. His written responses tend to be awful, though, so I’m guessing nothing will get resolved until we actually meet.

AG- It was really interesting to read your thoughtful analysis of my letter. I don't know if I ever would have though of it in those terms, but it makes sense. Listing out all the risks I was taking at the beginning felt a bit manipulative to me, so I’m glad it didn’t come across that way to you. I must admit, there were quite a few more bad words in my first draft of the letter Big Grin

Quell- I also think it will be OK, if I don’t give myself a heart attack waiting for T to respond Roll Eyes That line you quoted galls me so much; I’m sorry you get stuck there too.
Totally agree with Hollow!

I’m having this weird internal war of trusting my T on the one hand, and then being absolutely terrified of him on the other.

Nanna, I think that's your adult experience of your T (that he is trustworthy and will work through ruptures with you) warring with your experience as a child (do not express your anger or you will be punished or abandoned (guessing here but substitute whatever it really was for you)). On a primitive level, being open with your therapist about this anger has to feel dangerous. I am continually amazed by my ability to still be scared about my T's reactions despite his near perfect reactions on a broad range of topics over a number of years. That early childhood stuff is truly powerful. I hope you get to see him soon and work through this.

I think you did a wonderful job Nannabee. And I can't imagine having to wait so long to meet with him again and then get your hopes up only to have him cancel at the last minute. I do not think you're asking too much of him to be more on the ball as to when he can actually come back.

After a while it would begin to scare me like if I could rely on him again. So I think it's good you are saying this to him. I can only imagine that you are not alone with your feelings on this. I bet other clients are going through the same thing.

Hang in there!
He responded! Here’s his email:

Thank you for writing, trusting, and sharing this journal. In the words of past messages, "we're good" ... I'm grateful to receive your journal.

Would you be able to meet via Telehealth on Tuesday at 10am?

His message was short, but made me feel so much better. Now I can stop freaking out over his response and start freaking out over having a session with him tomorrow morning Eeker

Hollow- thanks for the reassurance that I wasn’t being manipulative. I tend to think that any time I express my feelings I am being manipulative, which is probably something I should explore with my T at some point Smiler

AG- yes, the terrified part of me feels very young, and the reactions aren’t really about my T’s response at all, they are about breaking the internal rules developed in childhood to protect myself as best I could. What gets me is that there is no reasoning with this part- my rational adult self can explain all she wants that T isn’t going to hurt us, but this child-part isn’t having any of it.

Draggers- thanks for your cheerleading Big Grin I’m currently feeling really ashamed at having been angry, so it helps to see your reaction to my letter. Hug two

Turtle- it’s really the getting my hopes up part that hurts me the most. Because I know that he knows that he won’t be back long before he lets his clients know that. And all of my T’s other clients must be avoidant, because he often makes me feel like I’m the only client this bothers.
And all of my T’s other clients must be avoidant, because he often makes me feel like I’m the only client this bothers.

Oooh my horrible T used to make me feel "special" that way too. Told me that I was the most difficult. I was truly flabberghasted when she told me that. I didn't understand how that could be especially considering that on her website she says that she is skilled at working with all kinds of intense behaviors. And I don't even think I am that intense.... Oops I am saying too much here.

I am so glad he responded the way he did. He was even grateful!! That's cool. Nannabee that will be a great step toward your trusting him. I hope his back gets better soon so that you two can actually breathe the same air again some time soon.
Nannabee if ok.

Good for you! This upheaval must be terrifying. With one my Ts I have let had a lot of reschedules, some at only a half an hour before. It really upsets me but he seems aloof, one of the reasons for T2. The only time he rescheduled was for his baby and I saw him the next day.

I can understand injury but all the I will be back, I wont be back must be upsetting.

Good for you on getting your feelings expressed.
**TW- mentions of SI and abuse

Today’s session was…okay. A lot of it really sucked and there were many loooong silences and I didn’t feel connected to my T at all, but there were also some really intense parts.

Ever since receiving his response to my email, I’ve been struggling with this awful shame and self-hate. I felt that by revealing a part of my real self to my T, he would realize how undeserving the real me is of his care.

We both logged in to the online session and said hello, and had the usual awkward “can you see/hear me’ questions. I just wanted to cringe and hide myself. I couldn’t look at my T at all. He mentioned my journal entry and asked if I wanted to talk about it. As if I could talk about anything else with that entry looming over me. I said that I did want to talk about it.

My T talked for a while. He kept on repeating that it was okay for me to be angry, and he was glad that I could share it with him. He thanked me for the nice words I wrote at the beginning. And then he asked how I was feeling about what he was saying.

I couldn’t say anything for a long time, and had a hard time figuring out what I was feeling. I was disappointed that he wasn’t actually addressing any of my concerns from the journal entry, but I couldn’t make myself tell him that, no matter how much I knew that I should.

I finally told him that I felt disconnected from him, and that I felt he was choosing his words too carefully and wasn’t being real with me. I felt like he was patronizing me.

He seemed a bit hurt by that, and told me that it wasn’t his intention to patronize me. He said that he has always been aware of how big a deal it is to me that he has had to be away this summer.

But again, even though his words seemed fine, the emotional reaction I had was one of being dismissed. After another long silence, I told him that I felt like he was treating me like an “other”, rather than as a fellow human. That hearing “Oh, I’m sure that must be hard, for you" was infuriating.

He again stated that it wasn’t his intention. He brought up a phrase from a dream a described to him a while ago, where I said that he and I were “like archaeologists”. He asked if I could remember feeling the same way (like an “other”) in other relationships. Or if I could remember feeling the same anger that I did when I wrote the journal entry in other relationships.

I shut his line of questioning down with a quick no. I didn’t want him to be an archaeologist today, I needed to connect with him, to feel like he understood my anger, to have him talk about my concerns. But he wasn’t getting that.

He asked if a part of me had wanted to piss him off, make him angry at me with my journal entry. I thought about that for a while and then said no. He said he hadn’t thought so, but he thought it was a possibility. Then he asked how I had thought he would react to my entry.

I thought for a while, and then explained how my rational, adult part thought that he would react much like he actually had, but that there was another part of me that was terrified of his response and immediately regretted posting the entry. I also talked about the immense shame I felt after getting his response.

There’s a pretty big blank spot in my memory here. I know that at one point he got really loud and it startled me. At some point, he asked me what I thought about what he had said, and I realized I had no idea what he had been saying.

We were silent for a while, and I was thinking about how much I would like to say, but my brain won’t let me. I told my T that of all the things I wrote that I trusted about him, trusting that he wouldn’t ridicule me for caring about stupid things was key. I tried to explain to my T why this is so important, but I couldn’t say the words, I couldn’t risk it. T asked if I thought he was ridiculing me. I said no, and managed to mention my brother, but couldn’t explain further. I got lost in my feelings and tears started falling down my cheeks. T was quiet. Tears started flowing quicker. T and I just looked at each other.

My brother didn’t just physically torture me. He didn’t just terrorize me. It wasn’t enough for him to destroy my body, he wanted to destroy all of me. The joy he took in hurting me is always with me. The things he said while doing it. The things he said after. He stole my anger from me and twisted it back to hurt me some more. He is everywhere in my brain. My feelings are laughable. I have no worth. I am nothing.

I tried to explain this to my T. I wanted to tell him, but my feelings were too stupid to say. I couldn’t let him see how stupid I am. I tried to talk but I couldn’t get the words out, the feelings were too overwhelming, and I just broke down in tears.

After a long while, I looked up at my T. He was wiping away tears as well. We just looked at each other for a bit, and then he said that he was feeling very protective of me. His voice was quiet and strained. He talked for a while and I don’t remember what he said. We were way past our end time at this point. He asked if I was safe. I told him I don’t know. The self-hatred is strong and I want to hurt myself. He went over ways to keep myself safe. We said goodbye and logged out.

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